course review cse 30 ucsd how hard is

by Maribel Gutmann 4 min read

What is the Making of the Modern World course?

Making of The Modern World is a mandatory 5 course series for ERC kids. In essence, it’s the combination of History, Literature, and Philosophy. Ultimately, it is a writing course and UCSD students know that writing courses are a GPA killer.

Is Ochem the toughest science class?

Most STEM majors can agree with me on this one, that OCHEM is arguably the toughest Science class ever. The amount of workload in this course is simply gut wrenching and not for the faint hearted.

Peer Instruction : Clickers

The course lectures will follow a Peer Instruction format, a teaching model which places stronger emphasis on classroom discussion and student interaction. As part of this you will need to own an iClicker register it on TED . Be sure to register your clicker by the end of the first week.

Hardware and Software

To complete the programming assignments you will need to purchase a Raspberry Pi. The Pi is a nifty little ARM-based computer, fun to program and great for doing embedded projects. Hopefully you will make the most of your investment beyond the requirements of this class.

I hate leadership interview questions

Not everyone wants to be a leader. I hate this pushed idea that everyone needs to strive to be a leader. I am content and work more effectively as a team member, or an employee. I figure its just because they want to know if you can think for yourself, but you gotta phrase it like that...?

Khosla visiting the New Sixth Market

Welcome to r/UCSD! This is a forum where the students, faculty, staff, alumni, and other individuals associated with the University of California San Diego can discuss, share, advise, and collaborate among themselves!

RIP people who will live on campus this year

Food prizes are crazy, like the Bacon Breakfast Burrito is $7.25 when I think it was $6.25 just a couple days ago. And then the chicken tenders are $6. I remember it was like $4-4.50 before for three (four if they felt generous) hard to chew pieces of bland chicken.

Overwhelmed by bunch of emails

Seriously they need to stop sending garbage. Even within a single email, there are so many meaningless sentences, then hide essential information which requires further action or attendance of mandatory sessions. It's impossible to read every single email and i'm being afraid of missing some submission requirement or not knowing some crucial thing.
