describe how r&d costs are accounted for under current us gaap. course hero

by Ms. Muriel Rippin 3 min read

Unlike other object-oriented languages such as C, R doesn’t ask users to declare a data type when assigning a variable. Instead, everything in R correlates to an R data object. When you assign a variable in R, you assign it a data object and that object’s data type determines the data type of the variable.

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How can we use R?

H.E.R.’s stage name stands for Having Everything Revealed, but we shouldn’t presume that everything about ... mysterious when you’ve just won two Grammy Awards – one for ‘I Can’t Breathe’, a heartrending protest song written in response ...

How do you write R?

R. Donnelley & Sons Company (RRD) recorded performance in the market was 0.00%, having the revenues showcasing 74.03% on a quarterly basis in comparison with the same period year before. At the time of this writing, the total market value of the company is ...

How do I Change my R?

  • > x <- 1:2 # let's create a vector
  • > refs (x) # and check the number of references to it
  • [1] 1 # note: ONE
  • > tracemem (x) # we want to be notified every time R creates a copy of the variable
  • [1] "<000000001BDC7C38>"
  • > x [1] <- 100L # let's modify x [1]. ...
  • > x [2] <- 200L # as there is only a single reference
  • > refs (x) # yep, still holds!
  • [1] 1

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How do I solve for R?

Solve for a Variable in a Formula

  1. Solve for r d = rt
  2. Solve for h A = 1/2 bh
  3. Solve for b 2 A = 1/2 (b 1 + b 2)
  4. Solve for w P = 2L + 2W
  5. Write y in terms of x y - 3 = 1/3 (x - 4)
  6. Solve for a

Summarize Data in R With Descriptive Statistics

In this section, you will discover 8 quick and simple ways to summarize your dataset.

Tips To Remember

This section gives you some tips to remember when reviewing your data using summary statistics.

You Can Summarize Your Data in R

You do not need to be an R programmer. Data summarization in R is very simple, as the recipes above can attest. If you are just getting started, you can copy and paste the recipes above and start learning how they work using the built-in help in R (for example: ?FunctionName ).


In this post, you discovered the importance of describing your dataset before you start work on your machine learning project.

Action Step

Do you want to improve your skills using R or practicing machine learning in R?

What is R Software?

R is a programming language and free software developed by Ross Ihaka and Robert Gentleman in 1993. R possesses an extensive catalog of statistical and graphical methods. It includes machine learning algorithms, linear regression, time series, statistical inference to name a few.

R by Industry

If we break down the use of R by industry, we see that academics come first. R is a language to do statistic. R is the first choice in the healthcare industry, followed by government and consulting.

R package

The primary uses of R is and will always be, statistic, visualization, and machine learning. The picture below shows which R package got the most questions in Stack Overflow. In the top 10, most of them are related to the workflow of a data scientist: data preparation and communicate the results.

Communicate with R

R has multiple ways to present and share work, either through a markdown document or a shiny app. Everything can be hosted in Rpub, GitHub or the business’s website.

Why use R?

Data science is shaping the way companies run their businesses. Without a doubt, staying away from Artificial Intelligence and Machine will lead the company to fail. The big question is which tool/language should you use?

Should you choose R?

Data scientist can use two excellent tools: R and Python. You may not have time to learn them both, especially if you get started to learn data science. Learning statistical modeling and algorithm is far more important than to learn a programming language. A programming language is a tool to compute and communicate your discovery.

Is R difficult?

Years ago, R was a difficult language to master. The language was confusing and not as structured as the other programming tools. To overcome this major issue, Hadley Wickham developed a collection of packages called tidyverse. The rule of the game changed for the best. Data manipulation become trivial and intuitive.

Summary Commands in R

Whenever you start working on any data set, you need to know the overview of what you are dealing with. There are a few ways of doing this:

Name Commands in R

Name command and its variants are used to find or add names to rows and columns of data structures.

Summarizing Samples in R Programming Language

When repeated measurements are there, we generally want to summarize data by showing measures like average. R provides a variety of commands that operate on samples. These samples of data might be individual vectors, or they may be columns in a data frame or part of a matrix or list.

Summary Commands with Single Value Results in R

There are many such commands that produce a single value as output. Let us see a few of them:

R Summary Commands Producing Multiple Results

We have seen command producing a single output. Let us now see command producing many outputs.

R Cumulative Statistics

Cumulative statistics in R is applied sequentially to a series of values. It is used to track the interest received on an investment.

Simple Cumulative Commands in R

These are the commands that need only the name of the object. Cumulative commands produce an accurate result when applied to a vector of character data. However, if applied on character data, they give error populated as a list of NA items.
