how clara barton change the course of history

by Prof. Alexandro Green III 3 min read

Clarissa Harlowe Barton, known as Clara, is one of the most honored women in American history. Barton risked her life to bring supplies and support to soldiers in the field during the Civil War
the Civil War
The American Civil War (April 12, 1861 – May 9, 1865; also known by other names) was a civil war in the United States between the Union (states that remained loyal to the federal union, or "the North") and the Confederacy (states that voted to secede, or "the South"). › wiki › American_Civil_War
. She founded the American Red Cross in 1881, at age 59, and led it for the next 23 years.

Why is Clara Barton important to history?

Clara Barton's Impact On American History. Clara Barton Throughout the course of human history, nothing we do has ever had as rapid and drastic an effect on history as war. Disasters would be near second place, and coincidentally Clara Barton affected both. Out of a multitude of achievements things, she was a nurse during the Civil War, did many things women of her day …

What inspired Clara Barton to become a Red Cross volunteer?

Clarissa Harlowe Barton, known as Clara, is one of the most honored women in American history. Barton risked her life to bring supplies and support to soldiers in the field during the Civil War. She founded the American Red Cross in 1881, at age 59, and led it for the next 23 years.

Who is Clarissa Harlowe Barton?

Nov 08, 2009 · READ MORE: Clara Barton: 7 Facts about the Civil War Nurse and Medical Pioneer Civil War Service Begins . Barton was working for the Patent Office when the Civil War broke out on April 12, 1861. A ...

What did Harriet Barton do to help the Civil War?

Oct 25, 2021 · Working Women: Clara Barton; Clara Barton the Activist. Clara Barton’s desire to help others did not stop at the battlefield. She was also active in the causes that she felt to be worthwhile in the course of human history. Early in her career as a nurse, Ms. Barton met Susan B. Anthony and Ms. Barton decided to take up the cause of women’s suffrage.

How did Clara Barton influence change?

Clara Barton led an exemplary life in which she overcame the inequalities of society and paved the way for future women to prove their ability to men. Barton began her extraordinary life by building a school, providing free education for hundreds of youngsters.

How did Clara Barton change battlefield medicine?

At Antietam Barton brought up her three army wagons loaded with bandages and other medical supplies. and organized able-bodied men to perform first aid, carry water and prepare food for the wounded. While the battle raged, she and her helpers brought relief and hope to soldiers on the field.

What did Clara Barton reform?

Barton supported many of the nineteenth-century reform movements that affect our lives even today. In the 1840's and 50's, she supported the public school movement by teaching and establishing free schools. She was an avid supporter of the Black Civil Rights and Women's Rights Movement.

How does Clara Barton influence nursing today?

Barton's experiences in the Civil War and in Europe taught her the necessity of providing nursing care and emotional support as well as supplies after natural disasters, and ensured that the Red Cross was able to care for the health and well-being of the victims as well as helping with food, clothing and shelter.May 10, 2018

How did Clara Barton impact the Civil War?

An educator and humanitarian, Clarissa “Clara” Harlowe Barton helped distribute needed supplies to the Union Army during the Civil War and later founded the disaster relief organization, the American Red Cross.

What was Clara Barton's role in the Civil War quizlet?

Who was Clara Barton and why was she important in the Civil War? Established American Red Cross, revolutionized first aid and medical procedures during the Civil War When the Civil War broke out, she was one of the first volunteers to appear at the Washington Infirmary to care for wounded soldiers.

How is Clara Barton remembered today?

Clara Barton is one of the most-recognized heroes of the American Civil War. She began her illustrious career as an educator but found her true calling tending wounded soldiers on and off bloody Civil War battlefields.Mar 3, 2022

How did photography change during the Civil War?

It allowed families to have a keepsake representation of their fathers or sons as they were away from home. Photography also enhanced the image of political figures like President Lincoln, who famously joked that he wouldn't have been re-elected without the portrait of him taken by photographer Matthew Brady.Apr 11, 2011

What did Clara Barton teach?

Barton was well suited to teach first aid, having administered it personally during the Civil War and witnessed it throughout Europe in the 1870's.Aug 17, 2018

How did Dorothea Dix change nursing?

She championed causes for both the mentally ill and indigenous populations. By doing this work, she openly challenged 19th century notions of reform and illness. Additionally, Dix helped recruit nurses for the Union army during the Civil War. As a result, she transformed the field of nursing.

How did Clara Barton overcome challenges?

One challenge that Clara Barton overcame was that she didn't have any formal medical training and she overcame it by having the will to help others. Not having any formal medical training meant that she didn't go to school for nursing she just learned by herself and by helping others.Jun 2, 2020

What is an interesting fact about Clara Barton?

Fun Facts About Clara Barton Clara loved all animals, especially cats. During the Civil War, Senator Schuyler Colfax sent her a kitten, with a bow around its neck, in appreciation for her work during the Battle of Antietam. Clara Barton was honored by parties on both sides for her work during the Franco-Prussian War.

Who was Clara Barton?

Clara Barton is one of the most-recognized heroes of the American Civil War. She began her illustrious career as an educator but found her true calling tending wounded soldiers on and off bloody Civil War battlefields. When the war ended, Barton worked to identify missing and deceased soldiers, and eventually founded the American Red Cross.

What was Barton working for?

Barton was working for the Patent Office when the Civil War broke out on April 12, 1861. A week later, soldiers of the 6th Massachusetts Infantry were attacked by southern sympathizers, and the wounded flooded the streets of Washington, D.C. A makeshift hospital was created in the uncompleted Capitol Building.

Where did Barton take supplies?

After witnessing the sad state of battle-weary soldiers in Washington, D.C., Barton realized the greatest need for care and supplies was in the makeshift field hospitals near the front lines. In 1862, she received permission to take bandages and other supplies to a battlefield hospital after the Battle of Cedar Mountain in Northern Virginia. From then on, she traveled with the Union Army.

When did Barton resign?

Her authoritarian leadership approach and supposed mismanagement of funds eventually forced her to resign her post in 1904. In 1905, Barton established the National First Aid Association of America which made first aid kits and worked closely with local fire and police departments to create ambulance brigades.

What did Barton learn about the Red Cross?

In 1869, Barton traveled to Europe for rest and learned about the International Red Cross in Geneva, Switzerland, which had established an international agreement known as the Geneva Treaty (now part of the Geneva Convention ), which laid out rules for the care of the sick and wounded in wartime.

What happened to Clara Barton?

A famous story has Clara Barton tending to a soldier on the front line as a bullet ripped through her sleeve and killed the soldier she was attending to. Establishing the American Red Cross After the Civil War, Clara Barton was extremely active in giving speeches to large groups about her war experiences. In 1869, she was in Geneva, Switzerland ...

When was Clara Barton born?

The Early Life of Clara Barton Clara Barton was born on Christmas Day in 1821 to Captain Stephen Barton of the Massachusetts state militia and homemaker Sarah Stone Barton. Even though Clara Barton was judged intelligent enough to start regular schooling at the age of three, she was extremely shy and had only one friend throughout all ...

Why was Clara Barton never married?

Clara Barton was a nursing professional who was never married because she knew that being a married woman in the United States in the 1800’s would prevent her from following her goal of helping as many people as possible. She went on to play a prominent role in the American Civil War and founded the international aid organization known as the Red Cross. Ms. Barton came from a family where her father was a military man and her mother was a stay-at-home housewife. In that environment, Clara Barton learned the compassion she would need to serve as one of the more dedicated nursing professionals the American military has ever seen. The Early Life of Clara Barton Clara Barton was born on Christmas Day in 1821 to Captain Stephen Barton of the Massachusetts state militia and homemaker Sarah Stone Barton. Even though Clara Barton was judged intelligent enough to start regular schooling at the age of three, she was extremely shy and had only one friend throughout all of her school years. Her parents attempted to cure Clara’s shyness by enrolling her in a public high school when she was older, but Clara became so ill that her parents had to pull her out of school. The family moved in with a Barton relative who had lost her husband and needed help. It was when Clara and her parents moved in to help their relative that Clara came out of her shyness and excelled at helping others. At only ten years old, Clara learned the nursing skills necessary to help her brother recover from a serious illness and, at that point, Clara realized what she wanted to do with the rest of her life.

Who is in the Maryland Women's Hall of Fame?

Maryland Women’s Hall Of Fame: Clara Barton. Civil War Accomplishments As the Civil War approached in 1860, Clara Barton began to ask her father about what it meant to be in the military. Captain Barton told his daughter that it was every person’s duty to either be a part of the war effort, or to help the soldiers on the front lines.

Who was the first person to establish the Red Cross?

With federal funding, Clara Barton established the first office of the American Red Cross in her Washington, D.C. apartment on May 21, 1881. Clara Barton the Activist Clara Barton’ s desire to help others did not stop at the battlefield.


Humanity, impartiality, and voluntary service, are just a few of the fundamental principles of the Global Red Cross Network.

Aylin Salinas

Humanity, impartiality, and voluntary service, are just a few of the fundamental principles of the Global Red Cross Network.

Who is Clara Barton?

Clarissa Harlowe Barton, known as Clara, is one of the most honored women in American history. Barton risked her life to bring supplies and support to soldiers in the field during the Civil War. She founded the American Red Cross in 1881, at age 59, and led it for the next 23 years. Her understanding of the ways she could provide help ...

What was Clara Barton's job during the Civil War?

Clara Barton was working in the U.S. Patent Office in Washington, DC when the Civil War began. Like many women, she helped collect bandages and other much-needed supplies, but she soon realized that she could best support the troops by going in person to the battlefields. Throughout many major battles of the war, she nursed, comforted and cooked for the wounded, earning the nickname the “Angel of the Battlefield.”

Where was the first free school in New Jersey?

Clara Barton Schoolhouse, Bordentown, New Jersey. Clara Barton started teaching when she was 17 and by 1852, she established the first free public school in Bordentown, NJ. 4 of 15.

When did Barton close the Office of Missing Soldiers?

The office responded to 63,183 letters from families and located 22,000 men, Barton closed the Office of Missing Soldiers in 1869.

Who was the first person to sign an appeal for disaster relief?

An appeal for disaster relief after a flooding event occurred in 1882, signed by Clara Barton and her committee, including Frederick Douglass. The early years of the American Red Cross were spent responding to disasters, which included floods, fires, and hurricanes.

What river was flooded in 1889?

On May 31, 1889, Johnstown, PA was flooded by a wall of water from the dam break on the Conemaugh River. The Red Cross responded providing medical care, shelter, food, supplies and housing materials.

When was the Red Cross founded?

The American Red Cross was founded in 1881, after Clara Barton learned of the international movement while visiting Geneva, Switzerland in 1869. This is the invitation Clara Barton sent for the first Red Cross meeting.
