blackboard why is course copy waiting and not completing

by Evangeline Haley 4 min read

What happens when I delete a course in Blackboard Learn?

Dec 11, 2019 · Blackboard was updated on December 5, 2019. Blackboard has issued a report that some Modules are not copied as expected after a Course Copy. Please check any course copies you execute for this error and if modules are missing, create a Helpdesk ticket at:

What does the X through the course mean in Blackboard Learn?

2. Under Control Panel, use the pulldown next to “Packages and Utilities” to choose Course Copy. 3. On the next screen, select “Copy Course Materials into an Existing Course.” (NB: Instructors do not have system permissions to create new courses.) 4a. To select the “destination” course, click the “Browse” button.

What are course properties in Blackboard Learn?

You can copy all the content or select individual items from the other Ultra courses you teach. On the Course Content page, select the plus sign to open the menu. Select Copy Content. Or, open the menu on the right side above the content list. Select Copy Content. The Copy Content panel opens. This information also applies to organizations.

What is the latest version of blackboard for testing?

If one course is the first semester of a two-semester course that includes the same students, you can copy some of the course materials and the enrollments. User data is not copied from one course to another. User data includes grades, test scores, blog posts and comments, journal posts and comments, discussion threads, wiki content, collaboration session data, and user …

How do I copy an entire course in Blackboard?

Use the copy course button
  1. On the Administrator Panel in the Courses section, select Courses.
  2. On the Courses page, select Copy Course.
  3. Select the type of copy to perform. ...
  4. Type the course ID in Source Course ID box. ...
  5. Type the course ID in the Destination Course ID box. ...
  6. Select Submit.

What is course copy in Blackboard?

In order to copy course content in Blackboard, an instructor must be assigned to both the source course and the destination course. If the instructor is not assigned to both course, the Export/Import procedure must be used.

How do I delete a course copy in Blackboard?

Click on the chevron next to the link name and select delete to completely remove it from the course. In the Select Other Materials to Delete section, select the check boxes for content found in other areas within the course that you want to delete.

How do I import a course into Blackboard?

Part of a video titled How-to Import and Export a Course in Blackboard - YouTube
After you have made your selections click Submit at the bottom right-hand side of the page. ThisMoreAfter you have made your selections click Submit at the bottom right-hand side of the page. This will open your course it. May take a few minutes for the import to occur.

How do I find course content on Blackboard?

To access the Content Collection in Blackboard, log into your Blackboard course and go to the Control Panel. In the Control Panel, click on Content Collection to view links related to the Content Collection: Click on the Course ID to access the Content Collection for the current course.Mar 6, 2019

How do you copy files in Blackboard?

In the Content Collection, go to the folder that contains the file or folder you want to copy. Select the check box next to the item and select Copy. You can also access the Copy option in the item's menu. Enter the path to the destination folder or select Browse to locate and select the destination folder.

How do I reset a Blackboard course shell?

Reset a Course
  1. On the Control Panel located under Course Management, click on Packages and utilities.
  2. Select Bulk Delete.
  3. Check all the options on 1. Select Content Materials to Delete and 2. Select Other Materials to Delete.
  4. Type Submit on 3. Confirmation.
Aug 30, 2021

Can you Unsubmit from Blackboard?

You can't edit a submitted assignment, but you may be allowed to resubmit it. However, you can't resubmit all assignments. Check if you can submit an assignment more than once. If you can't and made a mistake, you must contact your instructor to ask for the opportunity to resubmit the assignment.

How do I Unsubmit an assignment on Blackboard as a student?

In your course, go to the Control Panel > Full Grade Centre.
  1. Click on the downward grey chevron arrow icon in the right of the cell corresponding to the submission. ...
  2. Select Clear Attempt in the bottom right of the page.
  3. Blackboard will issue a warning message reminding you that the submission cannot be recovered.
Jul 17, 2018

How do I download a course from Blackboard?

Downloading All Course Files
  1. In your Blackboard course, click Content Collection under the Course Management section in the left menu.
  2. Click the course ID.
  3. At the bottom of the page, click Show All.
  4. Click the box to select all.
  5. Click Download Package.
  6. All files will be downloaded to your computer.
Apr 21, 2022

How do I import a course content into Blackboard Ultra?

Part of a video titled How to Import a Course Package - YouTube
And utilities section of the control panel. Click import package view logs. Next click importMoreAnd utilities section of the control panel. Click import package view logs. Next click import package locate and select the package file on your computer by clicking browse my computer.

How to add course materials to existing course?

You can add course materials to an existing course by copying them from another course. This maintains the course materials, user enrollments, and records of the existing course while adding the new course materials.

What is the value highlighted in a course file?

Although, the value highlighted corresponds to the size of the Course Files from the origin course, the system in this case is actually comparing the Course Size Disk Quota to the Maximum Package Size.

What does x mean in a course?

Allowed package size: x" appears. The x represents the custom value set as the maximum package capacity.

What is an exact copy?

An exact copy creates a new course and includes course materials, user enrollments, and staff assignments. For example, if a course is split into multiple sections to accommodate a large number of students, you can make an exact copy and then adjust the enrollment to create two sections of the same course.

Can you copy a link to a course?

Copy links and copies of the content: This will make copies of linked files, but ONLY those files that are linked. Files within the course's home folder that are not linked to any content within the course are not included in the copy.

Do you need manage permissions?

You need manage permission on an item to include copies of those files. If you do not have this permission, you may be missing some files after the copy.

Can you copy enrollments from one course to another?

You can copy enrollments from one course to another even if you do not copy any course materials.

What happens if you don't have a destination in Blackboard?

If the course materials don't exist in the destination course, Blackboard Learn adds the content area. For example, the source course has a content area called "Tools" that contains blogs and journals. The destination course doesn't contain any blogs or journals.

What happens if you don't copy a course?

If the copied sections of a course include links to materials that you don't copy into the destination course, the links will break in the destination course. For example, if a course area links to an assignment but you don't copy the assignments, the link to the assignment will break.

What happens when you copy a course into an existing course?

When you copy course materials into an existing course in the Original Course View, the existing course might already have content and tools in the course menu. The course menu might have the same name and type or the names and types might be different between the two courses.

What is the content area of a destination course?

For example, the destination course has a content area called "Tools" that contains blogs and journals. The source course has a content area called "Tools" that contains course files. After the copy, the destination course has two content areas: the original "Tools" and the new "Tools1.".

What is Ultra Course View?

Ultra Course View: Copies all announcements, but they appear as messages with text only and no course links.

What happens to existing retention center rules?

On import or copy, existing Retention Center rules will be replaced with imported/copied rules.

What is a grade book copy?

Copies all items in the Grade Center/Gradebook, including all settings such as type, categories, and display options.

What happens when you copy a course?

The copied content is added to the end of the content list. When you copy an entire course's content, the visibility settings are preserved when the content is added to the new course. For example, hidden content in the copied course is hidden in the course you copied it to.

How to copy content from Ultra?

You can copy all the content or select individual items from the other Ultra courses you teach. On the Course Content page, select the plus sign to open the menu. Select Copy Content. Or, open the menu on the right side above the content list. Select Copy Content.

Is attendance included in a copy of a course?

Attendance data isn't included when you copy a course into a new or existing course. The attendance option is removed from the copy options. Attendance data is included in an exact course copy. More on attendance and course copying. Review all copied items to be sure you're showing the content you want to show.

What is the name of the course you're copying?

The course you're copying is called the source course. The course you're creating or adding materials to is called the destination course.

Can you copy a course from one student to another?

For example, if two courses use the same materials but have a different set of students, you can copy the course materials from one course to another without copying the user enrollments. If one course is the first semester of a two-semester course that includes the same students, you can copy some of the course materials and the enrollments.

Can you copy a course into another course?

For example, if two courses use the same materials but have a different set of students, you can copy the course materials from one course to another without copying the user enrollments. If one course is the first semester of a two-semester course that includes the same students, you can copy some of the course materials and the enrollments.

When was Blackboard last modified?

Created by Anna Sniadach, last modified by Mariann Hawken on Apr 28, 2021. Go to start of metadata. The items listed in the table below summarize recent updates to Blackboard known issues database. Note: This is not intended to be a comprehensive list of all known issues, but rather ones users may experience.

What happens if a student deletes an Ultra assignment?

If a student enters text for an Ultra Assignment and then deletes it, they can submit the blank attempt without any warning or notification that it is blank.

What does it mean when you get an error message on Ultra?

Students receive an error message when they submit a late assignment in an Ultra course. The error message reads "Sorry! Your name isn't on the list." However, the submission is still accepted.

When an assignment is created with two rubrics, one to be displayed without grades and another for actually grading

When an Assignment is created with two Rubrics, one to be displayed without grades and another for actually grading the Assignment, then is shown to the Student properly. However, if the Rubrics are created in reverse order, the the Rubric allowed to be shown to Students is displayed empty.

How big can a course card be?

Course Card images cannot be smaller than 1200 x 300. Uploading a new image to the course card will overwrite the Original course banner to a size that is beyond the guidelines.

Where is the tooltip in Ultra Course?

When hovering over the Ultra Course Conversion Wizard button, the tooltip text overlay appears on the far left of the screen.

When an Instructor attempts to view a Student's results for a Self and Peer Assessment, a permission

When an Instructor attempts to view a Student's results for a Self and Peer Assessment, a permissions error is thrown.

What happens when you delete a course on Blackboard?

When you delete a course, Blackboard Learn automatically creates a final, complete archive package. The archive package is stored in the course's autoArchive folder of the Content Collection under the following filename pattern: Course_ID _ Course_PKID _ Course_Title _ currentTime_in_milliseconds

Why disable course themes in Blackboard?

If you enable the Learn 2016 theme for your Blackboard Learn environment, we recommended that you disable course themes because the themes can conflict with each other and result in a poor user experience.

How to disable Quick Setup Guide?

On the Quick Setup Guide page, select the check box for Do not show the Quick Setup Guide when entering a course to disable it. To enable it, clear the check box .

What is a course structure?

Course structures contain predefined course materials such as Original Course View course menu links, instructions, and content examples that help instructors jump-start their Original Course View organization. Administrators control the availability of this feature.

How to change availability of a course?

On the Courses page, instructors can control availability for the courses that they teach. Point to a course card and select the lock icon to change a course 's availability. You can also change course availability on the Course Content page. When you change the availability of an open course, you can either make the course private or complete the course.

What are the two properties of Blackboard Learn?

When you create a course, Blackboard Learn requires only two course properties: a course name and a course ID. However, several other course properties control important aspects of courses, such as when they're available.

What happens when a course is complete?

When a course is complete, the instructor can change the course's availability back to private or open. The Complete Course option isn't tied to the course's term.

Can you move dates after a course copy?

After your course copy, you can move all dates (announcements, due dates, etc.) automatically. Read more about the Date Management Tool.

Does Mason recommend copy links?

Mason generally recommend s the default Copy links and copies of the content option. However, if you have content stored, but not available to students, in your course or you have video package files (e.g., Camtasia) choose the third Copy links and copies of the content (include entire course home folder) option. Click Submit when you are done.

Copy Course Function

  • The other procedures in this topic instruct you to search for the course you want to copy and then open the course's menu to begin. If you know the exact course IDs of the source and destination courses, you might find it faster to use the copy course function. 1. On the Administrator Panel in the Courses section, select Courses. 2. On the Courses page, select Copy Course. 3. Select the t…
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Add Course Materials to An Existing Course

  • You can add course materials to an existing course by copying them from another course. This maintains the course materials, user enrollments, and records of the existing course while adding the new course materials. 1. On the Administrator Panel in the Courses section, select Courses. 2. Search for a course. 3. Open the course's menu and select Copy. 4. In the Select Copy Type dro…
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Move Users to Another Course

  • You can copy enrollments from one course to another even if you do not copy any course materials. 1. On the Administrator Panel in the Courses section, select Courses. 2. Search for a course. 3. Open the course's menu and select Copy. 4. In the Select Copy Type list, select Copy Course Materials into an Existing Course if the destination course alr...
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Create A New Course

  • Copying course materials into a new course creates a course in Blackboard Learn and populates it with content from an existing course. The Original Course View course menu specified in the source course replaces the default course menu in the new course in the Original Course View. To learn about how instructors can copy Original Course View materials into the Ultra Course View, …
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Copy A Complete Course, Including Users

  • An exact copy creates a new course and includes course materials, user enrollments, and staff assignments. For example, if a course is split into multiple sections to accommodate a large number of students, you can make an exact copy and then adjust the enrollment to create two sections of the same course. Unlike the other copy methods, the exact copy preserves user reco…
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