examples of unallowable imputed costs which are not allowed under fccm course hero

by Gussie Bartell 7 min read

What are the Unallowable costs of the institution?

Airfare costs in excess of the lowest available commercial discount airfare, federal government contract airfare (where authorized and available), or customary standard (coach or equivalent) airfare, are unallowable except when such accommodations would: (1) require circuitous routing; (2) require travel during unreasonable hours; (3) excessively prolong travel; (4) greatly …

What compensation costs are expressly unallowable?

Costs of amusements, diversions, social activities [Entertainment] or any directly associated costs such as tickets to show or events, or meals and transportation to such events are unallowable. 9. Costs of Fines and Penalties from failure to comply with federal, state of local laws and regulations. 10.

What are the Unallowable costs on a construction contract?

Other examples of unallowable costs subject to penalties include (a) trade shows unless they promote export sales (b) sponsoring meetings, conventions, symposia, seminars and other special events when the primary purpose is other than disseminating technical information or stimulation of production (c) ceremonies such as corporate celebrations or new product …

Is there a list of Unallowable costs under 2 CFR Part 200?

Those costs, in general terms, are: Advertising; Airfare Travel Costs in excess of the lowest available option; Alcohol; Automobile Costs for Personal Use; Debt Service; Donations and contributions; Entertainment; Goods and Services Cost for Personal Use; Lobbying; Personal Housing and Living Expenses; Public Relations; But it isn’t quite that simple.

What are unallowable expenses?

Examples of unallowable entertainment costs range from tickets for a sporting event to a social room at a conference. Though there are some exceptions, in most circumstances, public relations costs are unallowable.

What are the cost principles?

There are 4 “ Boot Camp ” modules covering the main areas related to Cost Principles requirements for recipients of Federal awards: 1 Module: Cost Principles for Direct Costs 2 Module: Cost Principles for Indirect Costs 3 Module: Selected Items of Allowable Costs 4 Module: Selected Items of Unallowable Costs

What are some examples of personal use?

Some examples of goods or services for personal use could include such things as: 1) Charging travel costs for family members of an employee. 2) Personal use of office supplies and shipping services. 3) Purchasing electronics which are not used in the performance of the Federal award.