how course to grind coffee beans for cold brew

by Darron Jacobi 5 min read

A coarse cold drip grind size is ideal for making cold drip coffee. Therefore, we recommend a grinding level of 9-10 out of 10 for any cold brew method. With cold brew coffee specialties, especially full immersion coffee, the coffee powder is immersed in water for hours.

How to grind coffee beans for coffee grinding?

Put your coffee beans in a secured plastic bag, and use the rolling pin over the bag. It’ll take some time, but as long as you have patience, you can grind your beans this way. A mortar and pestle. Like the rolling pin, this method is labor-intensive and will take some time.

What grind size gives the best cold brew coffee?

The answer is medium to coarse grind size gives the best cold brew. With these grind size, cold brew without bitterness but with natural hints of sweetness. Any time of the year is coffee time for me. A cold brew coffee comes in handy during the warm season of the year.

Can you use fine ground coffee to make cold brew?

You can use fine ground coffee to make your cold brew, but there is one problem – it interferes with the filtration process. The grind is too dense which doesn’t allow easy flow of water. The water is trapped on top of the coffee grinds which will increase the contact time.

Are burr grinders good for cold brew coffee?

A burr grinder offers the capacity to adjust the grind size to ensure you get the appropriate grind size for your cold brew. When compared to a blade grinder, a burr grinder doesn’t overheat which ensures it preserves the flavor of your coffee. The burr grinder is highly expensive, but again you get what you pay for. You will get a quality grinder.

What is the grind level for cold brew?

Popular burr grinder settings you can useBREW TYPEBaratza EncoreCuisinart Supreme GrindCold Brew#22 – 40#18Cone filter drip machines#15#10 – 15Espresso#5#1Flat filter drip machines#20 – 25#10 – 1314 more rows

How does grind size affect cold brew?

No matter your brew method, coffee-making involves extracting flavor (and caffeine) from coffee grounds. The finer you grind your coffee beans, the more you increase the exposed surface area of the grounds, resulting in faster extraction.

How long do you grind coffee beans for course?

For a coarse grind, 8-10 seconds, a few seconds at a time should do nicely. For a medium grind, try short bursts that add to 10-15 seconds, and a fine grind would be a few seconds or more longer. Experiment and have fun.

How course should I grind my coffee beans?

Grind for a Pour Over – Medium-Coarse Grind For pour over coffee, the best grind to use is a medium-coarse grind. A medium-coarse grind will be similar in size to a French press grind but less chunky and will feel slightly smoother. If you are using a cone-shaped pour over, then use a medium-fine coffee grind instead.

What is the best ratio for cold brew coffee?

The cold brew ratioGrounds to water ratio: 1:4. For making coffee, use a 1:4 ratio of grounds to water. That means 1 ½ cups coffee grounds and 6 cups of water. ... Cold brew concentrate to water ratio: 1:1. After you make cold brew, you'll end up with cold brew concentrate. To drink the finished brew, use a ratio of 1:1.

What happens if coffee grind is too coarse?

In general, if you brew coffee that is ground too coarse, the coffee can be under-extracted (weak), and less flavorful. If your coffee is ground too fine, however, the coffee can be over-extracted and bitter. Small changes in grind size can drastically affect the taste of your final brew.

Can you grind coffee beans ahead of time?

Grind just before brewing and you have a good chance of getting most of them into the cup; grind 10 minutes ahead and a noticeable amount of flavor will have dissipated. Grind the night before and you throw in the towel before you step in the ring. (Before you ask: freezing hurts more than it helps.

Can you use fine ground coffee for cold brew?

You can make cold brew with fine ground coffee. In fact, that's the way most people make it because it's less messy and faster to steep. However, if you use a finer grind, you'll need to use more coffee to get the same strength as with a coarser grind.

Do coffee grinder blades get dull?

As mentioned above coffee blades get blunt with time. This is fuelled by the fact that in the process of grinding, coffee beans may be mixed with small rocks and hard objects that are difficult to grind and make the blades dull.

Should coffee beans be ground fine or coarse?

If the water is going to sit in the grounds for longer, you'll want larger grounds that impart flavor more slowly. Brewing methods like French press and cold brew involve water sitting with the grounds for at least a few minutes, so they call for coarsely ground beans so that you can avoid over-extraction.

Does finer grind make stronger coffee?

Simply put, the size of the grind determines how long the coffee will take to extract. A finer grind creates more surface area for the water to run through. It can create a stronger flavor, but this is mainly determined by the extraction time and, not the grind itself.

What is considered coarse ground coffee?

Coarse: A coarse grind is slightly finer than extra coarse and has a consistency resembling kosher salt. The grounds still appear quite chunky and are used for French press, percolators and coffee cupping brewing methods.

What do I need to make cold brew coffee at home?

There’s not much required to make cold brew coffee at home. The minimum requirements are:

Should I use a fine or coarse grind?

In regards to the coarseness of the grind, you definitely DON’T want a fine grind, as this will produce a bitter brew. The grind should be coarse, about the same consistency as breadcrumbs or coarse sand.

How long does it take to brew?

The colder the water is, the longer it needs to be left to steep. We’d recommend between 18-24 hours for a smooth brew. Less time than that and the brew will likely be weak and bitter.

Do I need any devices to make it? (plunger, etc)

While you certainly don’t need any devices to make your own, there are plenty of options available that can simplify and perhaps speed-up the process (but not the brew time).

What are the benefits (if any)?

There are definitely some benefits to cold brew coffee over hot brew coffee. While there may be more than this, the benefits we could find were:

How long does cold brew coffee last?

You can safely store your concentrate in the fridge for around two weeks, but the flavour will begin to decline after about a week. If the coffee has been diluted with water, it will only keep for about half as long.

Published by Marty

Being a coffee drinker from a young age, Marty found an appreciation for espresso coffee as a teen. Recently, he's made it his mission to learn and share as much as he can about the drink he loves.

How does the grind affect cold brew coffee?

While it is necessary to choose the most suitable type coffee beans, you also need to have them ground into the right size before cold brewing. Otherwise, they cannot be fully extracted, leaving a weaker taste and flavour. The goal is to ensure a perfect extraction of flavour from the beans.

What is the best grind size for cold brew coffee grounds?

Ideally, you want to grind the beans very coarsely for cold brew coffee. They should have about the same size as ground peppercorns. You should feel very gritty like beach sand while rubbing the grounds between the fingers.

Should you purchase pre-ground or grind your own beans?

Many coffee shops are now offering a variety of pre-ground coffee beans. But should you purchase them or grind your own ones at home. Each option has its own pros and cons. Let’s take a look before you make a decision.

Burr versus blade grinders

To achieve the desired grind level, it is also important to choose the most suitable grinder. There are two main types to choose from: burr grinder and blade grinder. They are designed for different grind sizes.

How to grind coffee beans with a grinder

Follow these 5 simple steps to grind your coffee beans coarsely with a grinder:

Alternative ways to grind coffee beans for cold brew

In case your grinder breaks down or do not have one, there are still some other options to grind coffee beans.

The bottom line

Cold brew coffee is one of the most popular trends in the coffee world over the past few years. If you want to make a perfect cup full of flavours and tastes, it is important to grind the beans coarsely. Patience and dedication are what you need to have it done.

How To Grind Coffee Beans For Cold Brew?

Learning grinding skills can help your cold brew perfectly keep the expected flavor. To perform it well, grind size is the main factor you must be concerned about since it decides the drink’s taste based on the extraction density.


Now, you can finally master how to grind coffee beans for cold brew! If you are a busy worker always with a coffee in hand, making it at home is not bad for saving time and money. It better brightens up your day since you can enjoy the drink with your favorite flavor.

Coffee Grind Sizes Compared

As you grind coffee, be mindful of how much you’re grinding the beans down. Smaller grounds will have an impact on the flavor of your coffee, and different sizes are best for different brewing methods .

How To Grind Coffee Beans With a Grinder

It’s well-known in the coffee world that freshly ground coffee is best. Even if you made a mistake by buying a whole-bean bag, it’s worth it to learn how to grind your coffee, so you get an excellent, fresh cup every single time.

How To Grind Coffee Beans Without a Grinder

What happens if you didn’t mean to buy whole-bean coffee, and you don’t have a grinder? The good news is, you’re not stuck with having to venture out again and purchasing pre-ground coffee from the store. There are a couple of ways you can grind your beans with regular kitchen tools.

Freshly-Ground Coffee for An Excellent Cup

Grinding your coffee beans just before you brew will provide the freshest cup of coffee you can get. Luckily, there are many different ways you can grind your beans.

Why Should You Grind Your Own Coffee?

Grinding your coffee beans before brewing ensures maximum freshness and flavor. The reason for this is that coffee beans are like any other organic product. Flavors are affected by external conditions. When coffee beans are ground the oxygen enters the cells and they start to react, this activates the flavor.

Why Does Grind Size Matter?

The grind size is determined by the brewing method or extraction process. The extraction rate is how much of the coffee flavor and caffeine is extracted from the beans as water passes through.

Which Grinder Should You Use?

There are 2 main types of grinders: blade and burr. Blade grinders are an affordable and easy solution for most. But, blade grinders are terrible for your coffee beans!

Frequently Asked Questions

It isn’t recommended that you grind your coffee in a blender. You will get a messy result with an inconsistent grind. Beans will be under and over-extracted and the friction will overcook your beans, ruining the flavor. Pre-ground coffee may be a better solution in this case, a cheaper manual coffee grinder will also do the trick.

What Now?

Well, time to put the instant coffee and pre-ground beans away, those days are gone! To improve your coffee experience the obvious answer is to grind your beans fresh before each cup to make the most of the flavors they have to offer.
