course number may be repeated for credit when the topics vary

by Prof. Murray Wehner Sr. 8 min read

Can a course number be repeated for credit?

Course number may be repeated for credit when the topics vary. With consent of instructor, any topic may be repeated for credit. Topics to be announced. Additional hour (s) to be arranged. Some sections are offered on the credit/no credit basis only; these are identified in the Course Schedule.

Can two courses have the same course number at college?

No two courses at a college will share the exact same course number. The most useful thing for students to understand about these numbers is how to distinguish between upper-level credit and lower-level credit. Remedial courses do not count for college credit.

What do the college course numbers mean?

These numbers are the main way colleges organize their course catalog. No two courses at a college will share the exact same course number. The most useful thing for students to understand about these numbers is how to distinguish between upper-level credit and lower-level credit. Remedial courses do not count for college credit.

How many times can a student repeat a course?

Undergraduate students are permitted to repeat and replace up to 16 units. Undergraduate students may only repeat courses in which they received a letter grade of D+ or below, or Not Passed, and I under certain situations (DD Reg A540.F).

What is a phys 301?

PHY 301/315/316/319 is a calculus-based course sequence for Physics majors and students in other scientific disciplines. A background in physics at the high school level is strongly recommended. Designed for students who intend to major in science or mathematics.

What is a laboratory course?

The laboratory course is designed to acquaint you with the experimental basis of the laws of electricity and magnetism and to introduce you to the techniques of electrical measurement, which are universal in experimental physics.

What is a 302k?

PHY 302K/302L is a non-calculus-based technical course sequence for students who need to fulfill a general physics requirement. It serves as an introduction to the mechanics of solids and fluids, heat, and waves. You will gain an understanding and appreciation of how the scientific method is used to reveal the fundamental principles by which the universe operates, and will observe how knowledge of these principles is applied to the invention of new technologies and has helped shape the modern world.

What does the first digit of a course number mean?

The one thing to remember about course numbers is that the first digit indicates what level of study your course is . That is likely the only uniform (and truly helpful) piece of information these numbers will provide for you. 3. Course Name. The third element of a course code is obvious: the name of the course.

What is the purpose of the second and third digits in a course number?

While there isn’t a universal rule for what each number means in relation to each other, the main idea is just to distinguish different courses that are from the same department at the same level.

What is the prefix for a college course?

1. Course Prefix. The first part of a college course code is simple: a series of letters indicating the course's general subject. This is the course prefix, and it’s fairly intuitive. Tip: if you get stuck wondering what a particular set of letters means, compare several courses sharing the same prefix. Or Google it.

How many digits are in a college catalog?

These are often three digits long, but many colleges use four digits (or even five). These numbers are the main way colleges organize their course catalog. No two courses at a college will share the exact same course number.

What is a course code?

Colleges use course codes to describe and organize their courses in a way that can be easily understood by both colleges and students (if said students have translation guides, that is). They consist of four important blocks of information. 1. Course Prefix.

What is the third element of a course code?

The third element of a course code is obvious: the name of the course. A course's name tells you what that course is about, and is actually the most useful way to compare courses.

What is course description?

The last thing you'll read about a course is its description. A course description is a general explanation of its topics and teaching methodology. This will give you added information about the course and the way it’s taught.

Course Repeat

Repeat a course and have the old and new grades calculated into your grade point average.

Course Forgiveness

Repeat a course and have only the new grade calculated into your grade point average. Even though the old grade stays on your record, it is not factored into your GPA.

Faculty and Staff

Download the printable Course Repeat and Forgiveness Guide to use in advising undergraduate students.

How many credits can you repeat in a semester?

Students may repeat no more than 18 credits. Additionally, if a student withdraws from all courses during a semester, those courses are not included in this limit. 4. The grade point average will include all attempts at a given course that results in a grade of A, A+, A-, B, B+, B-, C, C+, C-, D, D+, D- or F.

Can you register for a course more than once?

After the Schedule Adjustment Period they cannot be registered for any given course more than twice. A student's dean's office may grant an exception allowing an additional course repeat. In this case, students must present a plan for successfully completing the course.

What is transfer credit in mathematics?

Credit is recorded as assigned by the study abroad adviser in the Department of Mathematics. University credit is awarded for work in an exchange program; it may be counted as coursework taken in residence. Transfer credit is awarded for work in an affiliated studies program.

What are the topics covered in Plan II?

Topics may include fractals, the fourth dimension, statistics and society, and techniques for thinking about quantitative problems. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. May not be counted toward a degree in mathematics.

What is a capstone course in UTeach?

Capstone course designed primarily for UTeach pre-service mathematics majors considering discovery teaching methodology and/or graduate work in mathematics or mathematics education. Ties together foundational topics in the primary strands of mathematics present in a typical graduate mathematics program; included are selected topics from analysis, algebra, number theory, and topology. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Mathematics 375D and 375T (Topic: Discovery: An Introduction to Advanced Study in Mathematics) may not both be counted. Prerequisite: Two proof-based mathematics courses with a grade of at least C-, or consent of instructor.

What is a supervised study in mathematics?

Supervised study in mathematics on material requiring use of computing resources, with hours to be arranged. Conference course. May be repeated for credit when the topics vary. Prerequisite: Varies with the topic.

What are the key concepts of calculus?

These include: using successive approximations to solve problems that cannot be solved directly (Euler's Method), tracking the rate at which quantities are changing (derivatives) using rates of change to find optimal solutions to real-world problems (max/min), computing bulk quantities by adding up the pieces (integration), and understanding functions of several variables by studying one variable at a time. Designed for business students. Three lecture hours and two discussion hours a week for one semester. Only one of the following may be counted: Mathematics 403K, 408C, 408K, 408N, 408Q, 408R. Prerequisite: An appropriate score on the mathematics placement exam or Mathematics 305G with a grade of at least B-.

How many hours of lecture for masters degree?

Preparation of a report to fulfill the requirement for the master's degree under the report option. The equivalent of three lecture hours a week for one semester. Offered on the credit/no credit basis only. Prerequisite: Graduate standing in mathematics and consent of the supervising professor and the graduate adviser.

Is 303D counted as a math credit?

Mathematics 303D and 303F may not both be counted. A student may not earn credit for Mathematics 303D after having received credit for Mathematics 305G or any calculus course. May not be counted toward a degree in the College of Natural Sciences. Prerequisite: An appropriate score on the mathematics placement exam.

How many times can you repeat a course?

Course Repeatability. For courses that can be taken more than one time , state the number of times the course may be repeated, such as “May be repeated once for credit” at the end of the course description.

How many contact hours are required for C7?

Contact Hours for Classification C7 and Above. For classification C7 and above, state if the course requires more than 3 contact hours based on the classification, such as “6 hours per week” at the end of the course description.

What is ENGL 309.?

ENGL 309. Verse Writing (3-3)#N#Intensive practice in writing poetry. Analysis and criticism of students’ work, as well as some critical study of published verse. May be repeated once for credit.

What is repeating course on transcript?

Repeated courses are annotated on the transcript as either being “REPEATED, INCLUDED IN GPA” for the second time a course is taken and “REPEATED, EXCLUDED FROM GPA” the first time the course is taken .

Can you repeat a course more than once?

Repeating a course more than once requires approval by the appropriate college dean for undergraduate students or Graduate Studies for graduate students. Departments may restrict the repetition of a course if it is a prerequisite to a course the student has already completed with a grade of C– or better.

Can you repeat a course on a letter graded basis?

Courses in which a grade of U was received may be repeated on an S/U basis or letter graded basis. Degree credit for a repeated course is be given only once, but the grades assigned for both the first and second time a course is taken appear on the student’s transcript.

Can you repeat a P/NP?

Courses in which a grade of NP was received may be repeated on a P/NP or letter graded basis. Degree credit for a repeated course is given only once, but the grade assigned at each enrollment shall be permanently recorded on the Official Transcript.

Can a course be repeated for credit?

Some courses are repeatable for credit if the content of the current course enrollment differs from that of the previous enrollment or may be repeated for credit for a limited number of units or number of times enrolled in the course. If a course is approved to be repeated for credit, the description of the course as published in ...


Course Repeat

Course Repeat Petition

  • The second part of a college course code is a series of numbers. These are often three digits long, but many colleges use four digits (or even five). These numbers are the main way colleges organize their course catalog. No two courses at a college will share the exact same course number. The most useful thing for students to understand about these...
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Course Forgiveness

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