electroconvulsive therapy (ect) what intervention is important during the course of treatment?

by Sibyl Welch 9 min read

Electroconvulsive therapy seems to cause changes in brain chemistry that can immediately reverse symptoms of certain mental illnesses. It often works when other treatments are unsuccessful. Nurses have an important role to deliver when a client is to undergo Electroconvulsive Therapy.

Full Answer

What is the success rate of ECT therapy?

Feb 03, 2012 · Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is a procedure in which electric currents are passed through the brain, deliberately triggering a brief seizure. Electroconvulsive therapy seems to cause changes in brain chemistry that can immediately reverse symptoms of certain mental illnesses. It often works when other treatments are unsuccessful.

What are the dangers of ECT?

Feb 07, 2022 · During a course of ECT treatment, the seizure threshold commonly increases as the patient develops tolerance. As with any other procedure, the goal of the anesthesiologist during ECT is to facilitate a safe and pain-free experience for the patient. Preoxygenation of the patient via nasal cannula or face mask is followed by anesthetic induction ...

Is ECT worth it?

Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), formerly known as electroshock therapy and often referred to as shock treatment, is a psychiatric treatment in which seizures are electrically induced in patients to provide relief from psychiatric illnesses. It is the only currently used form of shock therapy in psy. Electroconvulsive Therapy - Treatments & Interventions.

What should you consider about electroconvulsive therapy?

The nurse administers 100% oxygen during and after electroconvulsive therapy to prevent anoxia due to medication-induced paralysis of respiratory muscles. Electroconvulsive therapy is the induction of a grand mal seizure through the application of electrical current to the brain.

What preparation is needed prior to electroconvulsive therapy?

What happens during an ECT procedure? Before ECT, patients are asked not to eat or drink from midnight the night before treatment. During the procedure, the patient receives a short acting anesthetic agent which puts the patient to sleep for approximately 5-10 minutes.

What should I monitor during ECT?

Guidelines: Providers should address patient monitoring during the ECT process. Seizure duration should be monitored to ensure that an adequate ictal response occurred, to detect prolonged seizure activity, and to regulate stimulus dosage.

What to expect after ECT treatment?

After the Procedure

When you awaken, you may experience a period of disorientation lasting from a few minutes to several hours. Headaches, jaw pain, and muscle soreness may occur. ECT requires a series of treatments, often initiated two to three times a week for a few weeks and then the frequency is tapered down.
May 12, 2020

What is the priority nursing action Post ECT?

Post treatment nursing care

Once the client is awake, talk to the client and check the vital signs. Give frequent orientation and reassurance to allay confusion. Check the gag reflex before giving client fluids, medications or breakfast.
Feb 4, 2014

When would you consider electroconvulsive therapy ECT as a recommendation for treating a patient?

Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is a medical treatment most commonly used in patients with severe major depression or bipolar disorder that has not responded to other treatments.

How is electroconvulsive therapy done?

Procedure Details

ECT causes the patient to have a seizure. Electrodes are placed on the patient's scalp and a finely controlled electric current is applied, which causes a brief seizure in the brain. Because the muscles are relaxed, the seizure will usually be limited to slight movement of the hands and feet.
May 13, 2014

Which condition would be a contraindication to electroconvulsive therapy ECT?

Due to the physiologic changes associated with ECT, the list of contraindications includes recent MI, heart failure, recent stroke, elevated ICP, aneurysm/AVM at risk of rupture, pheochromocytoma, severe HTN, and cervical spine instability, most of which are only relative.Aug 17, 2015

What are the benefits of electroconvulsive therapy?

The Benefits of ECT

The greatest benefit of ECT is that it can relieve the symptoms of mental health conditions that were formerly untreatable. It is not a cure, but ECT can help people return to a normal, productive life.
Mar 12, 2020

How many ECT treatments are necessary?

People undergoing ECT need multiple treatments. The number needed to successfully treat severe depression can range from 4 to 20, but most people need a total of 6 to 12 treatments. The treatments are usually given three times a week — Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.Apr 7, 2021

What is the nurses role during ECT?

The nurse serves as a liaison between the psychiatry and anesthesia departments and the outpatient and ECT treatment team. This facilitates obtaining necessary medical evaluations or preparations prior to treatments. This may involve coordinating blood tests, EKGs, x-rays, or medical consultations.Jan 1, 1993

What is the nurse's role in ECT?

The role of the ECT nurse is to provide guidance, support and expertise relating to all aspects of patient care within the ECT service.

What is electroconvulsive therapy?

Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) can provide rapid, significant improvements in severe symptoms of several mental health conditions. ECT is used to treat: Severe depression, particularly when accompanied by detachment from reality (psychosis), a desire to commit suicide or refusal to eat. Treatment-resistant depression, ...

What is ECT used for?

ECT is used to treat: Severe depression, particularly when accompanied by detachment from reality (psychosis), a desire to commit suicide or refusal to eat. Treatment-resistant depression, a severe depression that doesn't improve with medications or other treatments. Severe mania, a state of intense euphoria, agitation or hyperactivity ...

Is ECT good for dementia?

Agitation and aggression in people with dementia, which can be difficult to treat and negatively affect quality of life. ECT may be a good treatment option when medications aren't tolerated or other forms of therapy haven't worked.

How to get ready for ECT?

To get ready for the ECT procedure: You'll have general anesthesia. So you can expect dietary restrictions before the procedure. Typically, this means no food or water after midnight and only a sip of water to take any morning medications. Your health care team will give you specific instructions before your procedure.

Can ECT cause headaches?

On the days of an ECT treatment, some people experience nausea, headache, jaw pain or muscle ache. These generally can be treated with medications. Medical complications. As with any type of medical procedure, especially one that involves anesthesia, there are risks of medical complications.

How long does it take for ECT to work?

Full improvement may take longer, though ECT may not work for everyone. Response to antidepressant medications, in comparison, can take several weeks or more. No one knows for certain how ECT helps treat severe depression and other mental illnesses.

Is anesthesia a risky procedure?

As with any type of medical procedure, especially one that involves anesthesia, there are risks of medical complications. During ECT, heart rate and blood pressure increase, and in rare cases, that can lead to serious heart problems. If you have heart problems, ECT may be more risky.


Why It's Done

  • Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) can provide rapid, significant improvements in severe symptoms of several mental health conditions. ECT is used to treat: 1. Severe depression,particularly when accompanied by detachment from reality (psychosis), a desire to commit suicide or refusal to eat. 2. Treatment-resistant depression,a severe depression that ...
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  • Although ECT is generally safe, risks and side effects may include: 1. Confusion.Immediately after treatment, you may experience confusion, which can last from a few minutes to several hours. You may not know where you are or why you're there. Rarely, confusion may last several days or longer. Confusion is generally more noticeable in older adults. 2. Memory loss.Some people hav…
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How You Prepare

  • Before having your first ECT treatment, you'll need a full evaluation, which usually includes: 1. Medical history 2. Complete physical exam 3. Psychiatric assessment 4. Basic blood tests 5. Electrocardiogram (ECG) to check your heart health 6. Discussion of the risks of anesthesia These exams help make sure that ECT is safe for you.
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What You Can Expect

  • The ECT procedure takes about five to 10 minutes, with added time for preparation and recovery. ECT can be done while you're hospitalized or as an outpatient procedure.
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  • Many people begin to notice an improvement in their symptoms after about six treatments with electroconvulsive therapy. Full improvement may take longer, though ECT may not work for everyone. Response to antidepressant medications, in comparison, can take several weeks or more. No one knows for certain how ECT helps treat severe depression and other mental illness…
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