When performing organization is unable to provide the staff needed to complete a project, the required services may be acquired from outside sources. This can involve hiring individual consultants or subcontracting work to another organization
HR planning uses activity resource requirements to determine the HR needs for the project. The preliminary requirements regarding the required project team members and their competencies are progressively elaborated as part of the Plan HR Management process
Each descending (lower) level represents an increasingly detailed description of the resource unit small enough to be used in conjunction with the WBS to allow the work to be planned, monitored, and controlled. The RBS is helpful in tracking project costs and can be aligned with the organization's accounting system. It can contain resource categories other than HR.
Processes that organize, manage, and lead project team. Team is comprised of people with assigned roles and responsibilities for completing project. Team members may have varied skill sets, may be assigned full or part-time, and may be added or removed from the team as the project progresses.
PM team may not have direct control over team member selection because of collective bargaining agreements, use of subcontractor personnel, matrix project environment, internal or external reporting relationships, or other various reasons.
The PM team is a subset of the project team and is responsible for the PM and leadership activities such as all process groups throughout the various project phases.
A staff release plan also helps mitigate HR risks that may occur during or at the end of a project
Microsoft Project 2013 can help project managers and their staff organize their projects and meet their goals by acting as a virtual assistant that can produce information, charts, and reports to help the project smoothly advance to completion.
In Project 2013, the calendar shows the various hours in a workday, the days in a work week, holidays, and nonworking days on which a project schedule is based. Project allows you to set Base, Project, Task, and Resource calendars. 11 Total Points
By definition, a baseline is the detailed project against which actual work is tracked. It is kind of like detailed plans for your new home before you ever start to build it. Additional lesson topics: Set and save a baseline; Create or update a baseline or an interim plan 10 Total Points
Resources, by definition, are costs associated with tasks. A resource can be a person, equipment, materials, or even a fee. Additional lesson topics: Add resources to your project; How to Allocate Resources in Microsoft Project 11 Total Points
Microsoft Project 2013 is the latest release of the popular project management software created by Microsoft. This program is designed to assist project managers in planning, executing, and managing small and large projects alike by helping them develop a plan, create tasks, assign resources, manage a budget, and track progress.
A view in Project is simply the way that task and/or resource information is displayed. Additional lesson topics: Work with the Gantt Chart view; Use a wizard to create a Gantt Chart 11 Total Points
The main part of your project is going to be the tasks. The tasks are what will track your project progress from start to finish. Additional lesson topics: Basic tasks in Project ; Link tasks in a project 11 Total Points
When performing organization is unable to provide the staff needed to complete a project, the required services may be acquired from outside sources. This can involve hiring individual consultants or subcontracting work to another organization
HR planning uses activity resource requirements to determine the HR needs for the project. The preliminary requirements regarding the required project team members and their competencies are progressively elaborated as part of the Plan HR Management process
Each descending (lower) level represents an increasingly detailed description of the resource unit small enough to be used in conjunction with the WBS to allow the work to be planned, monitored, and controlled. The RBS is helpful in tracking project costs and can be aligned with the organization's accounting system. It can contain resource categories other than HR.
Processes that organize, manage, and lead project team. Team is comprised of people with assigned roles and responsibilities for completing project. Team members may have varied skill sets, may be assigned full or part-time, and may be added or removed from the team as the project progresses.
PM team may not have direct control over team member selection because of collective bargaining agreements, use of subcontractor personnel, matrix project environment, internal or external reporting relationships, or other various reasons.
The PM team is a subset of the project team and is responsible for the PM and leadership activities such as all process groups throughout the various project phases.
A staff release plan also helps mitigate HR risks that may occur during or at the end of a project