what information do organizations forget to bring to the disaster recovery site? course hero

by Tyree Hansen 4 min read

How to plan for an IT disaster recovery?

Jul 29, 2019 · BA63576 G3 Disaster Recovery.docx. ... Question Correct Mark 2.00 out of 2.00 Flag question Question text What information do organizations forget to bring to the disaster recovery site? Select one: ... Course Hero is not sponsored or …

What is information technology disaster recovery plan (it DRP)?

Apr 29, 2018 · Question Completion Status: QUESTION 1 What information do organizations forget to bring to the disaster recovery site? Software licenses Software Hardware Backups 0.60000 points Saved Saved? Home Courses Rajesh Kumar Reddy Valluru

Are organizations prepared for disasters?

Feb 17, 2021 · Businesses should develop an information technology disaster recovery plan (IT DRP) in conjunction with a business continuity plan. Businesses use information technology to quickly and effectively process information. Employees use electronic mail and Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP) telephone systems to communicate. Electronic data interchange (EDI) …

What is a hot site for it disaster recovery?

disaster recovery plan and business continuity plan, will describe the components of each plan and finally, will provide an approach that organizations can follow to make better contingency plan so that they will not go out of business when something unexpected happens.

What is a disaster recovery plan?

Businesses should develop an IT disaster recovery plan. It begins by compiling an inventory of hardware (e.g. servers, desktops, laptops and wireless devices), software applications and data . The plan should include a strategy to ensure that all critical information is backed up.

What is recovery strategy?

Recovery strategies should be developed for Information technology (IT) systems, applications and data. This includes networks, servers, desktops, laptops, wireless devices, data and connectivity. Priorities for IT recovery should be consistent with the priorities for recovery of business functions and processes that were developed during the business impact analysis. IT resources required to support time-sensitive business functions and processes should also be identified. The recovery time for an IT resource should match the recovery time objective for the business function or process that depends on the IT resource.

What are the components of an information technology system?

Information technology systems require hardware, software, data and connectivity. Without one component of the “system,” the system may not run. Therefore, recovery strategies should be developed to anticipate the loss of one or more of the following system components: 1 Computer room environment (secure computer room with climate control, conditioned and backup power supply, etc.) 2 Hardware (networks, servers, desktop and laptop computers, wireless devices and peripherals) 3 Connectivity to a service provider (fiber, cable, wireless, etc.) 4 Software applications (electronic data interchange, electronic mail, enterprise resource management, office productivity, etc.) 5 Data and restoration

Why is data important?

Much of that data is important. Some data is vital to the survival and continued operation of the business. The impact of data loss or corruption from hardware failure, human error, hacking or malware could be significant. A plan for data backup and restoration of electronic information is essential.

Why should data be backed up?

Data should be backed up as frequently as necessary to ensure that, if data is lost, it is not unacceptable to the business. The business impact analysis should evaluate the potential for lost data and define the “recovery point objective.”.

What is a hot site?

There are vendors that can provide “hot sites” for IT disaster recovery. These sites are fully configured data centers with commonly used hardware and software products. Subscribers may provide unique equipment or software either at the time of disaster or store it at the hot site ready for use.

What is EDI in business?

Electronic data interchange (EDI) is used to transmit data including orders and payments from one company to another. Servers process information and store large amounts of data. Desktop computers, laptops and wireless devices are used by employees to create, process, manage and communicate information.

What is a disaster recovery plan?

The disaster recovery plan is composed of a number of sections that document resources and procedures to be used in the event that a disaster occurs at one of the server locations throughout the City. Each supported application or platform has a section containing specific recovery procedures. There are also sections that document the personnel that will be needed to perform the recovery tasks and an organizational structure for the recovery process. This plan will be updated on a regular basis as changes to the computing and networking systems are made. Due to the very sensitive nature of the information contained in the plan, the plan should be treated as a confidential document.

What is phase 2 of disaster recovery?

The most important function is to fully restore operations at a suitable location and resume normal functions. Once normal operations are established at the alternate location, Phase 2 is complete.

What is the purpose of the Information Technology Department in Portales?

This plan addresses information resources that minimize the effects of a disaster. The City will be able to maintain or quickly resume mission-critical functions using this plan. This plan serves as a guide for the City of Portales Information Technology (IT) Department’s management and staff.

How to contact CenturyLink repair center?

Place a call to the 800 number at CenturyLink Repair Center, at 1-888-678-7070 and ask to have the lines and associated DID numbers forwarded to the secondary PRI:

What are external threats to Portales?

External threats include events that put the facility in danger. Examples might include severe weather or a disruptive incident in the community. Once a threat has been confirmed, the plan management team will assess the situation and initiate the plan if necessary.

What is the phase of disaster assessment?

The disaster assessment phase lasts from the inception of the disaster until it is under control and the extent of the damage can be assessed. Cooperation with Roosevelt County emergency services personnel is critical.

What is RPO in data protection?

Recovery Point Objective (RPO) reflects the estimated point in time to which recovery would be made based on current configurations and operations. The exact recovery point for each server will vary due to the time when backup takes place and when the disaster occurs. Below are general guidelines for the different types of data protection.

What is a disaster recovery site?

A Disaster Recovery Site (DRS) is typically a small part of an organization’s overall Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP) or Contingency Plan. Its purpose is simple: to maintain or resume business operations in the event of disruption.

How to maintain a DRS?

Maintaining a DRS should include regular DRP exercises ( at least annually), among other things. Assigning participants to the exercise and documenting the results will allow an organization to understand what corrections to the DRP need to be made and to validate existing capabilities. The goal of the exercise is to assess effectiveness, preparedness, and the system posture of the DRS. Additionally, for those in the Federal Government and DoD communities, the DRS system must adhere to the same security requirements and security audits as the main operating environment. This adds to the overall workload, but is necessary to ensure that should operations relocate to the Hot Site, the security posture remains the same.

Why is DRS important?

A DRS is an important preventative measure that can provide an organization necessary protection from various interruptions.

What is a cold site?

A Cold Site is defined as a location separate from your main operating environment that includes the necessary space, power, and network infrastructure with which to setup your new operating environment. The thought is that if a disruption occurs, the IT staff can relocate and set up hardware at the Cold Site, along with data backups, and have the organization up and running within one day. The main advantage of this configuration is that it’s economical to many organizations. The costs associated with maintaining a Cold Site are substantially less than a Hot Site, and it is typically just an added layer of protection secondary to any existing local solutions they may have. As such, a Cold Site is an acceptable level of protection to minimize a disaster.

What is the primary goal of emergency response?

The primary goal of the emergency response is to protect the health and safety of the emergency responders and the public. In addition, the emergency response should protect public and private property and the environment, as well as minimize the disruption of community activities.

What is task training?

Training for taskwork usually involves cross-training to develop interpositional knowledge (teaching one team member how to perform another team member’s job) and explaining the emergency response organization’s overall concept of operations to all emergency responders.