how do demographics affect online course planning

by Emilio McKenzie 5 min read

Understanding the role of student demographics in the online learning environment can assist institutions to make decisions regarding online programs. These decisions go beyond the initial question of whether to invest in online programs or whether to increase or decrease online course availability.

Full Answer

What role do demographics play in the online learning environment?

Aug 13, 2016 · No institution can now afford to ignore demographics in its strategic planning, and in no area is this more true than in plans for online learning. Traditional distance education (print-based and until very recently, online distance education) has mainly attracted older students with already some experience of higher education.

What are students’ biggest challenges when choosing online education?

recommended that the institution to look into the issue of familiarity of with online learning technology amongst students before introducing the e-learning system to assess whether student are comfortable with the online learning tools. Keywords: E-learning, Effectiveness of e-learning, Demographic factors, Higher learning institution, Malaysia 1.

What is the impact of demographics in education?

Apr 12, 2018 · Did you know that online enrollment numbers have increased by 17%, despite overall higher education enrollments dropping by 4.4%? See the growth statistics and current demographics of online college students in part one of the Online College Student Trends in the U.S. Infographic series.

What is the importance of Demography in Educational Planning?

Understanding the role of student demographics in the online learning environment can assist institutions to make decisions regarding online programs. These decisions go …

How does demographics affect learning?

Demographic data assist us in understanding the results of all parts of our educational system through the disaggregation of other measures by demographic variables. Perceptions data help us understand what students, parents, teachers, and others think about the learning environment.

What is the demographic profile of the participants in terms of online learning?

The majority of the respondents were between the ages of 30 or younger (47.6%). There were more respondents in the 31 to 45 age group (35.9%) than the 46 or older group (16.5%). Most students were enrolled as part-time status (63.1%), while students enrolled full-time made up 36.9% of the respondents.

What are the factors that affects online classes?

Test results of the hypotheses showed that students' online learning outcomes are affected by 6 factors in the descending order, respectively, learner characteristics, perceived usefulness, course content, course design, ease of use, and faculty capacity.

Why is demography important in education?

Demographic data provides the platform and rationale for the development of educational plans. Furthermore, proper demographic data analysis, to a large extent, determines the potential demand for education and also the nature and type of education to be provided.Feb 25, 2019

Does demographic profile affect your study?

It was found that the number of weak students in F2F learning dropped sharply by more than 11% in DL. Demographic characteristics demonstrated a significant impact on students' academic performance and predicted at least 7.4% variation in F2F learning and DL.Feb 1, 2021

What are the impacts of online learning?

Impacts include the lack of efficiency of technology, the difficulty for pupils to understand the concepts taught, and online learning causes social isolation and results in pupils not developing the necessary communication skills.Oct 9, 2021

How are students affected by online learning?

Numerous studies reported that online learning could increase student participation, improve discussion quality, and foster online interactions. The discussion forum could support students and improve learning by solving difficult problems.Apr 2, 2021

What are the factors affecting students learning?

7 Important Factors that May Affect the Learning ProcessIntellectual factor: ADVERTISEMENTS: ... Learning factors: ... Physical factors: ... Mental factors: ... Emotional and social factors: ... Teacher's Personality: ... Environmental factor:

How online learning affects students performance?

They find that online education lowered a student's final grade by about 0.2 standard deviations. Their work also confirms the results of previous papers, finding that the negative effect of online learning was driven by students with lower academic ability.Aug 13, 2021

Why is demography important in development planning?

Health Planning High fertility is connected to the child development. So, demography is concerned with the fertility and mortality and studies the birth and death rates. These health problems are solved by the demographer in the establishment of health planning of the country.

Why is demographic data is important for school improvement?

Demographic data. The purpose of this data is to ensure that the needs of all types of students are being met adequately and to indicate important demographic trends (e.g., an increase in English language learners).

What is the importance of demographic data?

Why are demographics important? Demographics are important because they provide a broad understanding of the different characteristics of a population. This information is particularly useful to government organizations for making crucial policy decisions concerning the population.May 27, 2021

Why is online learning so challenging?

Online learning environments may be especially challenging for community college students due to the higher degree of independent and self-regulated learning required in online courses compared to traditional face-to-face courses. Although digital texts are now commonly used in online courses, current research has suggested that students engage in different learning strategies when reading digital texts, which may negatively affect learning and reading comprehension. Thus, researchers have urged instructional designers to focus efforts on developing digital learning environments that feature metacognitive tools to facilitate learning. In the online learning environment, one instructional design strategy is to embed prompts into a learning activity to encourage students to perform specific metacognitive activities while engaged in an online task. Research examining the use of metacognitive prompts in online science course designs is abundant; thus, additional research in other disciplines is needed. The purpose of this quasi-experimental study was to examine whether embedding metacognitive prompts in general education online course designs may improve students’ metacognitive awareness of reading strategies. Using a quasi-experimental pretest-posttest nonequivalent control group design, the study compared students’ Metacognitive Awareness of Reading Strategies Inventory (MARSI) scores in two online course sections taught by the same professor. Participants in the experimental condition engaged with prompts, which were continuously embedded in the assigned online reading materials, whereas participants in the control condition did not have prompts embedded in the assigned online reading materials. Paired samples t-tests indicate no statistical differences between the pretest and posttest Global Reading Strategies (GLOB), Problem-Solving Strategies (PROB), Support Reading Strategies (SUP), or overall posttest scores within either the experimental or control condition following the embedded-prompt intervention. Additionally, independent samples t-tests show no statistically significant differences in GLOB, PROB, SUP, or overall posttest MARSI scores of community college students who engaged in online reading assignments with embedded metacognitive prompts in an online general education course compared with community college students in a general education online course without metacognitive prompts. Although the study shows no significant differences between students’ MARSI scores in the experimental and control conditions, methodological limitations, such as a small sample size, unknown baseline participant reading comprehension levels, and unknown participant participation in reading strategy instruction, affect the outcome.

What is Massive Open Online Courses?

Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) provide a great platform to study individual and group differences of learners in perceptions, motivations, and behaviors under self-directed learning context. This study examined the relationships, in particular, influential relationships, among MOOC learners’ demographics, their self-regulated learning (SRL) strategy usage, perceived learning, and satisfaction. Participants were 4503 learners from 17 Coursera courses who responded to an online survey in 2018. Structural equation modeling showed that participants’ age, gender, highest degree, and the number of online courses previously taken significantly predicted both goal setting and environment structuring usage. Previous experience with the course topics only predicted goal setting, not environment structuring. Gender, goal setting and environment structuring strategy usage predicted participants’ perceived affective learning. Highest degree, the number of online courses previously took, goal setting, environment structuring strategy usage and perceived affective learning predicted participants’ satisfaction with the course. Participants identified themselves with a Latin America culture had better environment structuring strategy usage than any other cultural group and higher perceived affective learning than the other cultural groups except for Other. The results provided implications for researchers studying self-directed learning environments, differences in learning of learners with diverse backgrounds, and SRL behaviors, as well as for educators dealing with increasing SRL strategy usage, improving online learners’ satisfaction and teaching cross-culturally.

Why is social media important in education?

Proper use of social media is especially important to achieve Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4 of the 2030 Agenda, which proclaims inclusive and equitable quality education and promotes lifelong learning opportunities for all —a trend that implies large data volumes that can be manipulated and adapted to the needs of each student, thus opening up new perspectives. This study aims to identify the differences between the use of social networks among students classed into two generations, X and Y. With that aim in mind, the results of a survey administered to 338 university students engaged in online studies showed significant differences, mainly in relation to social issues. Both generations nevertheless agreed on the benefits and uses of social networks within the academic field. The conclusions reaffirm the use of these resources for improving teaching and learning processes within online environments.

How does accurate pronunciation help in speech pathology?

Accurate pronunciation of anatomical terms in the clinical practice of speech-language pathology (SLP) and audiology (AUD) enables a clinician to express and comprehend a conversation with peers and other professionals. It is also an important component of ensuring patient safety and in providing quality, patient-centered care. To date, no studies have explored whether differences may exist between the pronunciation skills of students who elect to complete a human anatomy and physiology course online versus in a face-to-face (FTF) format. This pilot study explored the ability of 98 undergraduate student participants to correctly pronounce 20 identical key terms that were a part of the course Anatomy and Physiology of the Speech and Hearing Mechanism. Students were enrolled in either an online or a FTF format of this course. Student participants were also asked to self-rate their perceived ability to pronounce these terms correctly using a Likert-type rating scale. The results indicated that students enrolled in the FTF format produced a significantly greater percentage of correct terms and rated their pronunciation ability significantly higher compared to those enrolled online. Performance of both groups was positively correlated to the self-ratings of pronunciation accuracy. These results suggest that an Internet-based, multimedia teaching method that incorporates tools for improving the pronunciation skills of students who complete a human anatomy and physiology course is warranted.

Is online learning more popular than traditional learning?

Background: While online learning is increasingly popular , and the number of online students is steadily growing, student retention rates are significantly lower than those in the traditional environment. Despite the multitude of studies, many institutions are still searching for solutions for this matter.

What is an online aptitude test?

Online diagnostic study aptitude tests are a common means of helping students select the correct type of course, and the correct mode of education. However, universities often lack the data to predict critical student success factors correctly. In this paper we discuss the development of an online entrance test for a university in the Netherlands, offering courses to international students. Aim of the test is to help future students decide on the mode of education (face-to-face or distance learning). Besides the development of the entrance test we also discuss its first results and future analysis to be conducted.

Is transnational distance education a field?

Transnational education is a rapidly evolving and constantly changing field. The Internet has enabled virtually global access to distance education opportunities, however transnational distance students in particular have often been miscategorized, oversimplified, or overlooked in prior research. This literature review synthesizes research and publications over a ten-year period focusing on the emerging phenomenon of transnational distance students. Contrary to the allure of flexible, any time, any place learning often ascribed to distance education, diverse and complex situations are highlighted that paint a more nuanced picture of student circumstances and motivations, counterintuitive and underrepresented conditions that may influence students in their decisions to enrol in transnational distance education programs.

Declining Enrollment Numbers

There’s no denying that numbers of students enrolling in college are declining. There has been a steady decline over the last 10 years, with numbers falling from 20.6 million to 19 million students between the years of 2011 and 2016. That doesn’t seem like a large number now, but those figures are set to decline further for another decade.

Changing Demographics

As the numbers are declining, the demographics of those applying to college also are changing. In recent years, there has been a large upswing in minority students, notably Hispanic students .

Colleges Struggling To Keep Up

Although these changes have been happening over time, colleges are only now seeming to take notice and try and keep up. Colleges are just now seeing that the average student they’re getting now look nothing like the average student from ten years ago.

Why Are Colleges Struggling?

There’s been much more diversity in the student body for a long time, so why are colleges still scrabbling to catch up now? That’s because the demographic hasn’t changed at the top of the chain. The dean of a university is more likely to be a white, 60 year old man than anyone else.

Why Are Numbers Declining?

There’s the other issue to be addressed too, the issue of declining enrolment numbers. There are multiple reasons why in the US, many students will be choosing not to go to college, at least not directly after high school.

The Result Of These Changes

So, with all the changes that are happening in college education right now, are colleges themselves under threat? Does a college education not hold the same value as it used to?

What is demographic profile?

A demographic profile that includes population trends and changes in the composition of the population including age and sex, income levels, occupation, educational attainment and household size can help identify potential customers for the shopping center. The profile can also help determine available labor for jobs in sales and services. Much of this information is available in census reports.

How does migration affect the population?

Migration can drastically change the size and composition of a population in a brief period of time, especially in small geographic locations. Planners need to study changes in the composition of the population to plan for education, health care services, and economic development projects.

Why is population analysis important?

Population analysis is needed to identify problems and community needs, establish goals and objectives, assess alternative courses of action, allocate resources for plan implementation, and evaluate the ability of the plan to achieve goals and objectives. An example of how demographic analysis can be used in the planning process is presented in ...

What is private sector planning?

Private Sector Planning. In the private sector (e.g., business) demographic information is equal to consumer information. Businesses use population characteristics, and demographic data to: Selection of retail sites is usually based on population composition and the expected growth of its segments.

What is a city planning plan?

The plan guides decisions concerning residential , commercial , industrial and recreational uses of land. These plans also guide decisions concerning the spatial location of infrastructure such as public water and sewer facilities, roads and public transportation, and community facilities such as schools, parks, health clinics and hospitals, and fire and police protection.

What is the study of human population?

Demography is the study of human population with respect to size, composition, spatial distribution, and changes in the population that occur over time. Populations are never static, they grow or decline through the interplay of three demographic processes:

What is migration in geography?

Migration. The movement of people into or out of a specific geographic area. The number of people in a given area can grow or decline as a result of the number of births that take place, the number of deaths that occur and/or by the number of people moving in or out of a locale.

Key Findings

BestColleges’ seventh annual Online Education Trends Report offers insights developed by analyzing feedback provided by students and school administrators. This report includes our fifth year of original data collection and features participation from 366 school administrators and 1,800 students.

The Learning Experience

Paying for college while minimizing student debt remains the top challenge to reaching graduation, as reported by online program graduates every year for the past four years.

Marketing and Recruitment

Almost half (48%) of online and remote students were motivated by career and employment goals to enroll in their programs.

Program Design and Administration

One-third (33%) of school administrators planned to continue with both remote and online course options after returning to normal campus operations.

Student Satisfaction

Ninety-five percent of students overall, and 83% of remote learners, said they would recommend online or remote learning to others.

Want The Latest Trends Report?

Discover the latest trends in online education. Download the full 2021 report.

Meet the Author

Melissa A. Venable, Ph.D. is an online education advisor for BestColleges. In this role, she leads this annual survey research project reporting online education trends found through student and school administrator feedback.

What is the definition of demographics?

A recognized definition is: "The characteristics of human populations and population segments, especially when used to identify consumer markets". Retailers will find that most of the demographic data they need in order to make business decisions can be found on the U.S. Census website.

Why is the internet important?

The Internet has been credited as an important resource and provides consumers with easy access to news, information, and shopping.

What do marketers do?

Marketers have discovered that they can often work with producers and retailers to provide goods and services that would appeal to a majority of members of a particular generation, based on the general needs and wants of consumers within the group . See the sidebar for examples.

What is disposable income?

Disposable income (or net income) is the amount of money that an individual has available to pay for expenses minus taxes and deductions. Discretionary income is the amount of money that remains after consumers pay for "needs" (food, rent/mortgage, insurance, etc.) that are required to sustain a reasonable livelihood.

What is food in agriculture?

Food is a major component of many agricultural industries. Food is also a necessary component for daily life, as well as a primary component for most entertaining. Many consumers seek specialty food items and ingredients that make their meals unique.
