for which microorganisms is the skin the site of reproduction? course hero

by Luis Mills 4 min read

What type of reproduction do bacteria do?

Binary fission is the simplest type of reproduction. Bacteria use this strategy to divide one cell into two identical cells. Bacteria have a very basic structure, with a rigid cell wall surrounding a thin plasma membrane to protect the cell. Inside, the DNA (genetic material) floats around in the center.

What is the microbiome of the skin?

After the gut, there are more microorganisms on the skin than anywhere else in the body. Bacterial species are by far the most numerous; however fungi, viruses and mites are also found on the skin of normal healthy humans. Resident microbiota are found in the upper parts of the epidermis and congregated in and around the hair follicles.

Why are Gram negative bacteria not part of the skin micobiota?

Other Gram-negative bacteria are not considered part of the normal skin micobiota, as the relatively low humidity and high osmotic pressure of the skin are unfavourable for their growth. Where on the skin are microflora found? Microorganisms are found all over the skin surface but the species vary with anatomical site. Oily.

What do microorganisms need to reproduce?

All microorganisms require adequate space and nutrients to reproduce. If the organisms are overcrowded, waste products accumulate, killing off the microorganisms and limiting growth.

What Are Microorganisms?

If you look around you, the surfaces of most things seem clear and empty. You might have even cleaned them recently. But, if you take a closer look under a microscope, there is a world teeming with life crawling on the surface of your table.

What is the simplest form of reproduction?

Binary fission is the simplest type of reproduction. Bacteria use this strategy to divide one cell into two identical cells. Bacteria have a very basic structure, with a rigid cell wall surrounding a thin plasma membrane to protect the cell. Inside, the DNA (genetic material) floats around in the center.

What is the name of the sporozoites that are injected into the liver?

An adult form of Plasmodium called the sporozoites are injected through the mosquito's salivary glands and travel to the liver. There they create offspring called merozoites. The merozoites then make male and female gametocytes, the sperm and eggs equivalent of Plasmodium. When a mosquito bites an infected person it picks up these gametocytes which then fuse during sexual reproduction, creating new sporozoites and the life cycle begins again.

What are cilias in biology?

Ciliates are single celled microorganisms with two different nuclei. They have smaller micronuclei, which are involved in sexual reproduction, and larger macronuclei that are responsible for daily activities such as producing energy and development. During asexual reproduction, the micronuclei undergo mitosis, or cell division in eukaryotes.

What happens to the yeast cell when it grows?

During budding a small outgrowth of the cell appears, like a bud from the main yeast cell. As the bud grows bigger, DNA duplicates inside the nucleus and the nucleus buds as well, creating a new nuclei in the bud. When the process is complete, the bud detaches from the main cell and forms a new cell.

What do yeast and bacteria need to make energy?

Yeast and bacteria need sugars in their environment which they turn into energy inside the cell. Other microorganisms, like Euglena are able to make their own food through photosynthesis, like plants. These organisms require sunlight for this process.

How does a plasmid reproduce?

For Plasmodium to reproduce it must have both mosquito and human hosts. The mosquitoes provide a place for them to combine gametes and make new organisms. Humans continue the life cycle, allowing the Plasmodium to duplicate itself and create new gametes.

What is the term for a nonpathogenic microorganism that normally reside on the skin and usually do not?

Harmless, nonpathogenic microorganisms that normally reside on the skin and usually do not cause disease. Also known as normal flora.

What is the transfer of microorganisms by droplets of moisture expelled from the upper respiratory track?

Some one person to another include direct contact with an infected person or discharge indirect transfer includes the transfer of microorganisms by droplets of moisture expelled from the upper respiratory track known as droplet infection as when 1 person coughs or sneezes contaminated hands and equipment contaminated food and water and insects that carry pathogens

What is the role of the host in a pathogen?

the host provides nourishment for a microorganism to grow and multiply

What are the organs that enter the host?

Into the host include the mouth nose throat ears eyes and testable track reproductive track open wounds and breaks in the skin and mucous membrane
