distances are considered an example of which data scale? (points : 1) course hero bus308

by Cole Rice DDS 6 min read

Which of the following is a characteristic of ratio scale?

View BUS308 Week 1 Quiz 6.3.20.docx from BUS 308 at Ashford University. Distances are considered an example of which data scale?. Ratio If a manager wants to know the typical deviation in worker’s

What is the data?

Feb 13, 2017 · Ashford 2 : - Week 1 - Quiz Question 1. 1. Which of the following defines the standard deviation? (Points : 1) The difference between the highest and lowest values. The arithmetic average of a set of values. The average difference between items in a …

What are scales of measurement in statistics?

The ordinal scale is the 2 nd level of measurement that reports the ordering and ranking of data without establishing the degree of variation between them. Ordinal represents the “order.” Ordinal data is known as qualitative data or categorical data. It can be grouped, named and also ranked. Characteristics of the Ordinal Scale

What is the sample mean of a data set?

May 05, 2019 · Course Title BUS 308; Type. Test Prep. Uploaded By irgusgus. ... Question 2 1 pts Distances are considered an example of which data scale ? Question 3 1 pts Temperature is an example of ratio level data . ... Which of the following data points would be considered an outlier for the data set? Q&A.

What are the different types of scales used in statistics?

In this article, we will learn four types of scales such as nominal, ordinal, interval and ratio scale .

Why is interval scale quantitative?

The interval scale is quantitative as it can quantify the difference between the values. It allows calculating the mean and median of the variables. To understand the difference between the variables, you can subtract the values between the variables.

What is nominal scale?

A nominal scale is the 1 st level of measurement scale in which the numbers serve as “tags” or “labels” to classify or identify the objects. A nominal scale usually deals with the non-numeric variables or the numbers that do not have any value.

What is a quantitative measurement scale?

It is defined as a quantitative measurement scale in which the difference between the two variables is meaningful. In other words, the variables are measured in an exact manner, not as in a relative way in which the presence of zero is arbitrary.

What is ratio scale?

The ratio scale is the 4 th level of measurement scale, which is quantitative. It is a type of variable measurement scale. It allows researchers to compare the differences or intervals. The ratio scale has a unique feature. It possesses the character of the origin or zero points.

Why doesn't the ratio scale have negative numbers?

It doesn’t have negative numbers, because of its zero-point feature. It affords unique opportunities for statistical analysis. The variables can be orderly added, subtracted, multiplied, divided. Mean, median, and mode can be calculated using the ratio scale. Ratio scale has unique and useful properties.

What is nominal scale variable?

A nominal scale variable is classified into two or more categories. In this measurement mechanism, the answer should fall into either of the classes. It is qualitative. The numbers are used here to identify the objects. The numbers don’t define the object characteristics. The only permissible aspect of numbers in the nominal scale is “counting.”.