how do i get a code entry course entry for olympic college?

by Elliott Bernhard 3 min read

Take accuplacer placement test if necessary.

  • Bring copies of your unofficial transcripts & photo ID
  • An advisor will help determine transfer classes to meet your academic goal.
  • Submit prerequite review requests as necessary for first term permission codes.
  • Take accuplacer placement test if necessary.

Full Answer

How to enroll in classes at olympic College?

Register online through your ctcLink Student Homepage....Continuing or Former StudentsMeet with a Student Success Coach. See advising requirement.Find your "enrollment appointment". An assigned time to register is given based on total credits on your OC transcript (plus transferred credit). ... Register. ... Pay tuition.

Is Olympic College free?

However, Olympic College offers a Running Start Tuition and Fee Waiver for low income students.

Is Olympic College regionally accredited?

Olympic College is accredited by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities, an institutional accrediting body recognized by the Council of Higher Education Accreditation and the Secretary of the United States Department of Education.

How many credits is full time at Olympic College?

12FULL-TIME STUDENT: Students who enroll in 12 or more credits in one quarter are considered to be full-time students.

What costs are covered by running start Olympic College?

The waiver covers all mandatory college fees (except consumable fees) and any tuition for credits above the maximum 1.2 FTE or above 15 credits for college level classes only for Fall, Winter, and Spring quarters.

What college is in Bremerton WA?

Olympic CollegeEverest College BremertonBremerton/Colleges and Universities

What is a passing grade for Olympic College?

A grade of 2.0 or higher is required in each transferred course, except that up to 20 credits may be transferred with a grade of 1.0 to 1.99.

What is a regionally accredited university?

Considered the most prestigious and widely-recognized type of accreditation, regionally-accredited schools are reviewed by their designated regional agency. Nationally-accredited agencies review institutions of a similar type, such as career, vocational, and technical (art & design, nursing, etc.) schools.

What's the difference between regional and national accreditation?

Regional accreditation tends to have more rigorous quality standards than national accreditation. Institutions with national accreditation may still have rigorous, high-quality programs, but higher quality standards are ensured for regionally accredited institutions.

Is Arizona State university regionally accredited?

ASU Online is accredited regionally on the institutional level by the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools. The Higher Learning Commission is recognized by the U.S. DOE, a clear sign of its ability to impartially and thoroughly review the schools in its region.

Is Ivy Tech regionally accredited?

Ivy Tech Community College Is Regionally Accredited.

Admissions Eligibility

  • OC is an "open door" college, and students from all walks of life and educational backgrounds are invited to attend. To be eligible for general admission to the College, one of the following is required: 1. 18 years of age or older, or 2. High school or GED graduation, or 3. A written release …
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Application Processes

  • New Student Admission
    New students should follow the "Getting Started" process. For general admissions, the free application for admission is required. Apply online with the state Online Admissions Application by visiting and clicking the red "Apply Now" button in the upper right corner of the p…
  • Additional Admission Procedures
    Some programs require general admission and program admission. Application deadlines and entrance requirements must be met. There are additional admission requirements for: Adult Basic Education, High School Diploma Program, Running Start, International Students, Health Occupati…
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High School Programs Admissions Processes

  • Running Start
    Running Start is a dual enrollment program created by the Washington State Legislature to expand educational opportunities for high school juniors and seniors. Running Start students can enroll in college-level classes, tuition free, for up to 15 credits or a maximum of 1.2 Full Time Eq…
  • High School Completion Program
    Individuals who want to earn their high school diploma from Washington state may enroll in developmental and/or college-level courses to meet state requirements. Students who are 17 years of age or younger, or if their graduating class has not yet graduated, must have a release fr…
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Financial Aid

  • Financial aid is available at OC to those who qualify. Types of financial aid include scholarships, grants, loans, and institutional aid. To apply for financial aid, first complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Go to OC's financial aid web page at more information. Call 360-475-7650 with questions or visit the Ranger …
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  • Advisors help students choose classes, map their career or educational path, and introduce them to life at OC. In addition, specialized advising is available for professional-technical programs, transfer to four-year institutions, science, engineering, math majors, military connected students, and Running Start. New Student Advising Locations: OC Bremerton Advising Center Bldg. 4 (HSS…
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  • Registration includes selection of courses, completion of registration either online (ctcLink) or in person, and payment of tuition and fees. Students must be officially enrolled to attend classes. Registration is held before the start of each quarter and registration dates are listed on the OC website. The class schedule is available at all college campuses by request and online through t…
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Tuition and Fees

  • OC offers tuition rates for resident, U.S. citizen non-residents and international students. Tuition and fees may be paid using Visa, MasterCard, debit card (with Visa logo), check, money order or cash. Please visit OC's website at current tuition and fee rates. OC tuition and fee rates are subject to change by the Board of Trustees and/or the Wa…
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