defensive driving course how many hours

by Timmothy Torp 3 min read

How many hours is the defensive driving course?

Category Course Format Duration
Light Motor Vehicle (LMV) Full Day (1 Super Delegate) 8 Hours
HVT/HVB Full Day ( 2 Delegates) 8 Hours
HVT/HVB Half Day ( 1 Delegate) 4 Hours
Motorcycle Half Day 4 Hours
May 9 2022

The State of Texas requires defensive driving online courses to take a minimum of 6 hours to complete. In compliance with the state, our Texas Defensive Driving course is 5 hours of material with 1 hour of total break time, and may be completed at your own pace.

Full Answer

How many times can you take defensive driving?

4 rows · 4 Hours. Click to see full answer. Herein, how long is the defensive driving course? Most ...

How do I enroll in defensive driving training?

How long do defensive driving courses typically take? The duration of your defensive driving course also depends on your state's requirements. You can generally expect to spend anywhere from 6-8 hours in your course, with some being shorter (3 or 4 hours) and some being much longer (10 or 12 hours).

What is the best online defensive driving course in Texas?

Defensive Driving Course Online (4-hour and 2-hour course) This is a highly-engaging course that has modernized content, a state-of-the-art look and feel, and is highly interactive. The course was developed to be simple and streamlined so each user is …

How to get over the fear of driving long distances?

 · (Traffic Tickets, DMV/Court Ordered, DL Suspension, Employee Mandated) Course time: 4 or 6/8 Hours. National Safety Council is the premier provider of defensive driver training in the nation. In addition to nationally recognized courses, American First Responder offers a number of state-certified programs that align with specific state regulations.

How long is the NY defensive driving course online?

320 minutesNew York Defensive Driving Courses take 320 minutes to complete, as mandated by the state of New York. Since this course is 100% online you do not need to complete it all at once - you may log out and in as often as you need during the 30 day period you have to complete the course.

How much is a defensive driving course in NY?

The best cheap defensive driving course is offered by New York Safety Program for $23.95. The cost of the listed providers below range from $23.95 to $49.95. There are eight providers that offer defensive driving courses for under $30....Best cheap defensive driving courses in New York.ProviderCostEmpire Safety Council$44.95I Drive Safely$48.9510 more rows•Nov 16, 2021

How long is defensive driving course California?

2.5 hoursHow long is a defensive driving course? Defensive driving courses usually vary by state, but in California, the standard defensive driving course is 2.5 hours long plus assessment time.

How long is the shortest defensive driving course in Texas?

Fast Track Defensive Driving is the shortest course allowed by Texas law. Our course is 5 hours long and you may take it in one stretch, however, a total of one hour of break is recommended. Here are tips to complete the course in the shortest possible time.

Can you take the NYS 5-hour course online?

Yes. New York drivers can complete our 5-Hour Pre-Licensing course in Spanish and 100% online.

How much is a 6 hour defensive driving course in NY?

Resources. The 6-Hour New York Point & Insurance Reduction Course is only $19.95.

What is defensive driving course online?

Defensive Driving Course Online (4-hour and 2-hour course) The course presents real-life driving situations, hazard recognition scenarios and defensive driving techniques to motivate drivers to change risky driving habits and behaviors to avoid collisions and traffic violations.

What is defensive driving course California?

California Online Traffic School Course is licensed by the state of California as a driver safety course provider for masking traffic violations and qualifying for insurance premium discounts.

What is defensive driving California?

Defensive driving is a crucial element for anyone who gets behind the wheel of a moving vehicle, regardless of where you live. It reduces the chance of collision, injury or loss, improving public safety for all citizens in the state of California and elsewhere.

How many hours is defensive driving in Texas?

6 hoursHow long does defensive driving online take? The State of Texas requires defensive driving online courses to take a minimum of 6 hours to complete. In compliance with the state, our Texas Defensive Driving course is 5 hours of material with 1 hour of total break time, and may be completed at your own pace.

How long is the shortest defensive driving course?

We offer the shortest course allowed by law in each state, including Texas where our course is the state-regulated 6 hour minimum. Course lengths vary from state to state, however typically they are 4, 6, or 8 hours in length. You can start and stop the course at anytime.

Which defensive driving course is easiest?

#1: iDriveSafely iDriveSafely is my top recommended easiest online traffic school for 2022. They've been around since before online traffic school even existed.

What is a behavioral driven course?

Behavioral-driven course designed to change drivers' attitudes associated with distracted driving and using a cell phone and other electronic devices while driving. A self-assessment evaluates participants driving habits and defines content specific to their risk level.

How to keep employees safe on the road?

Keep your employees safe on the road, on and off the job. Decrease the risk of motor vehicle collisions and traffic violations. Minimize exposure to liability risks and costs. Lower fleet insurance premiums, workers’ compensation and accident claims.

What is the National Safety Council?

The National Safety Council, together with SafetyServe, offers the nation's most respected and highly rated online defensive driving course. No matter what business you're in or the number of employees you have, NSC offers programs you can use for new employee orientation, refresher and post-incident driver safety training.

How long is the National Safety Council defensive driver training course?

Course time: 4 or 6/8 Hours. National Safety Council is the premier provider of defensive driver training in the nation. In addition to nationally recognized courses, American First Responder offers a number of state-certified programs that align with specific state regulations.

What is the National Safety Council?

National Safety Council is the premier provider of defensive driver training in the nation. In addition to nationally recognized courses, American First Responder offers a number of state-certified programs that align with specific state regulations.

What is the purpose of defensive driving courses?

The purpose of a defensive driving course isn’t to reduce traffic violation points, although that’s a great side benefit. The main objective is to make you a safer driver. In 2018, there were 1,321 fatal car crashes on North Carolina roads .

Why do insurance companies take your driving record into account?

Insurance companies take your driving record into account when setting rates. The more points on your record, the more your premium is likely to be hiked. Lowering your points can help keep your insurance rate reasonable.

What is defensive driving course?

A Defensive Driving Course is a New York State Department of Motor Vehicles authorized course providing knowledge and techniques for the safe operation of a motor vehicle. TLC requires all new driver applicants and existing drivers to complete a Defensive Driving Course, as described in detail below. Drivers may also complete a Defensive Driving Course to reduce the number of Critical Driver points on their license.

How old do you have to be to get a defensive driving license in New York?

All driver applicants must present an original certificate of completion of a New York State DMV certified Defensive Driving Course that is not more than three (3) years old with your application. Temporary completion certificates will be accepted ONLY if they include the type of course, date of course, hours of instruction, name and license number of instructor, official ink stamp or seal from delivering agent.

How much does a driver improvement course cost?

What is the cost of a Driver Improvement Course? For license reinstatement, points reduction, or court purposes, clinics must charge $95. For Driver Improvement classes taken for any other reason (i.e. insurance premium reduction, educational purposes), clinics may charge a fee up to $95.

What is driver education?

Driver’s Education is a separate program required for 16-year-olds to obtain their Class D license. Driver Improvement is a program geared toward safety education for licensed drivers of any age. 5.

Can you use a certificate of completion for a DDS?

You may use a Certificate of Completion from a DDS approved course taught at a certified Driver Improvement Clinic for certain matters related to your driver’s license. Driver Improvement courses not approved by DDS, such as AARP, cannot be used for driver’s license related issues.

Can you take defensive driving online in Texas?

You don’t need to travel to a specific location. However, there are a number of restrictions. Aside from time limitations, you cannot take a defensive driving course in Texas if you’re taking one for another violation.

Does Texas offer a discount on auto insurance?

In addition, insurance discount benefits are available in Texas, depending on the auto insurance provider. Some insurers offer as much as a 10% discount for three years. 2 Although participation varies by company, the Ticket School course is approved by the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation ...
