fusion is a nuclear reaction in which course hero scin 138 apus

by Ms. Brenda Emard 9 min read

What is a nuclear fusion reaction?

Jan 08, 2019 · Question 44 of 50 00 20 Points Fusion is a nuclear reaction in which A hydrogen from SCIN 138 at American Military University. Study Resources. Main Menu; by School; ... Question 44 of 50 00 20 points fusion is a nuclear. ... Course Title SCIN 138; Type. Lab Report.

Is fusion reaction 2h + 2h → 4He + γ difficult to capture?

Jan 08, 2019 · During which stage would the process of nuclear fusion begin? ... American Military University • SCIN 138. APUS CLE : SCIN138 2018 : Tests & Quizzes EXAM 1 CH 1 & 2.pdf. test_prep. 10. Exam 1 - Chapters 1 & 2.pdf. ... Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. ...

Is nuclear fusion the answer to the world’s power crisis problem?

Nuclear fusion is a reaction in which two or more atomic nuclei are combined to form one or more different atomic nuclei and subatomic particles ( neutrons or protons ). The difference in mass between the reactants and products is manifested as either the release or the absorption of energy. This difference in mass arises due to the difference in nuclear binding energy between …

What are the most advanced approaches to nuclear fusion?

a nuclear reaction in which atomic nuclei of low atomic number fuse to form a heavier nucleus with the release of energy. What is fusion power? The power generated by nuclear fusion processes. What is a nucleon? protons and neutrons. What are isotopes?

What is the energy of nuclear fusion?

Energy released in most nuclear reactions is much larger than in chemical reactions, because the binding energy that holds a nucleus together is greater than the energy that holds electrons to a nucleus. For example, the ionization energy gained by adding an electron to a hydrogen nucleus is 13.6 eV —less than one-millionth of the 17.6 MeV released in the deuterium – tritium (D–T) reaction shown in the adjacent diagram. Fusion reactions have an energy density many times greater than nuclear fission; the reactions produce far greater energy per unit of mass even though individual fission reactions are generally much more energetic than individual fusion ones, which are themselves millions of times more energetic than chemical reactions. Only direct conversion of mass into energy, such as that caused by the annihilatory collision of matter and antimatter, is more energetic per unit of mass than nuclear fusion. (The complete conversion of one gram of matter would release 9×10 13 joules of energy.)

Why do fusion reactions occur?

If matter is sufficiently heated (hence being plasma) and confined, fusion reactions may occur due to collisions with extreme thermal kinetic energies of the particles. Thermonuclear weapons produce what amounts to an uncontrolled release of fusion energy. Controlled thermonuclear fusion concepts use magnetic fields to confine the plasma.

How does nuclear fusion produce energy?

It takes considerable energy to force nuclei to fuse, even those of the lightest element, hydrogen. When accelerated to high enough speeds, nuclei can overcome this electrostatic repulsion and be brought close enough such that the attractive nuclear force is greater than the repulsive Coulomb force. The strong force grows rapidly once the nuclei are close enough, and the fusing nucleons can essentially "fall" into each other and the result is fusion and net energy produced. The fusion of lighter nuclei, which creates a heavier nucleus and often a free neutron or proton, generally releases more energy than it takes to force the nuclei together; this is an exothermic process that can produce self-sustaining reactions.

How does nuclear force affect the size of a nucleus?

When a nucleon such as a proton or neutron is added to a nucleus, the nuclear force attracts it to all the other nucleons of the nucleus (if the atom is small enough), but primarily to its immediate neighbours due to the short range of the force. The nucleons in the interior of a nucleus have more neighboring nucleons than those on the surface. Since smaller nuclei have a larger surface-area-to-volume ratio, the binding energy per nucleon due to the nuclear force generally increases with the size of the nucleus but approaches a limiting value corresponding to that of a nucleus with a diameter of about four nucleons. It is important to keep in mind that nucleons are quantum objects. So, for example, since two neutrons in a nucleus are identical to each other, the goal of distinguishing one from the other, such as which one is in the interior and which is on the surface, is in fact meaningless, and the inclusion of quantum mechanics is therefore necessary for proper calculations.

Why does fusion have a difference in mass?

This difference in mass arises due to the difference in atomic binding energy between the nuclei before and after the reaction. Fusion is the process that powers active or main sequence stars and other high-magnitude stars, where large amounts of energy are released .

What is the kinetic energy of helium-4?

Fusion of deuterium with tritium creating helium-4, freeing a neutron, and releasing 17.59 MeV as kinetic energy of the products while a corresponding amount of mass disappears, in agreement with ki netic E = ∆ mc2, where Δ m is the decrease in the total rest mass of particles.

What is the prerequisite for fusion?

Therefore, the prerequisite for fusion is that the two nuclei be brought close enough together for a long enough time for quantum tunnelling to act.

What is the main obstacle to fusion?

The major obstruction to fusion is the Coulomb repulsion between nuclei. Since the attractive nuclear force that can fuse nuclei together is short ranged, the repulsion of like positive charges must be overcome to get nuclei close enough to induce fusion. Figure 3 shows an approximate graph of the potential energy between two nuclei as a function of the distance between their centers. The graph is analogous to a hill with a well in its center. A ball rolled from the right must have enough kinetic energy to get over the hump before it falls into the deeper well with a net gain in energy. So it is with fusion. If the nuclei are given enough kinetic energy to overcome the electric potential energy due to repulsion, then they can combine, release energy, and fall into a deep well. One way to accomplish this is to heat fusion fuel to high temperatures so that the kinetic energy of thermal motion is sufficient to get the nuclei together.

Why does fusion destroy mass?

Fusion of light nuclei to form medium-mass nuclei destroys mass, because BE/A is greater for the product nuclei. The larger BE/A is, the less mass per nucleon, and so mass is converted to energy and released in these fusion reactions. The major obstruction to fusion is the Coulomb repulsion between nuclei.

How many mol of reactants are in 1.00 kg?

The atomic mass of deuterium ( 2 H) is 2.014102 u, while that of tritium ( 3 H) is 3.016049 u, for a total of 5.032151 u per reaction. So a mole of reactants has a mass of 5.03 g, and in 1.00 kg there are (1000 g)/ (5.03 g/mol)=198.8 mol of reactants. The number of reactions that take place is therefore

What happens when two low mass nuclei are fused together?

This means that if two low-mass nuclei can be fused together to form a larger nucleus, energy can be released. The larger nucleus has a greater binding energy and less mass per nucleon than the two that combined. Thus mass is destroyed in the fusion reaction, and energy is released (see Figure 2).

How long does it take for neutrinos to escape the Sun?

It takes about 32,000 years for the energy to diffuse to the surface and radiate away. However, the neutrinos escape the Sun in less than two seconds, carrying their energy with them, because they interact so weakly that the Sun is transparent to them. Negative feedback in the Sun acts as a thermostat to regulate the overall energy output. For instance, if the interior of the Sun becomes hotter than normal, the reaction rate increases, producing energy that expands the interior. This cools it and lowers the reaction rate. Conversely, if the interior becomes too cool, it contracts, increasing the temperature and reaction rate (see Figure 5). Stars like the Sun are stable for billions of years, until a significant fraction of their hydrogen has been depleted. What happens then is discussed in Introduction to Frontiers of Physics .

How hot is the Sun for fusion?

You might think that, in the core of our Sun, nuclei are coming into contact and fusing. However, in fact, temperatures on the order of 10 8 K are needed to actually get the nuclei in contact, exceeding the core temperature of the Sun. Quantum mechanical tunneling is what makes fusion in the Sun possible, and tunneling is an important process in most other practical applications of fusion, too. Since the probability of tunneling is extremely sensitive to barrier height and width, increasing the temperature greatly increases the rate of fusion. The closer reactants get to one another, the more likely they are to fuse (see Figure 4). Thus most fusion in the Sun and other stars takes place at their centers, where temperatures are highest. Moreover, high temperature is needed for thermonuclear power to be a practical source of energy.

How is the Sun's energy produced?

The Sun’s energy is produced by nuclear fusion. (credit: Spiralz) Nuclear fusion is a reaction in which two nuclei are combined, or fused, to form a larger nucleus. We know that all nuclei have less mass than the sum of the masses of the protons and neutrons that form them. The missing mass times c2 equals the binding energy ...

What is the process of combining lighter nuclei to make heavier nuclei called?

The process of combining lighter nuclei to make heavier nuclei is called nuclear fusion. As with fission reactions, fusion reactions are exothermic—they release energy.

What is the process of combining hydrogen and helium?

This process is known as nucleosynthesis. For example, in lighter stars, hydrogen combines to form helium through the proton-proton chain. Once the hydrogen fuel is exhausted, the star enters the next stage of its life and fuses helium. An example of a nuclear reaction chain that can occur is:

How is helium formed?

Thus, a stable helium nucleus is formed from the fusion of the nuclei of the hydrogen atom. These three reactions can be summarized by

What happens to the luminosity of a star?

The luminosity of the star can increase temporarily to nearly that of an entire galaxy. During this event, the flood of energetic neutrons reacts with iron and the other nuclei to produce elements heavier than iron. These elements, along with much of the star, are ejected into space by the explosion.

How do carbon and oxygen reach the surface of a star?

Carbon and oxygen nuclei produced in such processes eventually reach the star’s surface by convection. Near the end of its lifetime, the star loses its outer layers into space, thus enriching the interstellar medium with the nuclei of heavier elements ( Figure 10.23 ).

What is the color of a planetary nebula?

Figure 10.23 A planetary nebula is produced at the end of the life of a star. The greenish color of this planetary nebula comes from oxygen ions. (credit: Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA/NASA/ESA) )

Where is the Serpens Cloud Core located?

Figure 10.24 This image taken by NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope and the Two Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS), shows the Serpens Cloud Core, a star-forming region in the constellation Serpens (the “Serpent”). Located about 750 light-years away, this cluster of stars is formed from cooling dust and gases. Infrared light has been used to reveal the youngest stars in orange and yellow. (credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/2MASS)

What is the opposite of nuclear fusion?

The nuclear fusion process occurs in elements that have a low atomic number, such as hydrogen. Nuclear Fusion is the opposite of nuclear fission reaction in which heavy elements diffuse and form lighter elements. Both nuclear fusion and fission produce a massive amount of energy.

How does nuclear fusion produce energy?

Both nuclear fusion and fission produce a massive amount of energy. Nuclear fusion is when two or more atomic nuclei fuse to form a single heavier nucleus. In the reaction, the matter is not conserved because some of the mass of the fusing nuclei is converted to energy.

What happens when deuterium and tritium fuse?

When deuterium and tritium fuse together, their components are recombined to form a helium atom and a fast neutron. As the two heavy isotopes are recombined into a helium atom and a neutron, the leftover’s extra mass is transformed into kinetic energy. The participating nuclei should be brought together for the nuclear fusion reaction to occur.

What is the difference between nuclear fission and nuclear fusion?

The table below lists the major differences between fusion and fission reactions. Nuclear fission is a nuclear reaction that splits a heavy atom into two or more smaller ones . Nuclear fusion is a nuclear reaction that combines two or more small atoms to form a large atom. It does not occur naturally. The universe is full of instances of nuclear ...

Why should the nuclei be brought together?

The participating nuclei should be brought together for the nuclear fusion reaction to occur. They should be brought so close to each other that the nuclear forces become active and glue to the nuclei together.

How long do nuclear power plants last?

The usual life span of a nuclear power station is 40 years. But the modern pressurized water reactors come with a life span of 60 years.

What is the name of the international organization that oversees the operation of nuclear power stations?

Name the international organization that oversees the operation of nuclear power stations. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is an international organization that oversees the operation of nuclear power stations.