describe the course of kundalini and what it does

by Nelda Weimann 3 min read

And according to practitioners, Kundalini energy is like that coiled snake: It sits at the base of your spine, sleeping and unaroused. Kundalini yoga is practiced to activate this energy, which allows it to move up and through the chakras along your spine. In yoga, chakras are the seven energy centers in your body.Jul 16, 2020

How do I awaken the Kundalini?

Jan 28, 2018 · Contrary to one popular myth, kundalini is not some exotic energy that shoots up the spine without warning. It’s a natural flow of energy inherent in each person, part of the subtle structure of each human being. It is at home and flowing through your nervous system right now, even as you read this.

What is Kundalini how to activate it?

Coiled upon itself, Kundalini is a spiritual energy which animates all processes in the body and all currents of vital energies, on all its levels, whilst residing in the causal body at the base of the spinal column in a self-imposed state of slumber.

Is Kundalini a real thing?

Jan 10, 2022 · Many are her name. The Inner Woman, the Serpent Power, Kundalini Shakti. Present in many esoteric traditions, Kundalini refers to an energy that is coiled at the base of the spine. It’s been ...

Is Kundalini really dangerous?

And, yes, I do work one-on-one with clients who have had Kundalini Awakenings and want to integrate them. If this describes you, you can schedule a session with me by clicking here. Alternatively, you can enroll in the four-week course below for only $37US.

What do you feel when Kundalini awakens?

Common features of kundalini awakening Sensations of 'energy' moving or trapped within certain parts of the body, often involving the chakra points. This process may become in some way 'visible' to the experiencer. The energy feels unbearably strong or painful, often accompanied by shaking, jerking, or spasms.Jun 17, 2019

What is a Kundalini class like?

A typical Kundalini yoga class is comprised of three parts: an opening chant (known as “tuning in”) followed by a brief warm-up for your spine, a kriya (which is a sequence of postures paired with breathing techniques), and a closing meditation or song.Feb 10, 2020

What is Kundalini good for?

The purpose is to promote spiritual enlightenment. There are several science-backed benefits of Kundalini yoga. According to research, it may help ease stress and anxiety, improve cognitive functioning, and boost self-perception and self-appreciation.Jul 16, 2020

Where is Kundalini located in body?

Kundalini is described as being coiled up at the base of the spine. The description of the location can vary slightly, from the rectum to the navel. Kundalini is said to reside in the triangular sacrum bone in three and a half coils.

What is Kundalini's function?

Kundalini was described as a normally dormant mechanism or organizing principle that could become activated or aroused under certain conditions to strengthen and purify individual’s prana (vital force), transforming its energies.

What is the book about Kundalini called?

Gopi Krishna’s awakening experience. My most favorite book on kundalini so far is written by Gopi Krishna and is called Kundalini: Path to Higher Consciousness . He experienced this awakening in a similar way to my own. He was completely unprepared for it, and he got totally frightened when this happened to him.

What channel does Kundalini rise through?

Instead of rising through the middle sushumna channel, sometimes kundalini starts rising through the fiery pingala channel. This happened to Gopi Krishna, and he almost died of internal fire. This kind of awakening is very dangerous, and it happens to those who don’t know how to properly arouse this energy.

How does Kundalini erase negative conditioning?

Kundalini erases negative conditioning. First, kundalini moves through the sushumna nadi, erasing, if you will, the impressions stored there and releasing the energy bound up in them. This extraordinary purification process then releases us from the patterns in our lives created by those impressions.

Why is Kundalini awakening so difficult?

It might also be the case that a negative kundalini awakening experience may be very difficult for an individual to recover from because of the potentially longer effects on the brain itself.

What is the elemental force that keeps us going?

It’s the elemental life force, what keeps us going for as long as we are alive. Generally it is believed that pain results when there are blockages, that is the constrictions in mind, body, emotions or psyche. People with major unresolved psychological issues as well as those with serious physical challenges may be especially at risk. As the kundalini works through the system it flushes out these hidden blockages and presses on until they’re cleared.

What are the traps of spiritual awakening?

There are some traps in spiritual awakening. After we have had our particular spiritual experience and a possible kundalini arousal , one trap is being misled by other people who may try to steer us off our personal path. They will label this awakening as being psychotic or work of the devil, or hallucination, and they may try to invalidate our experience in some other way.

What is the source of ultimate knowledge, power and joy?

The Source of Ultimate Knowledge, Power & Joy. Being able to relate something which is not short of the most precious realisation any human being can have is a pure joy, which makes this into a truly worthwhile undertaking. And when it comes to that realisation, there is nothing that takes place outside of the domain of Kundalini.

What is yoga teacher?

Yoga Teachers and Students, Healers, spiritually-minded people of any spiritual tradition or background. Facilitators, Teachers and Educators in the field of Psychology, Psychiatry and Neuroscience interested in deepening their knowledge in relation to the transformation of human consciousness.

What is historical perspective?

Historical Perspective. Historic overview of the understanding and worship of Shri Kundalini Shakti in different spiritual traditions. Profound knowledge and wisdom of Kundalini expounded on by an adept who experienced an awakening and its subsequent rise to Unity Consciousness firsthand.

Who is Igor Kufayev?

ABOUT IGOR KUFAYEV. An artist, Advaita Tantra teacher and founder of the Flowing Wakefulness Fellowship, for over a decade Igor Kufayev has been serving as a conduit of transmission for awakening towards the new era of heart-centered consciousness.

What does Igor do?

A teacher of immense spiritual experience, Igor facilitates spiritual growth using whatever means best suit the individual student— the degree of their spiritual evolution, readiness and capacity to respond—from energetic transmission to breath work, mantra work, self-inquiry, and emotional introspection.

What is the goal of Kundalini?

In traditions such as tantra where Kundalini is often referred to as Shakti, the goal of the practice is for the energy to rise all the way to the head, for that is where resides the energy of Lord Shiva.

What does Kundalini awakening mean?

This also means that kundalini awakening becomes both the path and the goal. The effects of awakening this energy include a higher sense of life, creativity, and support to reach our full potential. “The great goddess Kundalini, the primordial energy of the self, sleeps in the sexual region of the body.

What happens when Kundalini awakens?

“When the sleeping goddess Kundalini is awakened through the grace of the teacher, then all the subtle lotuses and worldly bonds are readily pierced through and through.

Why do people chase Kundalini rises?

In the pursuit of more pleasure and status, many chase a Kundalini rise to feed their self-image. Remember, pride belongs to the ego, the arch-enemy of spiritual practice. Having a kundalini awakening with a big ego is a recipe for much suffering. That’s why many practitioners focus on cleaning their containers.

What is Bhairavanand Tantra?

However, this scripture is said to be much atypical, comparing to most Tantric scriptures. A traditional tantra practice, Bhairavanand Tantra, derives from Shaivism. It focuses on the kundalini energy through mantra meditation, yantras and yagnas (offerings to the fire).

What is the vibrational path from Shakti to Shiva?

There is a reason why Osho's Kundalini meditation has four stages: shake, dance, sit in stillness, lie down in stillness. This is the vibrational path from Shakti to Shiva.

Where is Kundalini energy?

Present in many esoteric traditions, Kundalini refers to an energy that is coiled at the base of the spine. It’s been there since birth, and in most of us, it lies dormant. In a way, it is like a cable with a plug point that might not have found its energy socket. Today, many look for this socket through practices such as kundalini yoga, ...

What is Kundalini teaching?

Kundalini is defined as the Divine force within every person, that guides us toward liberation. It is the inner power of awakening of every spiritual path.

What is the upper process of Kundalini?

In Upper Process, Kundalini chooses a subtle body path toward Bindu, which is the gateway to Oneness experience. Different types of Upper process bestow different experiences to the seeker. After reaching Bindu, Kundalini rising is complete, but the process is not finished until full realization.

What happens after Kundalini Shakti?

“After Kundalini reaches Makara, Kundalini Shakti systematically starts to clear the chakras and renovate the subtle body. This type of clearing is a permanent, spiritually driven upgrade of the entire energy system. As the chakras are purified, all your hidden wounds are brought to the surface so that they can be healed. Here the seeds and roots of your karmas are completely burned so that they no longer sprout.” -Joan Harrigan, quoted in Wired for God Adventures of a Jewish Yogi

What does it mean when Kundalini Shakti is at Makara point?

Kundalini Shakti’s progress to Makara point is a one-time sacred and holy event. This opening is a permanent shift in spiritual life; Kundalini will not descend below Makara point again. Reaching Makara point signifies the beginning of stable, advanced, spiritual process.

What chakra is the Makara point?

Makara point is in Upper Ajna chakra, the Sixth chakra. Makara point is reached when the conditions are right in the subtle body, the mind is strongly focused, and there is enough vitality in the prana system to pierce the diamond-hard cap on Itara Linga, in the Ajna chakra. Kundalini Shakti’s progress to Makara point is a one-time sacred and holy event. This opening is a permanent shift in spiritual life; Kundalini will not descend below Makara point again. Reaching Makara point signifies the beginning of stable, advanced, spiritual process. It can happen after slow and steady spiritual progress through many lifetimes, or it can be a result of the rapid, spontaneous ascent of Kundalini Shakti. This remarkable event is so sacred that it can seem like the end of the spiritual quest. Yet it marks the beginning of the next stage, the renovation and restoration phase. This can last for a good while, as the system is prepared for Bindu, and realization.

How many types of Kundalini risings are there?

There are six types of Kundalini rising, each named after the nadi (channel) through which She rises. Each of these risings have specific qualities, with both gifts and challenges. Two risings, the Saraswati nadi and Vajra nadi risings, are in nadis that don’t go through Makara point in upper Ajna chakra, the Sixth chakra, and don’t culminate in Bindu, at the top of the head. These are called Deflected risings because Kundalini Shakti could not enter Sushumna nadi, the central column, at the time of Her initial release, where she can rise through the chakras to reach Bindu.

What happens when Kundalini ascends to the second chakra?

When Kundalini descends from the brain centers to the Second chakra, the person then loses the glimpse of Oneness they received and can become depressed.

What is the purpose of Kundalini yoga?

This actually mirrors the point and purpose of the kundalini yoga practice, which is to teach you how to hold a posture, or a specific auric vibration for longer and longer periods of time. This is why Kundalini yoga is based on repetition, “Jaap.”.

What is Kundalini awakening?

Kundalini Awakening Symptoms: Signs & Benefits. “Kundal” in the word “Kundalini” means “the curl of the hair of the beloved, ” according to Yogi Bhajan. In other words, Kundalini is the coiled-up cosmic energy of God, Creation, or the Universe. You are also the beloved, and this awakening process is the curl of your own hair.

What is the conduit of energy in Kundalini yoga?

The human body, being comprised mostly of water, is a conduit for energy, that way when we practice Kundalini yoga, we use our bodies as the conduits they naturally are and begin to pull the 2D energy from the earth up through our spine to awaken the 114 chakras and activate strands of DNA that have been lying dormant.

How many strands of DNA are there in the Aquarian Age?

It has also been supposed by scientists that we only have 2 strands of DNA… but in the Aquarian Age, as we are collectively experiencing Kundalini awakening symptoms, we are evolving to have a total of 12 strands. When the 2D Kundalini energy is pulled up from the earth and through the spine, it purifies the blood, heals the physical body, ...

What happens when Kundalini energy is pulled up from the earth?

When the 2D Kundalini energy is pulled up from the earth and through the spine, it purifies the blood, heals the physical body, and awakens the mind to higher consciousness. This pulls the mind out of oppressive dualistic thinking into a heightened perception of the universal truths of existence.

Why is Kundalini awakening so important?

Because love is the quality of all of existence, if you restrain yourself from existing, you won’t really be able to feel the love that is ever-present. And that is what the kundalini awakening is all about, is to BE in existence as God has created it, no matter what that existence is.

What does Jaap Sahib mean?

In kundalini yoga we practice “Jaap Sahib” which (in some translations) can mean “Repeat Grace, ” and we practice kriyas (kriya means “change”) for longer and longer periods of time, every day to change our vibrational state and hold it there.


Kundalini Awakening Through Spiritual Practice

  • This includes practices that come under generic spiritual paths to God such as Path of Action (Karmayoga), Path of Devotion (Bhaktiyoga), Path of Deliberate Rigour (Haṭhayoga) and Path of the Guru’s grace (Gurukrupāyoga). The practices in the Path of Deliberate Rigourinclude celibacy, breathing exercises (prāṇāyām) and yogicexercises and other spiritual practices. Some people t…
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Transfer of Energy

  • Shaktipātyoga or Shaktipāt refers to the bestowal of spiritual energy on one person by another i.e. mainly a Guru/spiritually evolved person to His disciple. Shaktipat can be transmitted with a sacred word or mantra, or by a look, thought or touch – the last usually to the mid-brow chakra (Ādnyā–chakra) of the recipient. It is considered an act of grace from the Guru to a deserving di…
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Recommended Way to Awaken and Channelise The Kundalini

  • Whatever the spiritual path, when there is spiritual growth the Kundalini rises. SSRF recommends regular spiritual practice as per the six basic principles of spiritual practice to help Kundalini awakening naturally. Here the unmanifest Guru Principle or the Teaching Principle of God itself awakens the Kundalini. As it is awakened by the Guru’s grace then it automatically tra…
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Key Aspects of The Kundalini

  • Just as the heart is the principle centre (organ) of the circulatory system and the brain of the nervous system, similarly the subtle energy system has various centres (chakras), channels and ducts. There are 72,000 subtle-channels. Of these channels, the three main subtle-channels are: 1. Sushumnānāḍī, that is, the central channel that extends from base of spine to the top of the hea…
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