how can the first computer science general course pdf

by Mr. Jovany Lebsack Sr. 4 min read

What is the history of Computer Science?

History of Computer Science Also, a History of Computing E. Braden Hendricks Early Computation • The abacus “the first automatic computer” is the earliest known tool of computing • It was thought to have been invented in Babylon, circa 2400 BCE. • The abacus generally features a table or tablet with beaded strings.

Who is the author of introduction to computer science?

Introduction to Computer Science - Introduction Author Ryan Stansifer Created Date 8/31/2021 4:58:11 PM

What is the first step in problem solving in Computer Science?

COMP1405/1005 – An Introduction to Computer Science and Problem Solving Fall 2011 - 16- STEP 1: Understand the Problem: It sounds strange, but the first step to solving any problem is to make sure that you understand the problem that you are trying to solve. You need to know:

What do you learn in Computer Science?

Learnsomealgorithms,somerealandidealizedmachines,learnsomethingabout information. Mostlylearnsomemechanismswhichcanexpresscomputation. Computer Science (Introduction) What is CS? © 31 August 2021 18 / 142 Mathematics,science,orengineering? Mathematics. The science of numbers, interrelations, and abstrac- tions. Science.

What is the first course in computer science?

Algorithms-first courses introduce basic concepts of computer science through pencil-and-paper exercises that involve reasoning through step-by-step solutions to problems, without (at first) implementing such solutions in an actual programming language.

How do I prepare for my first computer science class?

3:588:19Preparing for a Computer Science Degree - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipProblem solving and programming one and we want to read that description introduction to computerMoreProblem solving and programming one and we want to read that description introduction to computer based problem solving and programming in C++ topics included problem-solving methodologies.

What is computer science definition PDF?

defines computer science as "a discipline that involves the. understanding and design of computers and computational. processes." [1] However, this definition is also very broad. and would allow many extraneous cases to fall within the. umbrella of computer science.

What are the basics of computer science?

Overviewcomputer structures and algorithms.programming languages.operating systems.problem solving and implementation using computer programming.

What do you learn in first year computer science?

Topics explored: Algorithms, artificial intelligence, software design, databases, data mining, graphics, security, computer networks, natural language processing, operating systems, social networks, theory of computation, evolutionary computation, and data visualization.

How can I prepare myself for computer science?

10 Ways to Prepare Yourself for Computer Science at a UniversityDetermine What Computer Science Means to You. ... Hone Your Craft and Build a Skillset. ... Know Your Resources. ... If You Want to Go Fast, Go Alone; If You Want to Go Far, Go Together. ... Train Your Mental Discipline. ... Learn to Use GitHub. ... Keep a Progress Log Portfolio.More items...•

What is computer science course?

Computer science is the study of computers and computing as well as their theoretical and practical applications. Computer science applies the principles of mathematics, engineering, and logic to a plethora of functions, including algorithm formulation, software and hardware development, and artificial intelligence.

What is computer science introduction?

Computer science is the study of computation, automation, and information. Computer science spans theoretical disciplines (such as algorithms, theory of computation, and information theory) to practical disciplines (including the design and implementation of hardware and software).

How many subjects are there in computer science?

The course curriculum of this course is divided into 6 semesters. BSc Computer Science Subjects include Operating Systems concepts, Introduction to Computer Network, Introduction to Data Structures, Numerical Analysis, System Software, System Programming, Python programming, Introduction to Web Technology etc.

What is basic computer course?

Objective of BCC: In step with effort to achieve the objective of achieving computer literacy in an inclusive manner, NIELIT has launched a new programme, “Basic Computer Course (BCC)”. The objective of the course is to impart basic level computer appreciation programme with more emphasis on hands on training.

Where do I start with computer science?

It's a crucial skill to have in the computer science world. There's many different coding languages out there. First, start with the basics, which are HTML and CSS. Then you can soon move on to more complex languages, but are still relatively easy to get a hang of, like Python and Java.

How do I start learning computer programming?

14 Step Roadmap for Beginner DevelopersFamiliarize Yourself with Computer Architecture and Data Basics.Learn How Programming Languages Work.Understand How the Internet Works.Practice Some Command-Line Basics.Build Up Your Text Editor Skills with Vim.Take-up Some HTML.Tackle Some CSS.Start Programming with JavaScript.More items...•

Who invented the algorithm?

Algorithms are in etymology are derived from algebra, which was developed in the seventh century by an Indian mathematician, Brahmagupta. He introduced zero as a place holder and decimal digits.

What was the job of computers in the 1920s?

Computers in those days were people whose job it was to calculate various equations. Many thousands were employed by the government and businesses.

What is the name of the computer used in the Korean War?

Upper Left: the Polish analog computer ELWAT. Bottom Left: a typical student slide rule. Bottom Right: the Norden bombsight, used by the US military during World War II, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War. It usage includes the dropping of the atomic bombs on Japan.

Who invented the analytical engine?

The analytical engine is a key step in the formation of the modern computer. It was designed by Charles Babbage starting in 1837, but he worked on it until his death in 1871. Because of legal, political and monetary issues the machine was never built.

Is the home computer revolution still happening?

Three and a half decades later, the home computer revolution is still occurring. Microsoft still dominates the market, but Apple, with the introduction of the new iMac, as well as branches of other innovating technology (the iPod) has made some ground, as have independent free source operating systems like Linux and Solaris.

What is computer science?

Regardless of the area of study, computer science is all about solving problems with computers. The problems that we want to solve can come from any real-world problem or perhaps even from the abstract world. We need to have a standard systematic approach to solving problems.

What is the name of the abstraction that allows algorithms to be more detailed?

This kind of abstraction is known as control abstraction.

What is Concepts First?

We present a unique “concepts-first” curriculum that exposes students without programming experience to the intellectual depth and breadth of computer science through hands-on experience with software development. The curriculum is supported by JPie, a tightly integrated programming environment that enables live construction of Java applications through direct manipulation of graphical representations of programming abstractions. The curriculum, projects, and classroom experience are described.

What is CS123 in computer science?

This curriculum has been implemented as “Washington University CS123: The Computer Science Way of Thinking ,” [11] and is currently in its second semester. It is taught as a seminar-style laboratory course, in which students do all programming projects during supervised sessions. Homework consists of reading assignments and short written exercises from a computer science survey text [6] that provide a general context in which to understand the programming projects. Students are encouraged to collaborate in pairs on the projects, and by listening to their conversations we are able to monitor their thought process as they work through the projects. We admit only students without prior experience so that there is no intimidation factor among peers. The course has been successful in attracting a more balanced gender mix (approximately 50% women), supporting findings that women are likely to find a top-down (i.e., concepts-first) presentation of the field more appealing than a bottom-up approach in which technical details dominate. [2] After learning the initial mechanics of drag and drop within JPie, students move quickly into thinking about the projects at a conceptual level. Through the sequence of projects, various features of the programming environment must be introduced, and their mechanics explained, but student questions indicate that they are thinking deeply about the higher level ideas, and not just the mechanics of completing the projects. Students generally complete projects within the allotted time, and there is enough flexibility in the course that students can finish projects in the following class period if necessary. After the first offering of the course, we have rearranged some topics. In particular, we now introduce the concept of class hierarchies early in the semester, since they figure so prominently in object-oriented design.
