donkey kong's crash course how to get to cave after winning first level

by Lexus Wolff 9 min read

Donkey Kong's Crash Course - Full Tilt Obstacle Course

Donkey Kong's Crash Course is a single player kart game in the style of the original Donkey Kong arcade game.

Nintendo Land

Nintendo Land is a fun and lively theme park filled with 12 different attractions, each with its own take on a Nintendo franchise. Each attraction features unique and innovative game-play experiences made possible by the Wii U GamePad controller.


As the name suggests, this world takes place in a dark, treacherous cave. It is plagued by Mole Guards, who cause tremendous damage to the caves while trying to stop the Kongs. The Cave levels are centered around mine cart vehicles. There are two types of mine cart levels.


This world seems partially based off the Monkey Mines world from Donkey Kong Country.