how do i delete a course from duolingo

by Jannie Koepp 5 min read

Steps to remove a Course from a Duolingo course.

  • The user will be able to do it by means of the option to Delete course, located on top of their profile, by clicking.
  • The option to Delete course will be displayed.
  • The user will proceed to click on the selection of which course requires to be eliminated.
  • After having chosen, it will proceed to eliminate it.

Tap Profile tab. Tap Settings (gear icon) Scroll and tap "Manage Courses" Carefully select the course you'd like to remove and then tap 'Delete course' to confirm.

Full Answer

How do I delete a discussion in a course?

  • Open Discussions. In Course Navigation, click the Discussions link.
  • Open Discussion. Click the name of a discussion.
  • Edit Discussion Reply. Locate the student reply you want to edit and click the Options menu [1]. ...
  • Delete Reply. To delete a student reply, click the reply Options icon [1], then select the Delete option [2]. ...
  • Show Deleted Replies. ...

How do I delete a course as an instructor?

To unpublish a course, please follow these steps below:

  • Navigate to the course management page (more information can be viewed here ).
  • Click on the course settings gear icon at the top right and scroll down to Course Status
  • Click Unpublish
  • Click yes​ to confirm your decision to unpublish your course.

How effective is Duolingo in learning a language?

While they’re similar in concept, they differ a lot in the specifics:

  • Duolingo offers a skill tree of lessons that use listening exercises, flashcards, and multiple choice questions to drill you on new words, phrases, and sentences. ...
  • Memrise offers similar lessons to Duolingo, introducing new words and phrases with flashcards, listening exercises, and more. ...
  • Babbel is different from the other two. ...

What are the best Duolingo courses?

What are the best and the worst courses on Duolingo? Duolingo is a great tool to learn/practice/play with languages. Unfortunately, all courses are not the same, and some are better than others. "Vietnamese for English speakers" is for me a very bad course. There is no lesson for the tones (which are really important in this language), often no ...

How does deleting a course work on duolingo?

The user can proceed to delete his entire course to partial contemplating to Duolingo, With the correct application of certain steps that you must follow for your action, it was executed correctly, thus also being able to use services at a general level when required.

Steps to remove a Course from a Duolingo course

The user will be able to do it by means of the option to Delete course, located on top of their profile, by clicking.

1.- In case you only require the suspension of your ONLINE Duolingo course .

Duolingo. reserves all the right through the execution of its operational functions that the user requires to eliminate, suspend or modify any parameters of their active courses, being the participant completely responsible for the decisions that he may take.

How to remove language from Google Classroom?

via desktop web: Tap on your Profile picture (top-right), then select "Settings". Go to your "Language" page by selecting Learning Language from the menu on the right of the screen. Click Reset or remove languages under the big blue "See all language courses" button. The following screen will show all the courses you've signed up for ...

Can you reset a language course?

You can reset or remove a language course via desktop web. You can also remove a course via the iOS app. These actions cannot be accomplished via the Android app at this time. One would typically remove a course if they no longer want to have that language in their account.
