crash course how world war 1 started script

by Christiana Stracke 3 min read

Part of a video titled How World War I Started: Crash Course World History 209
And a Bosnian Serb named Gavrilo Princip. And his co-conspirators chose to celebrate SlavicMoreAnd a Bosnian Serb named Gavrilo Princip. And his co-conspirators chose to celebrate Slavic nationalism by killing Franz Ferdinand. Now they didn't choose Franz Ferdinand at random.

What is Crash Course on World War I?

In which John Green teaches you about World War I and how it got started. Crash Course doesn't usually talk much about dates, but the way that things unfolded in July and August of 1914 are kind of important to understanding the Great War.

What are the best crash course world history books?

Crash Course World History #14 The Roman Empire. Or Republic. Or…Which Was It?: Crash Course World History #10 Alexander the Great and the Situation … the Great? Crash Course World History #8 2,000 Years of Chinese History! The Mandate of Heaven and Confucius: World History #7

What was the event that started WW1?

So most historians agree that the event that started World War I was the assassination of Austrian archduke Franz Ferdinand on June 28th, 1914, but beyond that, there's not a lot of agreement. Others say the war really started after Franz Ferdinand bit it, like when Germany declared war or when Russia mobilized.

Who is behind Crash Course?

Crash Course is produced and directed by Stan Muller. Our script supervisor is Meredith Danko. The associate producer is Danica Johnson. The show is written by my high school history teacher Raoul Meyer, Rosianna Rojas, and myself. And our graphics team is Thought Café.

How did the World war 1 crash course start?

So most historians agree that the event that started World War I was the assassination of Austrian archduke Franz Ferdinand on June 28th, 1914, but beyond that, there's not a lot of agreement. Others say the war really started after Franz Ferdinand bit it, like when Germany declared war or when Russia mobilized.

How did World War 1 start step by step?

The immediate cause of World War I that made the aforementioned items come into play (alliances, imperialism, militarism, nationalism) was the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary. In June 1914, a Serbian-nationalist terrorist group called the Black Hand sent groups to assassinate the Archduke.

How did WW1 start the Crash Course quizlet?

nationalism, imperialism, militarism, creation of alliances (Central and Allied Powers); immediate cause: assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand (heir to Austrian throne) by a Serb on June 28, 1914.

What acronym is used to explain how World War 1 began?

World War I or the First World War, often abbreviated as WWI or WW1, began on 28 July 1914 and ended on 11 November 1918.

What were the 7 causes of World War 1?

10 Major Causes of World War I#1 The Rise of Germany. ... #2 Franco-German War and Annexation of Alsace and Lorraine. ... #3 Militarism. ... #4 Imperialism and Scramble for Africa. ... #5 Fierce Nationalism. ... #7 Politics of the Balkans. ... #8 Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand. ... #9 July Crisis.More items...•

Why did Germany start ww1?

Broader European war ensued because German political and military figures egged on Austria-Hungary, Germany's ally, to attack Serbia. This alarmed Russia, Serbia's supporter, which put its armies on a war footing before all options for peace had been fully exhausted.

Who started ww1 Crash Course World History 210 summary?

The idea that the root cause of World War I was Germany, or more specifically, German militarism, continues to be popular. This has been the case every since the 1960s when this historian, Fritz Fisher, identified Germany as the chief cause of the war.

What does John Green blame for the start of the war?

What does host John Green blame for the start of World War I? The assassination in Sarajevo of the Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand in 1914 by a Bosnian Serb nationalist named Gavrilo Princip is blamed for the start of World War I.

What was the event that most historians agree started World War 1?

The event that sparked the conflagration was the assassination of the heir to the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Archduke Franz Ferdinand, in 1914. But historians say that World War I actually was the culmination of a long series of events, stretching back to the late 1800s.

How would you describe WW1 in one word?

0:132:28World War I: One Word | History - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipFrom the very beginning of the road to war to everything that comes out of the war and the peaceMoreFrom the very beginning of the road to war to everything that comes out of the war and the peace plans.

What is WWI in text?

"World War One" is the most common definition for WW1 on Snapchat, WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok.

What is the spark that started WWI?

The spark that ignited World War I was struck in Sarajevo, Bosnia, where Archduke Franz Ferdinand—heir to the Austro-Hungarian Empire—was shot to death along with his wife, Sophie, by the Serbian nationalist Gavrilo Princip on June 28, 1914.

Who decides whether to go to war?

It's still diplomats who decide whether to go to war. So understanding what makes governments and diplomats decide to go to war is very important. But looking at the diplomatic causes of the war also reveals something to us about the pitfalls of writing history.

What would have happened if the Gauls had defeated Caesar?

And of course the Roman Empire was largely dependent upon constant expansion and looting, so if only the Gauls could have defeated Caesar, none of this would have happened. In short, no wonder Caesar was assassinated, he was about to start World War I in 1900 years.

Was the glory of war a popular idea?

The idea of "the glory of war" was a very popular concept all over Europe, and really there's no evidence that the German people of 1914 were any more or less militaristic than the French or the Russians, They all had poetry that celebrated heroic sacrifice and dying for the Mother- and/or Fatherland.

How long did the Great War last?

00:52. also resulted in an amazing number of war memorials right here in Indianapolis. 00:57. So, The Great War, which lasted from 1914 until 1918, and featured a lot of men with. 01:02.

Did the Lusitania sink before the war?

Spoiler alert: the Lusitania was sunk two years before we joined the war, so that wasn’t the sole cause for our jumping in. It was part of it though, as was the Zimmerman telegram, unrestricted submarine warfare, and our affinity for the Brits.

Why did people think World War 1 was a tragedy?

Most people think of World War I as a tragedy because it didn’t need to happen and didn’t really accomplish much, except for creating social and economic conditions that made World War II possible. So when we talk about the causes of the war, inevitably, we’re also assigning blame.#N#The immediate cause was, of course, the assassination in Sarajevo of the Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand on June 28, 1914, by a Bosnian Serb nationalist named Gavrilo Princip. Quick aside: It’s worth noting that the first big war of the 20th century began with an act of terrorism.#N#So Franz Ferdinand wasn’t particularly well-liked by his uncle, the Emperor Franz Joseph - now that is a mustache! But even so, the assassination led Austria to issue an ultimatum to Serbia, whereupon Serbia accepted some, but not all, of Austria’s demands, leading Austria to declare war against Serbia. And then Russia, due to its alliance with the Serbs, then mobilized its army; Germany, because it had an alliance with Austria, told Russia to stop mobilizing, which Russia failed to do, so then Germany mobilized its own army, declared war on Russia, cemented an alliance with the Ottomans, and then declared war on France, because, you know, France.#N#Germany’s War plan, the Schlieffen Plan, required that it invade France in the most expedient way possible, which as you can see is via Belgium, And Great Britain was a friend of Belgium - I mean, as much as anyone can be a friend of Belgium - and so they declared war on Germany.#N#So by August 4th, all the major powers of Europe are at war with each other. By the end of the month, Japan, honoring its alliance with Britain, would be at war with Germany and Austria as well. When all was said and done, counting colonies and spheres of influence, the world map would eventually look like this. You’ll never guess who wins.#N#So there were many opportunities NOT to mobilize and declare war, none of which were taken. Some blame the web of alliances itself, which is what Woodrow Wilson tried to fix with the League of Nations. Some blame Russia, the first big country to mobilize. Some blame Germany for the inflexibility of the Schlieffen Plan. Leninists claim war grew out of imperialism and was fueled by capitalist rivalries; and others claim it was a war between Germany’s radical modernism and Britain’s traditional conservatism.#N#But if I had to assign blame, I’d go with the alliance system and the cultural belief that war was, in general, good for nations. War helped define who was "them" and who was "us", and doing that strengthened the idea of us. And before World War I, war was perceived to be necessary and often even glorious.

Who is the producer of Crash Course?

Crash Course is produced and directed by Stan Muller, our script supervisor is Meredith Danko, our Associate Producer is Danica Johnson. The show is written by my high school history teacher Raoul Meyer and myself, and our graphics team is Thought Bubble.

What did Leninists believe about war?

Leninists claim war grew out of imperialism and was fueled by capitalist rivalries; and others claim it was a war between Germany’s radical modernism and Britain’s traditional conservatism. But if I had to assign blame, I’d go with the alliance system and the cultural belief that war was, in general, good for nations.

What was Germany's war plan?

Germany’s War plan, the Schlieffen Plan, required that it invade France in the most expedient way possible, which as you can see is via Belgium, And Great Britain was a friend of Belgium - I mean, as much as anyone can be a friend of Belgium - and so they declared war on Germany.

What was trench warfare known for?

The trench warfare on the Western Front is most famous for its brutal futility - Great Britain and France on one side, Germany on the other, with no man’s land between. World War I was a writer’s war, and there’s a lot of metaphorical resonance in living men digging holes where they would in time die.

What did John Green teach us about World War 1?

2018-11-21 23:40. In which John Green teaches you about the war that was supposed to end all wars. Instead, it solved nothing and set the stage for the world to be back at war just a couple of decades later. As an added bonus, World War I changed the way people look at the world, and normalized cynicism and irony.

Why was the war so deadly?

The main reason the war was so deadly was the combination of new technology and outdated tactics. While we may think about tanks, airplanes and poison gas, all of which made their debut in the First World War, the two most devastating technologies were American: machine guns and barbed wire.

What was the cause of World War 2?

The war had a definite cause: unbridled military expansion by Germany, Japan, and, to a small extent, Italy.

Why do history classes start on one day and end on another day?

They start on one day and they end on another day. And they’re caused by social, political, and economic conditions that can be examined in a multiple choice kind of manner. Except, not really.

How long did it take the Nazis to roll over France?

The Nazis were able to roll over Poland, Norway, Denmark, the Netherlands, and then all of France, all within about 9 months between the fall of 1939 and the summer of 1940.

What was the Blitzkrieg?

This was the Blitzkrieg, a devastating tactic combining quick movement of troops, tanks, and massive use of air power to support infantry movements.
