discuss why entrepreneurs who truly know themselves make the best ethical decisions. course hero

by Margarete Ratke 10 min read

How to be an ethical entrepreneur?

Some situations cannot be anticipated, and the ethical entrepreneur must always keep an open door so that new ethical issues can be worked out. Even the willingness to take time to discuss and resolve tough ethical dilemmas gives the signal that ethics is important in the start-up. 6. The ethical entrepreneur is watchful about conflicts of interest.

Why are ethical decisions important in business?

Jul 02, 2018 · Successful entrepreneurs operate on sound business ethics which are approved and accepted in any society. Entrepreneurial Ethics are those codes of conduct, employed by entrepreneurs which impact society positively, thereby increasing the entrepreneur’s chances for greater success. Entrepreneurial ethics would lead to positive attitudes towards raising …

What is business ethics?

Below are are my suggestions for being an ethical entrepreneur through priorities and daily actions. 1. Focus On Leading By Example. Those who have succeeded with corporate greed, poor treatment of employees, and wall building will destroy not only us, but also the generation that follows. This is why we must lead by example.

How do ethics affect a business’ success?

Jan 22, 2022 · However, Best Buy recorded annual revenues of $42.879 billion and a gross profit of $9.961 billion in February 2019. Moreover, Best Buy’s stock was trading at $71.97 a share on 3 July 2019. Best Buy shows ethical decision-making is vital for a company’s survival.

What is entrepreneurial ethics?

Entrepreneurial Ethics are those codes of conduct, employed by entrepreneurs which impact society positively, thereby increasing the entrepreneur’s chances for greater success. Entrepreneurial ethics would lead to positive attitudes towards raising successful entrepreneurs, who would, in turn, build entrepreneurial institutions for societal growth ...

What is ethical entrepreneurship?

The ethical entrepreneur ought to seek out favourable opportunities to make his or her ethical commitment bona fide. It is the business of an entrepreneur to communicate clearly to all, from the initial stages of business, the ethical standards they employ.

What is the importance of integrity in business?

It is important that entrepreneurs today don’t get caught up in moneymaking schemes and lose sight of the importance of doing the right thing for the common good. Any entrepreneur who willfully and dishonestly engages in business activity with the motive ...

Why do entrepreneurs work together?

Entrepreneurs who manage to keep open lines of communication with their employees, grow to understand their feelings about things taking place within the workplace, and they work together to ensure that everyone is in alignment to benefit from their association with the organization.

What happens if an entrepreneur cheats?

An entrepreneur who sets out to cheat or underpay his employees will indefinitely cause his organization to suffer and be subject to high staff turnover, low morale, dishonesty among other negative things that could cause the downfall of the business.

Can a business have an impact on the environment?

It is difficult, and possibly unavoidable, to engage in business while having no impact on the environment. Even if you’re in the craft business, your clients are looking on to see how you utilize resources or recycle products. If you are truly invested in reducing your business’s Eco-footprint, then you can have a much greater impact, not just in the business world, but in the community and environment as a whole.

Why is reputation important for business?

For the individual entrepreneur, a reputation for much needed ethical practices can place your business on the top lists of ethical businesses with which others will unhesitatingly choose to do business with, increasing your opportunities for successful business partnerships.

5 Steps to Being An Ethical Entrepreneur

Below are are my suggestions for being an ethical entrepreneur through priorities and daily actions.

1. Focus On Leading By Example

Those who have succeeded with corporate greed, poor treatment of employees, and wall building will destroy not only us, but also the generation that follows. This is why we must lead by example.

2. Embrace Humanity

Out of sight does not mean out of mind. When we turn a blind eye to the human condition we dance with the poison that has no taste, smell, or flavor. It will begin to create an environment of contempt for those outside of the business looking in. Eventually evincing the destructive nature of this poison inside the firm.

4. Homeland Economy

When we focus on those around us we have more of a direct impact. What we put in as leaders will be recognized quicker and spread with more understanding. We are nothing without our tiered workforce.

5. Give Back

Being charitable and participating in society as a code of ethics fosters participation within the community. We should not only do our civic duties for face value. We must feel an obligation as individuals living amongst each other. We all give and take in the world.


In society it is important to recognize the power of ideas. Far too often we turn a blind eye to what is the interest of the greater good of the world and society. A prosperous society is an audience and a thriving customer base for the entrepreneur.

Who discovered the cost of ethical commitments the hard way?

One entrepreneur who discovered the cost of ethical commitments the hard way is Elon Musk. Tesla Motors (NASDAQ: TSLA) and SpaceX CEO had to choose between ethics and a potentially valuable political relationship.

Why is Jeff Bezos the richest man in the world?

Instead, Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos is the world’s richest man because of Gates’ ethics. Fortunately, there are many examples of how ethical decision-making can help a business make money. Examples of Ethical Decision Making In Business.

How much does Costco make an hour?

For example, Costco raised its base wage from $13 an hour to $14 an hour in 2018 to $15 per hour in 2019, Fortune reports. In contrast, the average retail worker in America makes between $7.25 and $9 an hour, job-applications.com reports. Meanwhile, the average US retail department manager makes $11 to $12 an hour.

Who is the richest man in the world in 2021?

Barry D. Moore. -. March 15, 2021. Contrary to popular belief, ethical decision-making often leads to wealth and success in business. Two of the world’s three richest men, Microsoft founder Bill Gates and Berkshire Hathaway CEO Warren Buffett, are famous for their integrity.

Why are layoffs bad for business?

Layoffs are Bad for Business. One reason why profitability declines after layoffs could be worker morale. After layoffs, remaining working suffered a 41% decline in job satisfaction, a 36% decline in company loyalty, and a 20% decline in job performance.

How much does Chick Fil A pay for tuition?

The American fast-food chain will pay up to $25,000 in tuition assistance to employees. Moreover, Chick-fil-A claims to have paid $75 million in tuition to 53,000 employees, Restaurant Business estimates.

Is Circuit City a competitor to Amazon?

Other competitors like Circuit City are also long gone. Other US brick and mortar electronics retailers could not compete with Amazon (NASDAQ: AMZN) and discounters like Walmart. However, Best Buy recorded annual revenues of $42.879 billion and a gross profit of $9.961 billion in February 2019.

Why is ethics important in business?

Business ethics help ensure a good reputation for your company. Not only does it feel good to be part of a company with a great reputation, but it’s great for business. When you have a reputation for consistently being ethical in how you source and build products , and treat employees, customers and the community, more people will want to do business with you. Even social media ethics is important for your reputation.

What are the benefits of a business?

This means you’ll appeal to a variety of people and organizations that will be great for boosting your business such as: 1 Clients and customers who believe in your company and want to support it 2 Trade and community organizations who want you as a member 3 Investors who want to help your business grow 4 Communities that want to host your business or events 5 Other businesses that want to partner with you 6 Newspapers, magazines and other media who want to offer you special recognition

Why is ethics important in business?

The importance of business ethics reaches far beyond employee loyalty and morale or the strength of a management team bond. As with all business initiatives, the ethical operation of a company is directly related to profitability in both the short and long term.

What is business ethics?

Benefits of Business Ethics. The Bottom Line. The system of moral and ethical beliefs that guides the values, behaviors, and decisions of a business organization and the individuals within that organization is known as business ethics. Some ethical requirements for businesses are codified into law;

How does a management team help a company?

When the prevailing management philosophy is based on ethical practices and behavior, leaders within an organization can direct employees by example and guide them in making decisions that are not only beneficial to them as individuals, but also to the organization as a whole. Building on a foundation of ethical behavior helps create long-lasting positive effects for a company, including the ability to attract and retain highly talented individuals, and building and maintaining a positive reputation within the community. Running a business in an ethical manner from the top down builds a stronger bond between individuals on the management team, further creating stability within the company.

Why is reputation important?

The reputation of a business in the surrounding community, other businesses, and individual investors is paramount in determining whether a company is a worthwhile investment. If a company is perceived to not operate ethically, investors are less inclined to buy stock or otherwise support its operations.

What is ethical quandary?

The nature of a business's operations has a major influence on the ethical issues with which it must contend. For example, an ethical quandary arises for an investment brokerage when the best decision for a client and their money does not coincide with what pays the brokerage the highest commission.

How to maintain a positive image?

To retain a positive image, businesses must be committed to operating on an ethical foundation as it relates to the treatment of employees, respecting the surrounding environment, and fair market practices in terms of price and consumer treatment.

Who is Melissa Horton?

Melissa Horton is a financial literacy professional. She has 10+ years of experience in the financial services and planning industry. The system of moral and ethical beliefs that guides the values, behaviors, and decisions of a business organization and the individuals within that organization is known as business ethics.

Why is entrepreneurship capital important?

The following are six reasons why entrepreneurship capital is important to the economy: 1. Entrepreneurs Create New Businesses.

What is entrepreneurial venture?

Entrepreneurial ventures literally generate new wealth. Existing businesses may remain confined to the scope of existing markets and may hit the glass ceiling in terms of income. New and improved offerings, products or technologies from entrepreneurs enable new markets to be developed and new wealth created.

What is Entrepreneur India?

You're reading Entrepreneur India, an international franchise of Entrepreneur Media. Entrepreneurs are often thought of as national assets to be refined, motivated and remunerated to the greatest possible extent. Entrepreneurs can change the way we live and work. If successful, their revolutions may improve our standard of living.

How do entrepreneurs break away from tradition?

Through their unique offerings of new goods and services, entrepreneurs break away from tradition and indirectly support freedom by reducing dependence on obsolete systems and technologies. Overall, this results in an improved quality of life, greater morale and economic freedom.

What are the consequences of unregulated entrepreneurship?

Unregulated entrepreneurship may lead to unwanted social outcomes including unfair market practices, pervasive corruption, financial crisis and even criminal activity.

What is path breaking in business?

Path-breaking offerings by entrepreneurs, in the form of new goods and services, result in new employment, which can produce a cascading effect or virtuous circle in the economy. The stimulation of related businesses or sectors that support the new venture add to further economic development.

Who is Jonathan Haidt?

Jonathan Haidt, Professor of Business Ethics at NYU and founder of says, “It’s important to talk about the positive examples of ethical behavior, not just the bad ones.

How much did Wells Fargo pay in fines?

Wells Fargo’s recent debacle cost them $185 million in fines because 5300 employees opened up more than a million fraudulent accounts. When all is said and done, we’ll likely learn that the choices of those employees resulted from deeply systemic issues.

Is it safe to speak up?

It is psychologically unsafe to speak up . Despite saying things like, “I have an open door policy,” some leadership actions may inhibit the courage needed to raise ethical concerns. Creating a culture in which people freely speak up is vital to ensuring people don’t collude with, or incite, misconduct.
