course heroe what atributes do the various charicters reveal by their actions and words to phoenix

by Prof. Dustin Gleason 10 min read

What qualities make a hero?

They will stand up for their ideals in the face of criticism, personal loss, and even physical danger. Idealism generally goes hand in hand with possessing a strong moral code. A deep sense of morality may drive a hero to take action because not taking action would be immoral. 2. Courageous Of course, you expect a hero to be courageous.

What drives a hero to take action?

Idealism generally goes hand in hand with possessing a strong moral code. A deep sense of morality may drive a hero to take action because not taking action would be immoral.

What makes a hero stand up for their ideals?

They will stand up for their ideals in the face of criticism, personal loss, and even physical danger. Idealism generally goes hand in hand with possessing a strong moral code. A deep sense of morality may drive a hero to take action because not taking action would be immoral.

What is the hero concept?

The hero concept: self, family, and friends who are brave, honest, and hopeful. Psychol Rep. 2009;104 (3):820-32. doi:10.2466/PR0.104.3.820-832

How is Phoenix Jackson characterized?

Phoenix is our main character and heroine, though she doesn't fit the usual description. She's a small, old, African American woman who walks around with an apron made of sugar sacks, a cane made from an umbrella, and shoe laces dragging. But don't be fooled.

What type of character is Phoenix in A Worn Path?

Phoenix, an aged and frail but also fierce woman (she was born into slavery in the pre-Civil-War South, though the story takes place in 1940), will not allow anything in her path to stop her from getting to her end goal, which is to retrieve medicine in town for her grandson.

Why is the main character named Phoenix in A Worn Path?

Eudora Welty's fiction captured events through her characters' eyes. “A Worn Path,” one of her best-known stories, depicts an elderly African-American woman walking into town to get her grandson's medicine. The woman's name is Phoenix, alluding to the mythological bird said to rise from its own ashes.

How does the reader learn about the details of Phoenix's journey?

How does the reader learn about the details of Phoenix's journey? The omniscient speaker and Phoenix's conversations with herself talking out loud and the elements around her flesh tell the story's action. Why was Phoenix's journey so remarkable? She traveled a long distance for a woman so old and infirm and forgetful.

What can you infer about Phoenix's personality from her reactions to the obstacles she encounters along the path?

What can you infer about Phoenix's personality from her reactions to the obstacles she encounters along the path? She is basically an optimistic & hopeful person.

What is the result of Phoenix's perilous journey What does the journey reveal about her?

After her long, laborious, perilous journey to town, Phoenix is able to get the "soothing medicine" her grandson needs for his throat. As the nurse explains to the attendant at the desk, "his throat never heals" because he "swallowed lye" two or three years ago.

What is the significance of Phoenix's name How is she defined by conversations with herself?

Throughout the story bird references are very common. On the surface she is portrayed as an old lady journeying to get medicine for her grandson but behind the text she is the mythical bird. The name of the protagonist herself is “Phoenix” Jackson implying that the references to birds have deeper meaning.

What is the purpose of Phoenix's journey?

What was the purpose of Phoenix Jackson's trip to town? The old lady Phoenix Jackson's purpose of her trip to the town was to get some medicine for her grandson who is suffering from throat pain. Her grandson had swallowed lye and his throat stops working.

In what way does Phoenix's journey symbolize the journey of life?

There are many different obstacles Phoenix faces, and many objects within her trip that symbolize her journey of life. One of the main symbols in this story is the worn path itself. The path represents the life of Old Phoenix. It consists of Old Phoenix's everyday journey, and all that is in her path.

What is the significance of Phoenix's encounter with the Scarecrow?

At first, Phoenix misidentifies the scarecrow as a black man or a dancing ghost. Both initial reactions reflect a longstanding and very local history of violence against black people, particularly black males.

What did Phoenix learn in A Worn Path?

In “A Worn Path” we learn of the hardships Jackson faces on her weekly journey for medicine to sooth the pain of her grandson. Welty conveys this these hardships by giving the reader insight into the physical health, the mental health, and the socio-economic status of Jackson.

How is Phoenix able to remember the way to the doctor's office?

Midterm Exam Study SheetABHow is Phoenix able to remember the way to the doctor's office?She is able to find her way with the help of a large black dogWhen Phoenix arrives at the doctor's office, what does the attendant think?She supposes that Phoenix is a "charity case."81 more rows

What is the most important characteristic of a hero?

Courage is one of the top qualities of a hero that people recognize. This characteristic does not merely mean being fearless. It more accurately means acting fearless even when being afraid. A courageous person sees that a situation is dangerous or impossible but chooses to overcome fear and try anyway.

What are the characteristics of a hero?

Idealistic. Heroes draw strength from believing that their ideals have merit. They see their ideals as a force for good in the world. They will stand up for their ideals in the face of criticism, personal loss, and even physical danger.

Why do heroes stand up for their ideals?

A deep sense of morality may drive a hero to take action because not taking action would be immoral. 2.

What type of hero accepts ongoing sacrifice and risk in the pursuit of a positive goal?

Another type of modern hero accepts ongoing sacrifice and risk in the pursuit of a positive goal. The famous suffragette Alice Paul endured physical attacks and harassment while picketing the White House alongside her allies. She went to prison for protesting the government.

Why did the hero swim out to her?

She had been about to drown after escaping an airplane that had crashed into a bridge. The strong desire to save a life motivated the hero to swim out to her. Not everyone on the shore jumped in the water, but he did. Another type of modern hero accepts ongoing sacrifice and risk in the pursuit of a positive goal.

What does "hero" mean in the media?

Anyone who does anything remotely positive seems to get labeled a hero in the media lately. They are undoubtedly great people, but the word hero has long been reserved for someone who does something extraordinary. The qualities of a hero must arouse admiration or even awe. The word hero derives from the ancient Greek word heros, ...

Why do heroes not shrug off slavery?

Heroes see situations for what they are. They do not lie to themselves or others about what is going on. They do not shrug off slavery because it is legal. They do not accept that women should not vote because that's what society believes.

What are the qualities of a hero?

According to heroism researchers Zimbardo and Franco, heroes have two essential qualities that set them apart from non-heroes: they live by their values and they are willing to endure personal risk to protect those values. 2 .

How many central characteristics are there in heroism?

One study published in 2015 in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology suggested that heroes have 12 central traits which are: 3 

What is heroism in the world?

In their definition, heroism is characterized by: 2 . Acting voluntarily for the service of others who are in need, whether it is for an individual, a group, or a community. Recognition and acceptance of the potential risk or sacrifice made by taking heroic actions.

Why are heroic people considered positive thinkers?

Researchers suggest that heroic individuals are positive thinkers by nature, which contributes to their ability to look past the immediate danger of a situation and see a more optimistic outcome. 1 . In many cases, these individuals may also have a higher tolerance for risk.

What is the study of heroism?

The scientific study of heroism is a relatively recent topic of interest within the field of psychology. Researchers have offered different definitions of exactly what makes a hero, but most suggest that heroism involves prosocial, altruistic actions that involve an element of personal risk or sacrifice.

Why do people rush in to help others?

4  People who rush in to help others in the face of danger and adversity do so because they genuinely care about the safety and well-being of other people.

What is the intrinsic belief of a person in a crisis?

When faced with a crisis, they have an intrinsic belief that they are capable of handling the challenge and achieving success no matter what the odds. Part of this confidence might stem from above-average coping skills and abilities to manage stress. How People Become More Resilient.