grammar advisor course what for

by Miss Frederique Skiles 4 min read

Grammar Advisor™ is a 40-hour, accredited certification that provides an overview of the grammar you’ll need to know when teaching ESL/EFL, such as verb tenses, parts of speech, sentence structure, and others.

Grammar Advisor™ is a 40-hour, accredited certification that provides an overview of the grammar you'll need to know when teaching ESL/EFL, such as verb tenses, parts of speech, sentence structure, and others.

Full Answer

Why Take The Foundations of English Grammar Course?

Even though there are over 380 million native English speakers around the glob e, there are far fewer that understand the how and why of English grammar.

What is foundations of grammar?

Foundations of English Grammar is designed to build your explicit knowledge of English grammar, thereby enhancing your ability to explain different facets of grammar while Teaching English as a Foreign Language.

What is grammar check?

This course covers the major English grammar structures in a fast-paced format. We’ve designed it so that you can check your understanding throughout before taking the quizzes or completing the weekly assignments. These knowledge checks allow you to self-assess your understanding of the topics for the week and make determinations on where you can move ahead or continue your studies.

Why aren't all topics in the book assessed in the course?

All topics in the book, however, aren’t assessed in the course because learning ALL of English Grammar in four weeks is too much for anyone. Instead, we’ve grouped grammar structures into weekly units to make the content engaging and scaffolded.

What is ITA in TEFL?

Founded in 2010, International TEFL Academy (ITA) is a world leader in TEFL certification for teaching English abroad and teaching English online. ITA offers accredited TEFL certification classes online and in 21 locations worldwide and has received multiple awards and widespread recognition as one of the best TEFL schools in the world. ITA provides all students and graduates with lifetime job search guidance and has certified more than 25,000 English teachers. Our graduates are currently teaching in 80 countries worldwide.

What is advanced grammar university?

Advanced Grammar University will provide you with everything that is necessary in order to understand English grammar on the advanced level, which will help you prepare for your C2 exam.

What is an advanced learner?

People who live in an English-speaking country and want to be able to use English in their life. People who seek job opportunities and need to be advanced learners of English to get their dream job. Absolutely ANYONE who wants to master advanced English grammar and use it in their professional or personal life.

How many people can't grasp the grammatical concepts?

For every person who uses English grammar perfectly there are 10 people who just can’t fully grasp the more complex grammatical concepts. There are still people who overthink everything that they want to say, who are not confident when they speak, and who, after the conversation is over, think about their errors over and over again.

What is a Facebook course community group?

Facebook Course Community Group: Access to the University Group for answers to your questions, additional support, and incredible learning vibes from other students and Laura herself.

What are the language lovers?

Language lovers wanting to achieve an advanced level in English. Aspiring influencers who want to grow their online presence using English. Teachers who want to understand advanced English grammar and teach it to their students. People who have English-speaking friends with whom they want to communicate freely.

Can I take descriptive grammar and linguistics at university?

I have helped dozens of English majors pass their Descriptive Grammar and Linguistics Courses. These are most advanced courses that you can take at university when you pursue a degree in Foreign Languages. For the last 6 years, since I started university myself, I have been contacted by dozens of students who desperately needed my help. All of them passed their courses. Which means that even people who eventually become language teachers struggle with complex grammar. And I helped them understand it.

Is the English language teaching market saturated?

The English Language teaching market is so saturated. There are so many English teachers, YouTubers creating content on learning English, and even more language schools, grammar books and language courses.
