how can i copy a moodle course to another instructor

by Prof. Immanuel Mertz 4 min read

To copy another instructor's course, ask the instructor for the class key of the course to be copied. Open your Moodle course. Click > Turn editing on.

To do so you can create a backup of your Moodle course with Moodle backup function and send the created backup files to the other instructor. Then they can restore Moodle (. mbz) backup files into their Moodle course in the new system.

Full Answer

How do I copy my course from one moodle site to another?

The easiest way to copy your course on Moodle is to use the Import function to copy your course materials from one course site to another. 1. Go to the course site that you want to import into, and click on the Administration gear in the right corner of the page, select Import from the drop down menu.

How do I import data into a Moodle course?

In the Moodle course you will copy into, to import the item(s): Open the course you wish to import item(s) into. In the Administration block, under Course Administration click Import. The Find a course to import data from page will open. The Find a course page can display up to ten courses available for you to copy.

How do I edit items in a Moodle course?

(For details, see Moodle F.A.Q. for Instructors .) Select Turn Editing On (green pencil icon, top right). At the bottom of the course page, click the Increase the number of sections button () to create a new Section. You will use this section to hold duplicates of the items you wish to copy.

How do I create a copy of a course?

To achieve this, you need to enable asynchronous backups in Site Administration / Courses / Backups / Asynchronous backup/restore . From Site administration / Courses / Manage courses and categories, click to select a category. Find the course you want to copy, and click the duplicate icon to copy the course.

How do I copy from one Moodle course to another?

Prepare Items to CopyOpen the course you will copy item(s) from. ... In the menu bar at the top of your course page, select Turn Editing On (green pencil icon ). ... Scroll to the bottom of the course page and click + Add topics to create a new Section. ... For each item you wish to copy, click Edit, then select Duplicate.More items...

How do I move a course in Moodle?

Use the Basic Move Icon to Move Items in Your CourseFor activities and resources, Moodle will highlight the available move locations with an arrow and box.For sections, click Edit (far right of the section), then click Move Up ( ) or Move Down ( ) from the drop-down menu to move the section.

How do I export a Moodle course?

Exporting Content From Moodle From within a course, from the course Administration menu, choose Backup. Select whether to export as a Common Cartridge or a native Moodle file. Follow the succession of screens, to complete the process.

How do I assign a course to a teacher in Moodle?

To assign a teacher to a course, click on the course title from the main Moodle page. Find the admin block inside this course (default is the lower, left-hand side) and choose the "Assign roles" option. When the "Assign roles" page loads, choose the teacher link from the list.

How do you copy on Moodle?

Let's take the step-by-step guide on how to copy a Moodle course.Step 1: Dashboard login. Log in to your Moodle dashboard. ... Step 2: Select the course to duplicate. ... Step 3: Backup the course. ... Step 4: Backup settings. ... Step 5: Review the backup settings. ... Step 6: Continue to download the course.

How do I import a course in Moodle?

InstructionsGo to the Moodle page for the new course and click the "Course Management" gear icon in the top menu bar.Click "Import".On the next screen, you will search for the course you want to import from. ... Select the course you want and click Continue.Choose what Moodle components you want to import.More items...

How do I download a copy of a Moodle course?

To download courses:Proceed to Administration > Site administration > Courses > Download courses.Select the download options, then click on the download button.

How do I export data from Moodle?

Exporting database dataGo to the course homepage.Find the Database and click its link.Click the Export tab.Choose the format you wish to export to: CSV or ODS. ... Select the fields you want to export. ... Check Include user details to include who submitted each entry.More items...

How do I add a manager to a Moodle course?

Assigning someone the role of Manager You can give someone the manager role sitewide(to enable them for instance to add new users) by going to Settings>Site Administration>Users>Permissions>Assign system roles, selecting the Manager role and moving over your chosen user.

How do I add a non edit teacher in Moodle?

I think it will work if you just assign the Non-editing teacher role as a site-level role, using Admin -> Users -> Permissions -> Assign system roles. Now, of course, you can't do that by default. First you need to go to Define roles, and change the setting so you are allowed to assign non-editing teacher there.

How do I add a course administrator in Moodle?

4Go to Site administration > Courses > Add/edit courses.Select a category > Edit this category.In Administration block: Assign roles > Manager > (select user) Add.

Allow Another Instructor to copy your Moodle legacy course to Moodle in the Cloud

During the transition to Moodle in the Cloud, you can still share a Moodle course that you developed in Moodle legacy ( with an instructor who will be teaching in Moodle in the Cloud (

Allow Another Instructor to copy your Moodle course within Moodle in the Cloud

All courses post Spring 2021 will be created and developed in Moodle in the Cloud. If you wish to authorize UMass Amherst IT to grant access to your Moodle course content, please use the Give Permission for Other Instructors to Copy Your Moodle Course form.

Prepare Items to Copy

Before you start importing content, we recommend doing a little preparation in the course you are copying from. Note: This step is especially important if the target course already contains any content.

Clean Up Imported Content

Edit due dates for activities To update due dates for activities such as Assignments and Quizzes see Edit Dates for Multiple Activities & Resources in Moodle for information on how to change many due dates at once. Note: The Edit Dates page does not work for Turnitin assignments.

About course copy

New feature in Moodle 3.9! In Moodle 3.9 onwards, administrators, managers and those with the relevant capabilities can quickly copy courses from a course category or within a course.

Course copy from Course and category management screen

From Site administration / Courses / Manage courses and categories, click to select a category.

Course copy settings

As well as setting the course name, category, visibility and dates, you can make the following selections:

Allow teachers to copy courses

To allow a course teacher (or any role other than an admin or manager) to copy courses, the role needs the following capabilities:

Re: Copy lesson to another course

Yes, make a backup of the course, include course files if you have used uploaded files (eg pictures), include only the lesson, no userfiles.

Re: Copy lesson to another course

Koen's method is the right, standard way of doing what you want. But I think that that Audun Hauge's block may also acheive the same thing (although I have never used that functionality), and the Brenstein / Borrow hack may also work for you.

Re: Copy lesson to another course

Am assuming you have already done this but am going to provide my input anyway - for all those other folks out there who will be reading your posting. I found a way to do this that is easier that the responses you received previously. When editing is turned on there is an option to import course data.

Re: Copy lesson to another course

Is there anyway to just copy or backup/restore just one lesson? When I tried what you described it works great but copies all the lessons from one course to another.

Re: Copy lesson to another course

Sure is. I do it all the time. In 1.6 it is part of the backup process. The short hand is to deselect everything with the top link, then go down the list and check what you want. 1.6 will show you every lesson, so you can click on one or every other one or what ever. Big improvement!


Thanks a lot for this post, Chris. The process you describe for 1.5.3 is a bit laborious, but it works for 1.5.4. Saved me a lot of manual labour.

Re: Copy lesson to another course

I've tried to find the "import course data" function but I haven't been successful. Is this something that has been introduced in 1.6?
