how course average on grader report in moodle

by Thad Kohler 4 min read

On the grader report, there is a Course Total column. This column seems to show the course grade AVERAGE rather than the true TOTAL. For reference, I would assume a total be the sum of the marks achieved all quizzes / possible total marks for all quizzes * 100 to get the ACTUAL percentage value.

Full Answer

How do you check class average on Moodle?

View Your GradesLog into Moodle and open the course.On the course homepage, in the Navigation tray toggle (hamburger menu , top left) click Grades. ... At the bottom of the list of graded activities, you may see, if your instructor has released it, your Course total (a running total of your current standing in a course).

What does average mean on Moodle?

Re: Course grade settings > Average Yes that is correct; it shows the average mark of all the students in the course for each activity to the all students.

How do I show my grade percentage on Moodle?

On the edit category page, click the 'Show more...' link under 'Category total'. From the Grade display type menu, select real (for actual grades), percentage or letter.

How does Moodle calculate course total?

Moodle displays a Course total (or final grade) to students. The Course total can be based on calculated or aggregated grade items from the Moodle Gradebook or instructors can manually enter numeric grades to the Course total column.

How do you use grades in Moodle?

Enter Grades and Feedback for Multiple Students at OnceOn your course page, click the name of an assignment activity. ... Below the summary, click View/grade all submissions. ... To be able to enter grades and feedback directly on the Submissions table, below the table, under Options, select the Quick grading check box.More items...

What does aggregate grade mean?

Aggregate Grading - is a measure of how well distributed the sizes of the particles in an aggregate are. A well graded aggregate will have a good range of particle sizes and will have a fair representation from every size of particle.

What is contribution to course total?

Contribution to Course Total is what percent is earned toward a final grade with a particular grade item. Please note the difference between this and Calculated Weight: Calculated Weight is the potential, while Contribution is what has actually been earned.

What is contribution to course total in Moodle?

Contribution to course total - a new column which, if enabled in the Course grade settings, will show a column of percentages indicating how much each grade item contributes to the user's course total (after weighting is applied).

What are the grading types present in Moodle assignment?

Advanced grading methodsGrading quick guide.Grader report.Grade settings.Managing grades.Grade aggregation.Grade points.Scales.Outcomes.More items...•

How do I calculate my course total?

Grade CalculatorExample:A. Divide the mark given for each small assignment by the possible mark for each small assignment.B. Add the marks given for each assignment. Then add the possible marks given for each assignment. ... C. Multiply the decimal by 100 to calculate the percentage.

How do you calculate total course contribution?

Contribution to course total: The portion of the course percentage that comes from this activity after weighting is applied. The sum of all Contribution to Course Total percentages should equal the Course Total Percentage.

Does Moodle round grades up?

The rounding of grades is purely cosmetic and has no impact on the grade stored in Moodle. One drawback of how rounded grades are currently shown is that if a grade is rounded up, a student may be confused, as the grade looks like a pass but it is actually not.

Highlighting rows and columns

When your gradebook starts to grow, it can be hard to keep track of which student and which assignment a cell refers to. Highlighting solves that.

Sorting by columns

You can sort by any column. Click the symbol near the top of a column to sort by that column. This will change the symbol to a single downarrow. Clicking again will sort lowest-to-highest, changing the symbol to an uparrow. The arrows will toggle between these two states until you click on a different column.

Highlighting scores that are either adequate or unacceptable in red and green

Turn editing on and click on the edit icon in the controls cell at the top of the column. You can then (maybe need to click 'show advanced') see the option to enter a 'grade to pass'. Once set, any grades falling above this will be highlighted in green and any below will be highlighted in red.

Categorising the grades

The 'Choose an action...' drop down on the upper left will let you switch to other views

Horizontal scrollbar

In Moodle 1.9.5 onwards, administrators may enable a static students column (in Administration > Grades > Report settings > Grader report) for teachers to scroll grades in the grader report using a horizontal scrollbar.

Mouse-over tooltips

In Moodle 1.9.5 onwards, each grade cell in the table has a tooltip indicating the user and grade item to which the grade belongs.

Altering the grades

You can click "Turn editing on" at the top right to show an edit icon next to each grade. Clicking on the icon will bring up the editing screen for that grade which will allow you to set the grade, its written feedback and a number of other attributes.


Along the top of the grader report are several rows: first the course, then the category, then the columns for each graded activity (for example: Assignment, Quiz, Lesson). Any activities settings which were left "uncategorised" will appear in the general category which is named after the course by default (any category name can be changed).


Note: Editing anything in the gradebook refers to editing the grades only and none of the available operations bear any relationship to editing the main course page i.e. the appearance of your course page cannot be influenced by anything you do in the gradebook.

Gradebook capabilities

There is just one gradebook capability, View the grader report, which is allowed for the default roles of manager, teacher and non-editing teacher.


The Multi Course Grader Report was developed by Barry Oosthuizen as a quick way to get a detailed overview of all courses on site. It also acts as a quick way to navigate to any other course's Grader Report by use of hyperlinks on the course names.


Upload and extract the zip file from the Modules and Plugins database to your grade/report folder.

Live Demo

You may visit the Beaux Creations website where you will find log in instructions. You can then view the multi course grader in action by visiting the Grade Book of any course and then clicking on the 'Multi Course Grader Report' subtab (or using the "Choose an action" dropdown menu)


The Multi Course Grader does not cater for groups or grade editing. The standard grader report may be used for that purpose.

Access Levels

Users can only view courses to which they have permission to view the grade reports.


Hiding Settings Globally


  • Layout
    The layout has changed with different versions of 1.9. Along the top of the grader report are several rows: first the course, then the category, then the columns for each graded activity (for example: Assignment, Quiz, Lesson). Any activities settings which were left "uncategorised" will …
  • Highlighting rows and columns
    When your gradebook starts to grow, it can be hard to keep track of which student and which assignment a cell refers to. Highlighting solves that. 1. Clicking on empty space in the cell that contains the students name will toggle the highlighting of that entire row 2. Clicking on empty sp…
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Gradebook Capabilities

  • New feature in Moodle 2.8! New settings hide parts of the user interface: 1. Site administration>Grades>General settings: 'Show minimum grade' . If this setting is disabled, the minimum grade will default to zero and cannot be edited. 2. Site administration>Grades>Grade category settings: 'Allow category grades to be manually overridden'. If this s...
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See Also

  • Along the top of the grader report are several rows: first the course, then the category, then the columns for each graded activity (for example: Assignment, Quiz, Lesson). Any activities settings which were left "uncategorised" will appear in the general category which is named after the course by default (any category name can be changed). You can add a row showing the range o…
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