course hero, why is the term “human beings” not a clearly defined population?

by Gina Roberts MD 7 min read

Why are we called human beings?

The reason we are called human beings is not to describe our existence as human, but to declare ourselves as Creators. The guys at South Park agree if the profoundly funny three-parter Imagination Land is any indication. (Very funny if you’re into irreverent humour.)

When did the term "being" come into use?

to. “ When the term “being” came into use during the 14th century , the church had decided that God and angels were self-aware “beings” of the highest order. Genesis said that humans had been made in the image of God, so they were also accorded the title of “being.”.

What does "to be" mean?

The verb to be is the language of timeless creation, and it literally conjures somethingness from nothingness in any time period. There was/is/will be.

Can a human be manifested as anything?

But a human being could manifest as anything. Not physically of course, but in terms of our behaviour, moods, capacities, vocations etc., we are only possibility.

Can a human be infinite?

Unlike any other creature on this earth, a human being can manifest as any of infinite possibilities.

Can a child grow up to be anything?

The truth is a child can grow up to be just about anything , providing that she grows up within creation/possibility narratives.

What is the nature of human beings?

Humans are by nature pleasant, cooperative, and considerate, and society is what is corrupts"

Why can't we know which moral conclusion to draw?

Because moral claims are neither Conceptual or Empiral, we can never know which moral conclusion to draw.

What is morality based on?

according to natural law theory, morality depends on human opinions

What is the function of a thing?

the function of a thing is to do whatever enhances fitness or success in survival and reproduction

Why don't we discover moral features?

because we don't discover them by means of our senses. no amount of scientific probing into the world will reveal any moral features in it.

Which is larger, the Atlantic or the Pacific?

the pacific ocean is larger than the atlantic

Is natural law true?

true, Natural Law theory says that human nature can serve as the objective standard of morality. we do right when our acts express human nature, and wrong when they violate it.

What is a human being?

human being, a culture-bearing primate classified in the genus Homo, especially the species H. sapiens. Human beings are anatomically similar and related to the great apes but are distinguished by a more highly developed brain and a resultant capacity for articulate speech and abstract reasoning. In addition, human beings display ...

What is the gap between humans and apes?

The gap in cognition, as in anatomy, between humans and the great apes ( orangutans, gorillas, chimpanzees, and bonobos) is much less than was once thought, as they have been shown to possess a variety of advanced cognitive abilities formerly believed to be restricted to humans.

Is a bonobos related to humans?

Traditionally, humans were considered the sole recent representatives of the family Hominidae, but recent findings indicate that chimpanzees and bonobos are more closely related to humans than are gorillas and orangutans and that the last common ancestor between the chimpanzeeand human lines lived sometime between seven million and six million years ago. Therefore, all great apes are now gathered with humans into Hominidae, and within that family humans and their extinct ancestors are considered to make up the tribeHominini. See alsoHomo sapiens; human evolution.

Where did we humans come from?

Have you ever carefully studied the nature of man and his origin? Probably in some classroom or book you were led to believe that man evolved from the simplest life-forms. But where did those simple life-forms themselves originate? How did nonliving chemicals suddenly become living? And where did the chemicals themselves come from?

What is the potential of the human being?

The incredible human potential. The Bible reveals that human beings have an incredible potential. When we tie all these scriptures—and many more—together, we find what a human being is—a flesh-and-blood being. Man is made of the dust and activated by the breath of life. His life is entirely physical and temporary.

Is a human being an immortal soul?

Modern religion has accepted the serpent’s false statement and believes that human beings are indeed immortal. Yet God’s own words clearly show that Adam’s only pathway to immortality was through the tree of life, which symbolizes the Holy Spirit.

What does the Bible say about human beings?

The Bible examines the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual capacities of human beings—and proclaims that a Creator God is responsible for all this , making humans in His own image. It describes humanity’s relationship to both God and the animal world.

Why are elephants studied?

Elephants have been thoroughly studied because they have some unusual family connections and seem to display emotions. But once again, they are acting on instinct and do not realize what they are. Yes, human beings are unique among the earth’s population of living organisms.

What is the source of life?

The Creator God is the source of human life. The air we breathe was also created by God. It contains oxygen, which we must have to survive. That oxygen is carried to all parts of the body in the blood. Later, God tells us that blood “is the life of all flesh. Its blood sustains its life” ( Leviticus 17:14 ).

What is the Maker's handbook for human product?

Let’s take a closer look at this all-important book. In the well-known creation account in Genesis 1, we see that God built the earth and its systems and made it habitable for man and beast.

What is the meaning of population?

Human Population. Human population refers to the number of people living in a particular area, from a village to the world as a whole. A secondary meaning of population is the inhabitants themselves, but in most uses population means numbers.

Why does the world population grow?

World population grows because births significantly outpace deaths on average. This imbalance occurs not because women are having more children than they once did—quite the reverse—but because improved sanitation and health mean that many more children than in the past survive to become parents themselves.

How many people were there when Homo sapiens first emerged?

No one knows the population of the earliest humans, but there may have been only a few tens of thousands of individuals when the species Homo sapiens first emerged 200,000 years ago. Today more than 6 billion human beings inhabit the earth.

What are the factors that influence the environment?

Many other factors, from consumption patterns to government policies to the unequal distribution of power and wealth, also influence the environment.

Will births outnumber deaths for decades to come?

For the world as a whole, however, births are likely to outnumber deaths for decades to come, and human population will continue to grow.

Is human reproduction a success story?

Human reproduction is such a success story that some analysts believe that today's large and ever-increasing population growth threatens the earth's support systems and contributes to global poverty. Debate on this question has raged since at least the 1800s.

Is the human population slowing down?

One clear trend in human population is that its growth is slowing down . Women and men increasingly want to have later pregnancies and smaller families than did their own parents. Governments increasingly provide the health services that allow couples to plan their families. For some countries, this trend raises questions about how societies will cope with lower proportions of young and working people. For the world as a whole, however, births are likely to outnumber deaths for decades to come, and human population will continue to grow.
