how difficult is the juvenile delinquency course

by Ms. Elza Kiehn MD 8 min read

What I learned from working with juvenile delinquents?

Course Objectives:-. To provide an extensive career-oriented course for achieving proficiency in Juvenile Delinquency. To understand the evolution and importance of Juvenile Delinquency. …

What you should know about juvenile delinquency?

Further research has revealed that adolescent delinquents who formed strong marriages and obtained stable employment were less likely than others to pursue crime in adulthood. …

What can be done to deter juveniles from becoming delinquents?

What causes teens to commit juvenile delinquency?

Why is it important to study juvenile delinquency?

Juvenile delinquency is important because it is one of society's values. When a child or young adult commits a crime, they need to be punished for it so they learn their lesson and the will not do it again.

What are the two courses of juvenile delinquency?

I cover the developmental taxonomy by psychologist Terrie Moffitt, who proposed that there are two types of juvenile delinquents: life course persistent offenders and adolescence limited offenders.Nov 14, 2019

What is the study of juvenile delinquency?

The scientific study of juvenile delinquency attempts to describe and explain delinquent behavior through theory and research. Theory seeks to provide a sys- tematic and logical argument that specifies what is important in causing delin- quency and why.

What are the biggest challenges facing the juvenile justice system right now?

In addition to the presence of disabilities that may be associated with school failure, truancy and delinquency, other contributing issues include:
  • Limited access to effective mental health services.
  • Inadequate or inappropriate school supports.

What are 3 causes of crime for juveniles?

Juvenile Delinquency: What Makes Teens Commit Crimes?
  • Broken Family. A teen adopts moral and ethical values from his parents and other family members. ...
  • Lack of Communication. Often lack of discourse in the family can lead children to find solace other than homes. ...
  • Lack of Finances. ...
  • Lack of Social and Moral Training.
Jul 23, 2017

Why do juveniles commit serious crimes?

The risk that an adolescent will become involved in violent offending and/or be a victim of violence varies based on a variety of factors, including individual characteristics, family characteristics, peer and school influences, neighborhood environment, and daily activities.

What are the 4 factors affecting juvenile delinquency?

In this study, various demographic, social and familial factors, such as education, occupation, separation from family and drug addiction have turned out to be influential on the development of juvenile delinquency.Jul 12, 2015

What are the 3 different approaches in the study of delinquency?

The three approaches are historical, political and descriptive.

What are examples of juvenile delinquency?

Juvenile Delinquency
  • Running away.
  • Truancy.
  • Violating local curfew.
  • Underage smoking.
  • Underage drinking.
  • Un-governability, or being beyond parental control.
Jul 1, 2016

What are the causes of child delinquency?

The disintegration of joint families, broken families, single-parent families, separated families, frequent parents fight, lack of trust and confidence among the parents, criminal parents, psychological problems in parents, siblings rivalry, or unequal treatment between children may become reasons behind juvenile ...Sep 19, 2020

What are four problems commonly found in juvenile correctional facilities?

Crimes like murder, arson, weapons crimes, and drug crimes. Offenses related to a child's own abuse and neglect, like aggravated assault, animal cruelty, neglect, and sex crimes (These criminal matters are often considered separately for juveniles because abused children may not understand their actions.)Jan 13, 2021

What is wrong with the juvenile justice system?

Some research estimates that 75 to 93 percent of youth entering the justice system each year have experienced some degree of trauma. Youth involved in the juvenile justice system have an increased risk of suicide and the risk is further increased for youth with a mental illness or substance use disorder.


This course will provide students with an introduction and overview of Juvenile Delinquency. Beginning with a definition of juvenile delinquency, this course will provide a brief examination of those factors that distinguish delinquent behavior within a common culture, social and economical class, as well as family background.

Who this course is for

Students who are interested in pursuing a career in juvenile justice and for those who simply want to learn more about juvenile delinquency.


My background is in Psychology, Criminology and Sociology. After completing my liberal arts studies in university. I graduated and began my career as a social worker. Although, my passion is human behavior for the past 10 years I have been teaching in various universities in Saudi Arabia. I am currently an instructor at a university in Riyadh.

Is juvenile delinquency a concern?

This review considers juvenile delinquency and justice from an international perspective. Youth crime is a growing concern. Many young offenders are also victims with complex needs, leading to a public health approach that requires a balance of welfare and justice models. However, around the world there are variable and inadequate legal frameworks ...

Is evidence based therapeutic intervention a good approach to juvenile delinquency?

Its adoption of an evidence-based therapeutic intervention philosophy has been associated with greater reductions in recidivism compared with punitive approaches prevalent in some countries worldwide, and it is therefore a superior approach to dealing with the problem of juvenile delinquency.

How old do you have to be to be a juvenile?

In some cases individuals older than 18 years may be heard in a juvenile court, and therefore will still be considered juveniles; indeed, the United Nations (UN) defines ‘youth’ as between 15 and 24 years of age.

Did juvenile crime increase in the UK in the 1980s?

In common with the USA and several other high-income countries, the UK also experienced a rise in juvenile offending in the 1980s and 1990s, but figures from the Youth Justice Board for England and Wales appear to indicate a general improvement in recent years.

Is unlawful assembly enforced in Singapore?

Some offences may be shared between jurisdictions but be enforced to differing standards – for instance, ‘unlawful assembly’, often used to prevent riots, is applied in Singapore to young people meeting in public in groups of five or more as part of police efforts to tackle youth gangs.

What are the behaviors that can be considered conduct disorder?

Behaviours may include cruelty to people or animals, truancy, frequent and severe temper tantrums, excessive fighting or bullying and fire-setting; diagnosis of conduct disorder can be made in the marked presence of one of these behaviours.10.

What are the three key considerations in a criminal sentence?

The sentencing of an individual convicted of a criminal offence is largely driven by three key considerations: retribution (punishment), deterrence and rehabilitation. In the case of juvenile offenders the principle of rehabilitation is often assigned the greatest weight.11.

What is juvenile delinquency?

Juvenile delinquency is the special question to pay attention to. Everyone is involved in this problem: parents, neighbors, pupils, teachers, doctors etc. The reasons for this phenomenon can be different, but there is one common peculiarity: as a rule, juvenile criminals are brought up in the dysfunctional families.

Why are early child visitation programs successful?

In addition, early child visitation programs are largely successful, as they deal with the children’s problems at the very early stage of their development.

What are the factors that determine the underlying risk for crime?

We can name the most common of them: the large family, the criminal parents, low family income, low intelligence, poor parental supervision etc. All these factors lead to a violent behavior.

What are the factors that lead to violent behavior?

We can name the most common of them: the large family, the criminal parents, low family income, low intelligence, poor parental supervision etc. All these factors lead to a violent behavior. However, low intelligence, can lead to the poor success in school and the problems with cooperation with the other pupils.

What is the effect of low intelligence on school?

However, low intelligence, can lead to the poor success in school and the problems with cooperation with the other pupils. That leads to subtraction and joining the group of the similar children that compensate their problem in school by the robbery. It is connected with physical abuse from the parents.

Can poverty be erased?

Poverty is considered the root of all problems and issues of the society, and it cannot be erased easily. So, I can say, that as long as poverty exists, we will deal with juvenile delinquency. The only way out is to decrease their growing popularity by implementing the mentioned above schemes.

What are some examples of changes in prison population?

For example, federal prison populations ballooned in the 1980s during the war on drugs when mandatory minimum sentences increased; they fell significantly after the U.S. Sentencing Commission cut the length of sentences for all drug trafficking offenses by about 25% in 2014.

When did the prison population balloon?

For example, federal prison populations ballooned in the 1980s during the war on drugs when mandatory minimum sentences increased; they fell significantly after the U.S. Sentencing Commission cut the length of sentences for all drug trafficking offenses by about 25% in 2014. Laws and policies have similarly impacted the juvenile justice system.

What is juvenile delinquency?

Juvenile delinquency statistics in the U.S. Juvenile delinquency is unlawful behavior by a minor. (The statutory age of majority varies from state to state; juveniles are either under the age of 17 or 18.)

What percentage of larceny cases are in 2018?

Larceny, which accounted for 13% of cases in 2018, includes the unlawful taking of property (other than a motor vehicle) or attempted taking of property from someone’s possession in stealth — but without force or deceit — with intent to permanently deprive the owner of the property.

Which state has the highest juvenile delinquency rate?

Juvenile delinquency statistics by state. West Virginia, Wyoming, Oregon, Alaska, and South Dakota have the highest juvenile custody rates, according to The Sentencing Project. The rate is defined as the number of youths in the juvenile justice system per 100,000 youths in the state. Connecticut, Hawaii, Vermont, New Hampshire, ...

Which states have the lowest juvenile arrest rate?

Connecticut, Hawaii, Vermont, New Hampshire, and North Carolina have the lowest rates. State-level juvenile arrest rates (also defined by number per 100,000) vary significantly depending on the type of violation. For example, Nevada, Delaware, and Louisiana have the highest number of arrests for aggravated assault, while Wyoming, South Dakota, ...

Which state has the highest arrest rate for drug abuse?

For example, Nevada, Delaware, and Louisiana have the highest number of arrests for aggravated assault, while Wyoming, South Dakota, and Utah have the highest rates for drug abuse, according to the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP). Comparing juvenile arrest and custody rates at the state level can be misleading, ...

What is juvenile delinquency?

It is analogous with the commitment of a crime by an adult. Juvenile delinquency is an issue of great concern in law enforcement, and correctional circles.

What is the trauma of having a juvenile delinquent in a family?

The trauma of having a juvenile delinquent in a family can potentially create instability for other members of the family. The family has to meet the needs of the juvenile in trouble, and raise lawyer’s fees. The family also has an ethical obligation to the victim of the delinquent.

Can juveniles be tried in adult courts?

In a number of cases, Juveniles are tried in adult courts. In fact, the Kansas and Vermont states in the U.S. have statutory provisions that allow the trial of juveniles as young as 10 years of age in adult courts. This situation may need review.

What is a DVS?

The DVS is a juvenile-specific, nationwide telephone survey of caregivers or parents of children ranging in ages from 2 to 17, collecting data on 34 types of victimization . It covers specific circumstances of crimes and additional details on the victim and the offender, such as if the offender is known to the victim and the time of day of the crime.

What is the UCR?

The UCR is a large, formalized, national collection of arrest crime statistics that allows law enforcement administrators to designate resources and develop strategies to combat crime issues more effectively.

What is the UCR system?

The UCR is a large, formalized, national collection of arrest crime statistics that allows law enforcement administrators to designate resources and develop strategies to combat crime issues more effectively. The National Incident-Based Reporting System (or NIBRS) is an enhanced UCR reporting system that collects additional information on crimes pertaining to the agency making the arrest, offenders, offenses, property loss, and victim information.

What ethnicity are most offenders arrested?

Most offenders arrested are males, though female arrests are on the rise. Most offenders arrested are also white, of non-Hispanic ethnicity, reside in low socioeconomic situations and disadvantaged areas, and in poverty status. Lesson Summary.

Which is better, UCR or NCVS?

The UCR is best for gauging overall national arrest data, but lacks crimes not reported to police. The NCVS is best for specifying victim and crime patterns and situational circumstances, including ones not reported to police. The data may suffer from victim error and fabrication and only covers crimes of interest.

What is social work ethics?

One of the fundamental ethical values of social work is protecting client confidentiality. In this seminar, you will observe live hearings in the juvenile court. You may also be exposed to other conversations or environments that involve real individuals and real families. You will be expected to keep class materials/activities confidential.

Is plagiarism tolerated at the University of Michigan?

This is the University of Michigan. Plagiarism will not be tolerated and is grounds for expulsion from the School. Please consult with University Library web resources
