goreact how instructor can sign up for a course

by Wilfred Reichel 6 min read

GoReact Glossary

Account An account is created when you sign up f ...
Assignment Assignments are how student video sessio ...
Course Courses are where assignments live. Cour ...
Course Selector This menu is accessed by clicking your c ...
Dashboard The GoReact Dashboard is the home page f ...
Dec 4 2021

From the GoReact.com homepage, click the "Sign Up" button at the top right. Select Instructor for your account type. Fill in your email address (we recommend using your organization email) and password and click "Sign Up." You will receive an email confirmation with a verification code.

Full Answer

How can goreact help my students?

From the GoReact.com homepage, click the "Sign Up" button at the top right. Select Instructor for your account type. Fill in your email address (we recommend using your organization email) and password and click "Sign Up." You will receive an email confirmation with a verification code. Copy the code from your email and paste it in here.

How can I use goreact to teach ASL?

Sign up for GoReact as an instructor or student participant.

Do you have to be an expert on technology to use goreact?

Go to http://getgoreact.com and click Sign Up. In the I am an Instructor box, click Go. Complete the Create Instructor Account form with your First …

What is goreact stimulus response?

Multiple Cameras on a Single Recording. Single attempt assignments. Reordering the assignment list. Copying assignments. Editing assignment due dates. Assignment and course reports. Screen Share. Closed Caption and Audio Description files. Moving a video to a different assignment.

How do I use GoReact?

Getting started with GoReact is super easy. Follow the steps below to register for your course....https://app.goreact.com/join/f99d0cfe-d38d-4b45-9328-4189de86b.Open the link or click the "Accept Invitation" button in your email.Click "Create Account."Follow the prompts to finish creating your account.More items...

How much does GoReact cost?

The cost of your course will depend on your organization's agreement with GoReact. If your school does not have a license with GoReact, the normal fee is $29.99 per course per semester. Alternatively, if you have multiple courses that use GoReact, you can purchase the 5-year plan for $149.99.

How do I access GoReact in canvas?

Click the ellipses next to your assignment and select "Edit." Select "More Options." Change the "Submission Type" to "External Tool." In the "Enter or find an External Tool URL" field, click "Find." Choose GoReact and then click "Select."

How do students use GoReact?

To submit a video to GoReact, just open the applicable assignment in Canvas, and click the "Start Assignment" button to record or upload your video. Watch the video below for more information on using GoReact in Canvas.

Is there a GoReact app?

The new app allows GoReact to do updates and maintenance in-house and push out new state-of-the-art features to customers immediately. The old app was built natively on iOS and Android. The new app is web based—which means not waiting for Google/Apple approvals.

Is GoReact free?

$59 / User. Pricing based on licenses with less than 100 users. Annual, unlimited courses.

How do I submit video on GoReact?

Click the “Upload” button on your dashboard. Select the correct activity, title and date recorded and browse to find the video you want to upload. Click “Start Upload.” Time to upload video depends on your video file size and your internet connection speed.

What is a GoReact video?

GoReact allows educators to easily capture video of students for assessment of vital skills and advanced feedback. The unlimited amount of video storage is securely hosted in the cloud, so recording, viewing, and grading can happen anytime and anywhere.

How do you record on GoReact?

Follow the steps below to record your screen in GoReact.Click "Start Assignment."Add a title and click "Continue."Click "Continue to Recorder."While on the recording screen, click the screen capture icon.More items...

Can you edit videos on GoReact?

The trimming feature can only be used on newly recorded videos. Previously posted recordings, as well as uploads, cannot be trimmed in GoReact. Instead, you will need to download your video from GoReact and then edit it using a third-party program (such as Quicktime or PowerPoint).

How do I create an assignment in GoReact?

To create an assignment:Click the "Create Assignment" button at the top of the assignment list.Select whether you are creating a new assignment from scratch or will be copying an assignment template from your library. ... Type a name for the assignment (required).Select an assignment type (defaults to Standard).More items...

Actionable Feedback for Any Skill You Teach

Whether you teach hard skills online or soft skills face-to-face, GoReact makes learning more active and feedback more actionable. Don’t see your discipline below? Request a demo and we’ll show you how it works for any skill you teach (except comedic timing, which simply can’t be taught).

Save Time & Eliminate Complexity

Unless you teach video production, you shouldn’t have to be an expert on video technology. GoReact eliminates complexity for A/V gurus and non-gurus alike with simple, time-saving tools that keep the focus on skill development.

GoReact in Action

GoReact was ranked #1 for customer satisfaction in the Assessment category on G2. Read customer reviews or request a demo to see for yourself how GoReact helps all learners develop and demonstrate skills.


Learn how to sign up for GoReact, register for your courses, record and upload videos, and more!


Learn how to set up your courses and activities, invite students, critique videos, and more!

Technical Resources

Find information on recommended equipment, supported formats, troubleshooting, and more!
