course hero why don't we have a genome sequenced from homo erectus?

by Mateo Gutkowski 6 min read

Why would erectus people have had a hard time living in or copying sapiens communities?

What is H. erectus' signature technology?

What species have lived more than 700,000 years?

How much strength does H. erectus have?

What did primate ancestors evolve?

Where does DNA come from?

How tall are pygmies?

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What species have lived more than 700,000 years?

These would include: H. antecessor (Europe), H. erectus (Asia), H. heidelbergensis (African and Eurasian variants), H. sapiens (earliest forms — eg. Jebel Irhoud, Morocco hominins), H. naledi (South Africa), and H. floresiensis (Indonesia).

Why would erectus people have had a hard time living in or copying sapiens communities?

I think most erectus people would have had a hard time living in or copying sapiens communities, because most of them couldn’t have handled the language.

How much strength does H. erectus have?

The range of diversity in strength in H. erectus is probably at least equal to the range we see in modern humans, from your 5 foot 100lb weaklings to your olympic power lifters.

Where did Foxp2 originate?

erectus population was spread from Java in Indonesia to the Yellow River in China to the furthest reaches of southern and western Africa. There’s no way the modern FOXP2 allele swept to fixation (i.e. became present in all members of the species) over any but a tiny handful of erectus populations over that vast area. Most likely, the erectus lineage that originated the modern FOXP2 allele all either evolved directly into Neanderthals and sapiens, or were absorbed by them over time. Then, during the several pulses of sapiens migration out of Africa, the other erectus who were already living in Asia would have been mystified by what the funny-looking newcomers were jabbering about, and quite unable to copy it or adjust to living with them. Kind of like a lot of people still react to newcomers today, come to think of it.

What is H. erectus' signature technology?

H. erectus’ signature technology is the stone hand ax , and while most of them fit comfortably in a single hand, we have found some hand axes that are shockingly huge, so big and heavy that no modern human could effectively lift them and use them as tools. If H. erectus made these and used these as tools, they would have to be quite a bit stronger than modern humans.

What did primate ancestors evolve?

The researchers found that about 10 million years ago our primate ancestors evolved a form of alcohol dehydrogenase, ADH4, that could metabolize ethanol, a common form of alcohol and the one that’s (now) drinkable.—”. We don’t have a DNA profile of out Homo Erectus ancestor.

Where does DNA come from?

So, we got MOST of our total DNA from the erectus lineage, just as they got most of theirs from THEIR ancestors, etc.

Why would erectus people have had a hard time living in or copying sapiens communities?

I think most erectus people would have had a hard time living in or copying sapiens communities, because most of them couldn’t have handled the language.

What is H. erectus' signature technology?

H. erectus’ signature technology is the stone hand ax , and while most of them fit comfortably in a single hand, we have found some hand axes that are shockingly huge, so big and heavy that no modern human could effectively lift them and use them as tools. If H. erectus made these and used these as tools, they would have to be quite a bit stronger than modern humans.

What species have lived more than 700,000 years?

These would include: H. antecessor (Europe), H. erectus (Asia), H. heidelbergensis (African and Eurasian variants), H. sapiens (earliest forms — eg. Jebel Irhoud, Morocco hominins), H. naledi (South Africa), and H. floresiensis (Indonesia).

How much strength does H. erectus have?

The range of diversity in strength in H. erectus is probably at least equal to the range we see in modern humans, from your 5 foot 100lb weaklings to your olympic power lifters.

What did primate ancestors evolve?

The researchers found that about 10 million years ago our primate ancestors evolved a form of alcohol dehydrogenase, ADH4, that could metabolize ethanol, a common form of alcohol and the one that’s (now) drinkable.—”. We don’t have a DNA profile of out Homo Erectus ancestor.

Where does DNA come from?

So, we got MOST of our total DNA from the erectus lineage, just as they got most of theirs from THEIR ancestors, etc.

How tall are pygmies?

Pygmies are technically defined as groups of people whose men are, on average, shorter than 155cm (or 5 feet and an inch for the Imperial-minded).