during which part of the growth phases does cell divison occur directly? course hero

by Prof. Vinnie Macejkovic 9 min read

The process of mitosis, or cell division, is also known as the M phase. This is where the cell divides its previously-copied DNA and cytoplasm to make two new, identical daughter cells. Mitosis consists of four basic phases: prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase. Click to see full answer

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What are the two main phases of the cell cycle?

The cell cycle is broadly divided into two phases: the interphase and the mitotic phase. Interphase is the phase during which the growth of the cells take place along with the metabolic activity but the nuclear division in the cell does not occur. What is g0 of cell cycle?

Which phase of the cell cycle has the shortest duration?

Time period when a cell is carrying on normal processes and not actively dividing a. Interphase b. Mitosis c. Somatic cycle d. Cell cycle Phase of shortest duration is a. Prophase b. Metaphase

What is another name for the process of cell division?

The process of mitosis, or cell division, is also known as the M phase. This is where the cell divides its previously-copied DNA and cytoplasm to make two new, identical daughter cells. Mitosis consists of four basic phases: prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase.

What happens during interphase of the cell cycle?

Interphase is the phase during which the growth of the cells take place along with the metabolic activity but the nuclear division in the cell does not occur. What is g0 of cell cycle?

During which phase of the cell cycle does cell division occur?

the M phaseMitosis (the M phase) The process of mitosis, or cell division, is also known as the M phase. This is where the cell divides its previously-copied DNA and cytoplasm to make two new, identical daughter cells.

During what phase of the cell cycle does the cell prepare for mitosis?

InterphaseInterphase is the phase of the cell cycle in which a typical cell spends most of its life. Interphase is the 'daily living' or metabolic phase of the cell, in which the cell obtains nutrients and metabolizes them, grows, replicates its DNA in preparation for mitosis, and conducts other "normal" cell functions.

During what phase of the cell cycle does mitosis and cytokinesis occur?

M phase. During the mitotic (M) phase, the cell divides its copied DNA and cytoplasm to make two new cells. M phase involves two distinct division-related processes: mitosis and cytokinesis.

What happens in G1 phase?

Initially in G1 phase, the cell grows physically and increases the volume of both protein and organelles. In S phase, the cell copies its DNA to produce two sister chromatids and replicates its nucleosomes. Finally, G2 phase involves further cell growth and organisation of cellular contents.

During what phase of the cell cycle does cell division occur Brainly?

During interphase, the cell grows and DNA is replicated. During the mitotic phase, the replicated DNA and cytoplasmic contents are separated and the cell divides.

Between which two stages does cell division first occur?

The first stage is interphase during which the cell grows and replicates its DNA. The second phase is the mitotic phase (M-Phase) during which the cell divides and transfers one copy of its DNA to two identical daughter cells.

Which phase occurs directly after metaphase?

The third phase of mitosis, following metaphase and preceding telophase, is anaphase. Since the sister chromatids began attaching to centrosomes on opposite ends of the cell in metaphase, they're prepped and ready to start separating and forming genetically-identical daughter chromosomes during anaphase.

What occurs during the M phase of cell division?

In the M phase, one parent cell physically divides into two daughter cells. This includes the physical separation of the duplicated genome (termed mitosis) and the subsequent separation of the cytoplasm by a process called cytokinesis.

Which stage of the cell cycle happens directly after cytokinesis?

Cytokinesis performs an essential process to separate the cell in half and ensure that one nucleus ends up in each daughter cell. Cytokinesis starts during the nuclear division phase called anaphase and continues through telophase.

What occurs in the S phase?

S phase is the period of wholesale DNA synthesis during which the cell replicates its genetic content; a normal diploid somatic cell with a 2N complement of DNA at the beginning of S phase acquires a 4N complement of DNA at its end.

What is the S phase and what happens during this phase?

The S phase of a cell cycle occurs during interphase, before mitosis or meiosis, and is responsible for the synthesis or replication of DNA. In this way, the genetic material of a cell is doubled before it enters mitosis or meiosis, allowing there to be enough DNA to be split into daughter cells.

Does the cell grow in S phase?

S phase is the period during which DNA replication occurs. The cell grows (more...) The duration of these cell cycle phases varies considerably in different kinds of cells.