during which generation of distance education was the idea of course design team invented?

by Ms. Leta Hauck V 4 min read

Was distance learning invented by the Internet?

span these distances. Thus distance education theorists (Garrison, 1985; Nipper, 1989), in a somewhat technologically deterministic bent, have described and defined distance education based on the predominate technologies employed for delivery. The first generation of distance education technology was by postal correspondence.

What was the first college to offer distance learning?

Nov 25, 2013 · to another. One course or programme announced as distance education 9 ICT an abbreviation of Information and Communication Technologies 10 Presented in Holmberg, C. (2001) Towards a new scenario for Distance Education in Sweden. Contribution to the 20th World Conference on Open Learning and Distance Education, in Düsseldorf, Germany 1-5. April ...

What is the future of distance learning in education?

Jan 10, 2022 · The History of Online Schooling. Though it may seem that online education had its beginnings in the late 1900s, the concept of distance learning first came into practice in the mid 19th century when the U.S. Postal Service was developed. The notion of reliable, long-distance correspondence led to the development and implementation of what were ...

Does distance learning work in high schools?

Instructional Design for Distance Learning 269 Table L Three Generations of Course Design in Distance Education (Kaufman, reprinted with permission). THNKING 1st Generation -No choice provided to -Low dialogue -Little or no emphasis "Correspondence learners in program -Mainly postal service. -Focus on coverage

Which is the first generation of distance education?

The first generation of distance education was defined by print technology. Although there have been examples of first-generation distance learning for hundreds of years, the combination of printing press technology and postal services made what is commonly known as correspondence education widely available.

What is fourth generation distance education?

The latter interactivity makes the fourth generation of distance education. It can be also said that there is an emerging generation of distance education where interactivity or two-way communication between teachers and students and among students becomes of utmost importance.

When was distance learning first used?

Some argue that the beginning of distance learning was “in 1840, [when] an English educator, Sir Isaac Pitman, taught shorthand by mail” (UFL). Pitman would mail text on postcards to students, and students would mail their assignments back to him.Aug 15, 2019

When was distance learning introduced in the Philippines?

In the Philippines, e-learning started to popularized in early 2000 in parallel with the growing popularity of ICT in government and education.

What are the different generation of distance education is divided by Professor James Taylor?

Later Jim Taylor classified distance teaching and learning into five generations: correspondence (primarily dependent on text delivered by post), multimedia (use of print, audio, video, computer-based training), tele-learning (use of televised courses, radio and interactive video conferences), flexible learning ( ...May 11, 2021

How many stages are there in distance education?

Although the expansion of the Internet blurs the boundaries, distance education technologies are divided into two modes of delivery: synchronous learning and asynchronous learning.

Who invented distance learning?

Desmond Keegan (Keegan, 1980) identified six key elements of distance education: Separation of teacher and learner....13.1Introduction13.3Theory of Distance Education13.4Distance Learning Technologies13.5Future Directions and Emerging Technologies13.6Research Related to Media in Distance Education4 more rows

What is the history of distance education?

Distance learning started to gain wider adoption in the 19th century when Englishman Isaac Pitman taught shorthand by correspondence. Students were instructed to copy short passages of the Bible and return them for grading.Mar 18, 2015

When did distance education started in India?

Distance Learning in India for higher education in India was initiated in the form of Correspondence Courses in 1962, in response to the ever- increasing demand for higher education which could not be met by the conventional system.

Who implemented online learning in the Philippines?

the Department of Education (DepEd)In the Philippines, the Department of Education (DepEd) has applied distance learning modalities to ensure learning continuity, which involve technology and internet connection. This way, students can continue their education in remote setups through online/offline platforms, TV and radio, and printed modules.Oct 12, 2021

What is distance education in the Philippines?

Distance education is traditionally defined as, any educational or learning procedure in which the guide and the student are separated geographically. There is no interaction between students. Present-day distance learning is influenced a lot by computer and electronics technology.

Why distance learning is implemented?

During the prevention of the spread of the virus the COVID-19 pandemic, change took place suddenly of learning. Distance learning is a good substitute when physical or face-to-face programmes or courses are no longer feasible.Feb 9, 2022

When did distance learning start?

Some argue that the beginning of distance learning was “in 1840, [when] an English educator, Sir Isaac Pitman, taught shorthand by mail” (UFL). Pitman would mail text on postcards to students, and students would mail their assignments back to him. Correspondence courses continued to catch on, and the Museum of Distance Education timeline reveals that, in 1858, the University of London became the first college to offer distance learning degrees.#N#30 years later, the largest private for-profit school based in Pennsylvania, the International Correspondence Schools, was founded in 1888 to provide training for immigrant coal miners aiming to become state mine inspectors or foremen. It enrolled 2500 new students in 1894 and matriculated 72,000 new students in 1895. The growth was due to sending out complete textbooks instead of single lessons, and the use of 1200 aggressive in-person salesmen. By 1906 total enrollments at the International Correspondence School had reached 900,000.

What are the characteristics of distance education?

She found 3 characteristic qualities of distance education that remain until today. First, that distance education is just as good, valid, and high-quality as in person. Second, your earning potential will increase if you take this course of study.

Is distance learning still a part of the 21st century?

The journey of distance learning continues into the 21st century. By 2006, “89% of 4-year public colleges in the U.S. offer classes online, along with 60% of private institutions” (Gensler). Another Forbes article notes that, “Online learning is moving beyond this primitive, one-to-many broadcast model to become a social, collaborative, personalized and interactive experience that generates two powerful, mutually reinforcing success accelerants: first, the long-term desire to learn, to better one’s position in the world; and, secondly – crucially – the moment-by-moment pleasure of participating in a learning experience that’s continually exciting, rewarding and creates a valuable sense of social connection” (Shockley). Thankfully, distance learning has moved beyond one-sided communication. Today, distance learning is referred to as online education. Ask any college student you know, and you will see how integrated online courses have become. Most students today have taken or are currently enrolled in at least one online class.

When did online schooling start?

The History of Online Schooling. Though it may seem that online education had its beginnings in the late 1900s, the concept of distance learning first came into practice in the mid 19th century when the U.S. Postal Service was developed. The notion of reliable, long-distance correspondence led to the development and implementation ...

Which universities offer free online classes?

An increasing number of universities, like the University of California Berkeley, Harvard University, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology offer free online classes called open courseware that feature video lectures and quizzes taken directly from class discussion.

What is a recorded online course?

The use of recorded online courses is primarily made possible by the expansion of the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC). The MOOC is an online educational platform that offers most of its content for free. The MOOC, which is a result of the Kahn Academy on YouTube, offers various courses for, among others, universities, skills and job training institutions, and preschools. Students can select their own courses.

What is LMS in education?

An LMS is a software application that assists with the administration, documentation, tracking, reporting, and delivery of educational courses and training, learning, and development programs.

Why is homeschooling important?

Homeschooling is now the obvious option for parents because learning content is accessible remotely and educational technologies (or EdTechs) are developed and shared to assist learning. The COVID-19 pandemic presents the education system with a renewed opportunity to embrace new EdTechs.

What is the education system in Japan?

The current education system in Japan is based on a structure that was institutionalized in the industrial age. Although education has seen innovation since then, it is one of the sectors wherein innovation occurs at a slow pace, and therefore, it does not meet the sector’s expectations and demands.

When did Japan close schools?

2 When Japan closed all its schools in March 2020, many discussions about how the education service should be managed (during and after the pandemic) have taken place.

Why is ICT infrastructure important?

The ICT infrastructure is necessary to build an OODA loop in the education service. Schools with good ICT infrastructure will improve their education services faster than those with poor ICT infrastructure. The wider the digital divide, the wider the educational opportunity gaps. Go to:

What is LMS used for?

Companies often use LMS for online training courses for employees. Now, the LMS is used in the education service more widely. Despite its merits, an LMS used to be costly, but lately, the development of cloud-based LMSs has reduced the initial and operational cost of these systems.

Why do instructional designers rely on autonomy?

When designing independent learning experiences, instructional designers and facilitators rely on learner autonomy to allow for more focused work with particular groups as they need it (Meyer et al., 2008). However, this autonomy among learners is often not fully developed, which poses challenges to both instructors and learners.

What is the relationship between difficult goals and student performance?

10). Hattie (2009) found a high positive correlation between goal difficulty and student performance and speculated that difficult goals “lead to a clearer notion of success and direct the student’s attention to relevant behavior or outcomes ” (p. 164). This finding is reflected in a 2007 review of research on feedback, which shows that feedback is most helpful when “goals are specific and challenging but task complexity is low” (Hattie and Timperley, pp. 85-86).

What is reflection in a course?

Reflection involves both instructor self-reflection and student self-reflection related to achievement of the purposes that have been articulated as the basis for the course. Such reflection is intended to deepen the learning experience and may serve as reiteration of purpose at key points during the course.

Why is clear enunciation of purposes, goals, and objectives important?

First, given that distance learners are often seeking specific credentials or job skills , it is consistent with “truth in advertising” to be explicit about what learning outcomes they can expect from a distance education course or module .

What is the truism of modern education?

One of the truisms of modern educational philosophy is that learners will invest more effort in pursuit of goals that are relevant to them. This principle is well supported by current meta-analyses of educational research, which indicates that instruction should “Engage students in setting personal learning objectives” (Dean et al., 2012, p. 9).

How does elaboration theory work?

Like spiral sequencing, elaboration theory organizes instruction from simpler to more complex knowledge. Reigeluth (1987) uses an analogy of a camera zoom lens to illustrate the elaborative sequence. When provided with a photo, viewers start with a wide-angle view, which allows them to see the major components of a picture and the interrelationships among those components. After obtaining a broad view of a picture, viewers then zoom in to focus on the details of a specific component, followed by a zoom out to a wide-angle view. Viewers then continue this pattern until they obtain both the whole picture and the details of components. Applying this notion, the learning of complex knowledge can be supported by designing instruction to proceed from the broadest, most general, and most inclusive idea toward narrower, more precise, and less inclusive ideas in order to assist learners to obtain both the breadth and depth of knowledge.

When is inquiry related sequencing used?

Inquiry-related sequencing is employed when a more discovery-oriented approach to instruction is desired or when the nature of the learning involves “generating, discovering, or verifying knowledge” (Posner & Strike, 1976, p. 676).


Birth of Distance Learning

  • In “Serving the System: a Critical History of Distance Education” Jennifer Sumner writes, “Although its beginnings are disputed, the history of distance education is well documented, especially in the 20th century” (Sumner). Though there is some discrepancy when determining the origins of distance learning, countless sources are informing what happened next! Let’s take a l…
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When Did It Start?

  • Some sources trace distance learning as far back at the 1700s. Soon after this time, distance education was practiced through a method called correspondence education. This form of education grew without bounds, and swept across countries.
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Correspondence Education

  • According to Mike Erwin of the University of Advancing Technology, “The process was very simple: students received instruction via mail and responded with assignments or questions to the instructor. The process was very slow and could take several weeks for a response from the instructor. Correspondence courses grew in spite of the drawbacks, in large part thanks to matu…
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  • Some argue that the beginning of distance learning was “in 1840, [when] an English educator, Sir Isaac Pitman, taught shorthand by mail” (UFL). Pitman would mail text on postcards to students, and students would mail their assignments back to him. Correspondence courses continued to catch on, and the Museum of Distance Education timeline reveals that, in 1858, the University of …
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Radio, Television, and Development

  • A few significant advancements have shaped and pushed distance learning forward since the late 1800s. In 1873 official correspondence education program called the “Society to Encourage Home Studies”, was established in Boston, Massachusetts by Ana Eliot Ticknor. The University of Queensland in Australia then founded its Department of Correspondence Studies in 1911, which …
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Learning from Home

  • These methods continued into the mid-century years. An article by Forbes notes that, in 1956, “Chicago public television station WTTW, in partnership with the local Board of Education, televises college courses for credit; over 15,000 students enroll in 5 years. New York University and CBS launch Sunrise Semester, which also offers TV courses for credit; in 1962 the New Yor…
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  • Technology continued to allow advances during the 1980s. According to Foundations of Distance Education, “The possibility of teaching face to face at a distance was achieved by an electronics revolution in the 1980s. The deregulation of the telecommunications industry allied to the speeding up of chips and the introduction of broadband technologies brought about this veritabl…
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  • After the television, the personal computer with internet capabilities was the next major invention to revolutionize distance education. In 1989 the University of Phoenix became the first institution to launch a fully online college institution that offered both bachelors and masters degrees. In 1996, entrepreneurs Glen Jones and Bernand Luskin launched Jones International University, wh…
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Today and Beyond

  • The journey of distance learning continues into the 21st century. By 2006, “89% of 4-year public colleges in the U.S. offer classes online, along with 60% of private institutions” (Gensler). Another Forbes article notes that, “Online learning is moving beyond this primitive, one-to-many broadcast model to become a social, collaborative, personalized and interactive experience that generates …
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  • Aside from credited courses, major universities are now offering “MOOC” or Massive Online Open Courses. Students can take these courses to learn more about certain topics, but they do not receive credit for these courses. Even cell phone applications, such as iTunes U, allow students to enroll in non-credit courses on the go! Just like the earlier forms of distance learning, MOOCs ha…
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Envisioning and Planning The Course

  • Online courses require different approaches and considerations than in-person courses. Setting aside the “old” and envisioning the “new” isn’t an easy task. On the other hand, creating a new online course affords exciting opportunities for reimagining course structure, student engagement, key topics and skill acquisition. Online program instructors work closely with ODE…
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Building The Course

  • CarmenCanvas, Ohio State’s learning management system, is the hub for online courses and learning experiences. ODEE has created a Carmen course template(link is external) that is easily navigable and visually appealing by using modules. Each module offers specific content templates for lecture materials and various assignment types. ODEE instructional designers wor…
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Delivering The Course

  • Direct ODEE support for new online courses concludes after the semester-long collaboration with an instructional designer. However, the course design process influences how online program faculty deliver their courses, which includes: 1. Generating a calendar or checklist of pre-semester and ongoing administrative tasks for the course, and providing links to helpful resources 2. Anti…
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Refining The Course

  • No newly designed online course is 100% perfect on its first iteration. Our instructional design process introduces online program instructors to tools for gathering key data and evaluating a course’s effectiveness. The backward design process generates effective measurements in the form of course assessments that help instructors determine whether course outcomes are bein…
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