great gatsby can't turn back time why of course you can

by Kendall Bechtelar 4 min read

“You can’t repeat the past,” says Nick Carraway to Jay Gatsby

Jay Gatsby

Jay Gatsby is the title character of the 1925 F. Scott Fitzgerald novel The Great Gatsby. The fictional character, a millionaire and the owner of a luxurious mansion where extravagant parties are often hosted, is described by the novel's narrator, Nick Carraway, as being "the single most hopefu…

. This quote belongs in Chapter 6 of Francis Scott Fitzgerald’s famous novel, “The Great Gatsby.” To which Gatsby replies, “Can’t repeat the past? Why, of course, you can!” This conversation gives a hint about Gatsby’s intention to return Daisy Buchanan, his past love.

“Can't repeat the past? Why, of course you can!” Jay Gatsby, the protagonist of F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby, said this to his friend Nick Carraway in order to convince both himself and Nick that he could recapture Daisy Buchanan, his former love.

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Why can't you repeat the past Gatsby?

"Can't repeat the past? Why of course you can!" (Fitzgerald, 117). CONTEXT: Gatsby is talking to Nick about how his life was much better when he was with Daisy, and now he wants her back. Nick, in turns, tells Gatsby that he should move on, because the past cannot be repeated.

What does Nick tell Gatsby to do about the past?

(Fitzgerald, 117). CONTEXT: Gatsby is talking to Nick about how his life was much better when he was with Daisy, and now he wants her back. Nick, in turns, tells Gatsby that he should move on, because the past cannot be repeated.

What does Nick say to Jay Gatsby in Chapter 6?

“You can’t repeat the past,” says Nick Carraway to Jay Gatsby. This quote belongs in Chapter 6 of Francis Scott Fitzgerald’s famous novel, “The Great Gatsby.”

Does Gatsby hint at his plans to win Daisy back?

Of course, you can!” In this conversation, Gatsby hints at his plans to win Daisy back. Francis Scott Fitzgerald’s “The Great Gatsby” is a 1925 book about the life and times of Jay Gatsby and his friends on Long Island in the 1920s.

Who did Gatsby work for?

What does Gatsby fashion for himself?

What chapter does Jay Gatsby dream about Daisy Buchanan?

What does Gatsby say in chapter 6?

Does Gatsby believe he can repeat the past?

Is Daisy married to Tom Buchanan?

Does Gatsby fantasize?

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When Nick told Gatsby that you cant repeat the past Gatsby replied Why of course you can do you agree with Nick or Gatsby?

In response to Nick Gatsby say's "can't repeat the past? Why of course you can!" This truly highlights his inability to accept the truth, being that Daisy has moved on and is married with a child. It is not only foolish, it is delusional to think that you can turn back time.

When Nick told Gatsby that you can't repeat the past Gatsby replied Why of course you can quizlet?

When Nick told Gatsby, "You can't repeat the past," Gatsby replied, "Why of course you can!" Do you agree with Nick or Gatsby? I believe that you can do your best to duplicate something from the past, but it will not be exactly as it was before.

Is Gatsby's desire to turn back time with Daisy romantic or unrealistic explain?

-Gatsby has compassion. -Gatsby's obsessive ambitiousness and unrealistic goal of getting Daisy back sets him apart from society as he cannot see the truth in the situation.

How does Gatsby react when Nick tells him you cant repeat the past?

When Nick cautions Gatsby that "You can't repeat the past," Gatsby idealistically answers "Why of course you can!" words that strike Nick soundly because of their "appalling sentimentality," which both delights and disgusts him.

How does Gatsby respond when Nick tells him you cant repeat the past?

Nick tells him that she did causing him to say " you can't repeat the past" Gatsby wants to go back to the way it was before and have Daisy tell Tom she never loved him.

What page is can't repeat the past Why of course you can?

This quote belongs in Chapter 6 of Francis Scott Fitzgerald's famous novel, “The Great Gatsby.” To which Gatsby replies, “Can't repeat the past? Why, of course, you can!” This conversation gives a hint about Gatsby's intention to return Daisy Buchanan, his past love.

Why is Gatsby's opinion unrealistic?

why is gatsby's opinion unrealistic? Nick know that you can't and shouldn't repeat the past, but Gatsby thinks he can just erase the last five years and start over again. His opinion is unrealistic because it's been five years and both of them have changed.

Why is Gatsby unrealistic?

Gatsby failed to dream again and to strive for a new dream. This lead to him thinking everything was perfect and heading off to war, leaving Daisy behind. When he returned, he still had the same dream that he had once accomplished, but it had become unrealistic because Daisy was married.

Does Gatsby love Daisy or is he obsessed with her?

He is obsessed with her, he idolizes her. Daisy is an embodiment of his dreams more than she is a real woman. But indeed she is real and she can't choose between Jay and Tom, she loved Tom Buchanan at the beginning of their marriage and she confesses it to Gatsby.

Why was Gatsby obsessed with Daisy?

Daisy's Love In The Great Gatsby Analysis Gatsby lived for the purpose of Daisy's approval. While everyone around him was so caught up with their reputation in society, Gatsby was caught up with his reputation to Daisy. He wanted her to think the best of him.

What does Gatsby feel for Daisy Is it love affection or obsession Do you think that he can really love?

Scott Fitzgerald, what Jay Gatsby feels for Daisy Buchanan is obsession. Gatsby revolves and rearranges his entire life in order to gain her affections. Gatsby's obsession with Daisy resulted in him buying a mansion across the lake from her, throwing huge parties, and spending years of his life trying to become rich.

What are Gatsby's intentions with Daisy?

Although his original intention was to use Daisy, he found out that he was incapable of doing so. When their relation became intimate, he still felt unworthy, and with the intimacy, Gatsby found himself wedded, not to Daisy directly, but to the quest to prove himself worthy of her.

"Can't repeat the past? Why, of course, you can!" Explain the Quote

The Great Gatsby Reflection Paper The Great Gatsby Jay Gatsby & Tom Buchanan: Compare & Contrast Daisy Buchanan: “I did love him once, but I loved you, too” The American Dream in The Great Gatsby Gatsby & Nick in The Great Gatsby Silver & Gold: Color Symbolism in The Great Gatsby The Dilemmas of the American Dream in The Great Gatsby American Culture in the Novel "The Great Gatsby" What ...

Quote by F. Scott Fitzgerald: “Can't repeat the past?" he cried ...

“Can't repeat the past?" he cried incredulously. "Why of course you can!" He looked around him wildly, as if the past were lurking here in the shadow of his house, just out of reach of his hand.”

'You can't repeat the past.' 'Can't repeat the past?' he cried ...

'You can't repeat the past.' 'Can't repeat the past?' he cried incredulously. 'Why of course you can!' He looked around him wildly, as if the past were lurking here in the shadow of his house, just out of reach of his hand. - F. Scott Fitzgerald

what is the significance of this quote ““ ‘Can’t repeat that ...

This is significant because Gatsby wanted to re-live the past. He wanted to re-shape what has already taken place and somehow will his future with Daisy to happen.

"'Can't repeat the past?' he cried incredulously. 'Why of course you ...

Jay Gatsby makes this response to Nick Carraway’s statement, “You can’t repeat the past.” Their conversation occurs after Daisy and Tom Buchanan have left a party at Gatsby’s house. It ...

The Great Gatsby Quotes: Chapter 6 | SparkNotes

The truth was that Jay Gatsby of West Egg, Long Island, sprang from his Platonic conception of himself. He was a son of God—a phrase which, if it means anything, means just that—and he must be about His Father’s business, the service of a vast, vulgar, and meretricious beauty.

What does Gatsby not understand?

What Gatsby does not—or will not, or cannot—understand is that it was that anticipation and that hint of physical contact that made the moment so perfect for both of them. He tries to convince himself that he, Daisy, and Tom can meet socially as a way to get closer to her. The effect, of course, is to make her nervous and Tom jealous. His next step will be to stop socializing and have Daisy come to his house alone.

Why is Gatsby so incredulous?

Gatsby is incredulous in part because of what Nick says , and in part because he had thought Nick was entirely on his wavelength in his plan to rekindle Daisy’s love. Gatsby does not want to repeat the entire past, only select moments of the past.

What does Nick try to warn Gatsby about?

Nick tries to warn him that this can't be done. Gatsby's response shows that he completely rejects Nick's commonsense warning. Gatsby's tragedy is that he can't accept that the passage of time changes circumstances. Daisy has a husband and child. She is not the person she was five years ago.

Who said you can't repeat the past?

Jay Gatsby makes this response to Nick Carraway ’s statement, “You can’t repeat the past.” Their conversation occurs after Daisy and Tom Buchanan have left a party at Gatsby’s house. It is the first one they have attended, and Gatsby can tell that Daisy did not like it. Nick is...

Does Gatsby want to repeat the past?

Gatsby does not want to repeat the entire past, only select moments of the past. He wants to believe he can pick and choose the best fragments of his shattered past and in doing so block out the unpleasant ones. Rather than the horrors of war, for example, he remembers the months he spent at Oxford. The focus of this selective reinvention is Daisy. While she has been his ideal, the corporeal aspect of their relationship centered on a single perfect kiss. The build up to that kiss has created an idyllic vision in his mind. It remains unfocused in his mind that it is part of himself that he is trying to recover. Nick says, “He wanted to recover something, some idea of himself perhaps, that had gone into loving Daisy.”

What is the plot of The Great Gatsby?

The plot tells the story of young Americans living in the West Egg and East Egg of upper-class Long Island. Fitzgerald masterfully depicts the glamorous and roaring twenties, with their thirst for life and hedonistic pleasures. The main plotline of the novel tells the readers about a love story. A mysterious millionaire Jay Gatsby tries to win back a married young lady Daisy Buchanan. Gatsby lives in a massive palace on the banks of the river and throws fancy parties there to impress Daisy. But her bonds with her husband are quite strong. At the same time, she knows he is cheating with Myrtle Wilson. By the way, there is an unexpected turn of events. At the end of the story, Daisy hits Myrtle, who doesn’t survive in a car accident.

Who is Jay Gatsby cheating with?

But her bonds with her husband are quite strong. At the same time, she knows he is cheating with Myrtle Wilson.

Can't repeat the past?

“You can’t repeat the past,” says Nick Carraway to Jay Gatsby. This quote belongs in Chapter 6 of Francis Scott Fitzgerald’s famous novel, “The Great Gatsby.” To which Gatsby replies, “Can’t repeat the past? Why, of course, you can!” This conversation gives a hint about Gatsby’s intention to return Daisy Buchanan, his past love.

Who does Daisy hit in the end of the story?

At the same time, she knows he is cheating with Myrtle Wilson. By the way, there is an unexpected turn of events. At the end of the story, Daisy hits Myrtle, who doesn’t survive in a car accident. The story is told by Nick Carraway, who meets Gatsby upon arriving in New York.

Why does Nick tell Gatsby to move on?

Nick, in turns, tells Gatsby that he should move on, because the past cannot be repeated. SIGNIFICANCE: Gatsby is the man that has all the glamour, the riches, the success - and also being the perfect bachelor, but the thing he wants the most is Daisy and he knows he cannot have her.

What is the typical saying of Gatsby?

This is an example of the typical saying "Money cannot buy you love.". This is a point of character revelation, as Gatsby is naive thinking he would be able recreate the past and that Daisy would willing to give up her social class of "old money" to be with him, who is of new money.

Who did Gatsby work for?

For, he has worked for Dan Cody and has made such shady connections as Meyer Wolfscheim. Nevertheless, Gatsby fashions for himself an unreality out of reality, "a promise that the rock of the world was founded securely on a fairy's wing.".

What does Gatsby fashion for himself?

Nevertheless, Gatsby fashions for himself an unreality out of reality, "a promise that the rock of the world was founded securely on a fairy's wing." He purchases a home on West Egg, he holds parties with hundreds of people who do not know him, he smiles and smiles, he buys shirts of every color, purchases a car of leather-bound interior and fenders like wings, he gulps down the "incomparable milk of wonder," but Daisy is offended by West Egg, "this unprecendented place that Broadway had begotten upon a Long Island fishing village."

What chapter does Jay Gatsby dream about Daisy Buchanan?

Share Link. In Chapter One of The Great Gatsby, a dreamy Jay Gatsby stares longingly at the green light at the end of Daisy Buchanan 's pier. He dreams of the girl he met before he went to war, and hopes to regain her.

What does Gatsby say in chapter 6?

In chapter 6, Nick tells Gatsby , "You can't repeat the past," Gatsby repli es, "Why of course you can.". Do you agree with Nick or with Gatsby? Most readers would agree with Nick that you can't repeat the past. That Gatsby believes he is able to repeat the past highlights his disconnect from reality. Gatsby is so caught up in his dreams that he ...

Does Gatsby believe he can repeat the past?

That Gatsby believes he is able to repeat the past highlights his disconnect from reality. Gatsby is so caught up in his dreams that he believes he and Daisy can simply pick up their relationship right where they left off, despite the fact that she has since married Tom and had a child. Download PDF. Print. Page Citation.

Is Daisy married to Tom Buchanan?

This quest for the love of Daisy, despite her having married Tom Buchanan , is but a romantic illusion. The past that Gatsby hopes to regain is irretrievable; Daisy is not only older, but she is now a mother and wife; Gatsby himself is not the young innocent that he was when he first met Daisy.

Does Gatsby fantasize?

This ability on Gatsby's part is really an ability to fantasize though, and so it does not convincingly defeat or undermine Nick's point.
