how can behavior enhance fitness course hero

by Roxane Terry 6 min read

What are the health-enhancing behaviors?

Health-Enhancing Behaviors - Health-Enhancing Behaviors... This preview shows page 1 - 14 out of 50 pages. Types of Exercise  Aerobic Exercise  Elevated heart rate and respiration  Weight training  Resistance important for development of lean muscle mass  Increased activity  Increasing daily movement to improve fitness

How do you help clients establish healthy behaviors?

When helping clients to establish new and healthy behaviors, sometimes, the simplest approaches are the ones that are the most effective. For example, having them set timers on their watch or phone to go off at regular intervals can be very powerful.

What motivates you to exercise?

There are basically two parts that make up our motivation: intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation comes from internal states (i.e., enjoyment or personal satisfaction), so even if you could wave a magic wand that would make you healthy or thin or strong, you would still exercise purely for the joy that the activity brings you.

Why should you hire a health coach or personal trainer?

Hiring you as a health coach or personal trainer will already provide your client with a certain amount of accountability. Some people need additional measures to create a sense of obligation and help them keep their eyes on the prize, though.

How long does it take to keep up a behavior?

Don’t forget about the importance of celebrating small victories. Six months is a long time to keep up a behavior. Clients are going to be more apt to do this if the behavior change is broken up into smaller goals, each of which has some kind of reward attached to it.

What is behavior modification?

Behavior modification is all about stopping specific, unwanted behaviors and replacing them with more desirable ones.

What is habit stacking?

1. Habit Stacking. The practice of habit stacking, made popular by the author and entrepreneur James Clear, is one of the most effective tools health coaches and personal trainers can teach their clients. Habit stacking involves “stacking” a new behavior on top of an existing one.

How does pairing work?

This pairing approach works due to something known as “synaptic pruning.” The idea behind synaptic pruning is that the brain prunes away connections (or synapses) between neurons that aren’t used very often. It also builds up the connections that get used most often.

How long does it take for a client to maintain behavior?

Once a client has maintained a behavior for at least six months , they might still require some occasional support and guidance, but they’ll also be more confident in their ability to keep things up. At this point, they might also decide that they’re ready to start pursuing a new goal.

Why is my client not sticking to my exercise routine?

Your client might not stick to an exercise routine because they don’t enjoy or don’t feel comfortable working out alone, for instance. In this case, encouraging them to try a group exercise class or small-group personal training session might be what they need to make the behavior or regular exercise stick.

How to get rid of distractions in clients?

If your client has distractions like this that are a consistent problem, work with them to identify the issue and then find a way to get rid of it. Maybe they need to utilize an app that blocks them from accessing a particular website. That way, they won’t be tempted to scroll and will be more inclined to fit in their workout.
