gilded age politics crash course us history #26 how is "honest graft" no so honest

by Amelie Hackett 9 min read

It started in the 1870s and continued on until the turn of the 20th century. The era is called Gilded because of the massive inequality that existed in the United States. Gilded Age politics were marked by a number of phenomenons, most of them having to do with corruption.

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What were the political machines of the Gilded Age?

Nov 08, 2019 · The term comes from a book by Mark Twain and Charles Dudley Warner titled, “The Gilded Age.”. You may see a pattern emerging here. It started in the 1870s and continued on until the turn of ...

What were the characteristics of Gilded Age Politics?

It started in the 1870s and continued on until the turn of the 20th century. The era is called Gilded because of the massive inequality that existed in the United States. Gilded Age politics were marked by a number of phenomenons, most of them having to do with corruption. On the local and state level, political machines wielded enormous power. John gets into details about the …

When did the Gilded Age start and end?

You may see a pattern emerging here. It started in the 1870s and continued on until the turn of the 20th century. The era is called Gilded because of the massive inequality that existed in the United States. Gilded Age politics were marked by a number of phenomenons, most of them having to do with corruption.

Who is behind Crash Course?

The Gilded Age started in the 1870s and continued on until the turn of the 20th century. The era is called Gilded because of the massive inequality that existed in the United States. Gilded Age politics were marked by a number of phenomenons, most of them having to do with corruption.

When was the book The Gilded Age published?

It was published in 1873, and it was not that successful. But while the Gilded Age conjures up visions of fancy parties and ostentatious displays of wealth, the book itself was about politics, and it gives a very negative appraisal of the state of American democracy at the time.

Why is the Gilded Age called the Gilded Age?

The era is called Gilded because of the massive inequality that existed in the United States. Gilded Age politics were marked by a number of phenomenons, most of them having to do with corruption. On the local and state level, political machines wielded enormous power.

Who is the producer of Crash Course?

Crash Course is produced and directed by Stan Muller, our script supervisor is Meredith Danko, the associate producer is Danica Johnson, the show is written by my high school history teacher Raoul Meyer, Rosianna Rojas, and myself, and our graphics team is Thought Cafe.

What is a political machine?

So a political machine is basically an organization that works to win elections so that they can exercise power. The most famous political machine was New York City's Tammany Hall, which dominated Democratic Party politics in the late 19th century, survived until the 20th, and is keenly associated with corruption.

Which party opposed the tariffs?

As for their parties, Gilded Age Republicans favored high tariffs, low government spending, paying off national debt, and reducing the amount of paper money, or greenbacks in circulation. Democrats opposed the tariffs and were often linked to New York bankers and financiers.

What was the Civil Service Act of 1883?

The Civil Service Act of 1883, prompted by Garfield's assassination by a disgruntled office-seeker, created a merit system for 10% of federal employees , who were chosen by competitive examination, rather than political favoritism.

What was the second scandal?

The second major scandal involved the so called "Whiskey Ring," which was a group of distillers in Saint Louis who decided they didn't like paying excise taxes on their product, perhaps a slightly more noble cause than that of the 2009 Bling Ring, who just wanted to dress like Paris Hilton.
