course hero why do more massive stars have a smaller radius than less massive stars?

by Margie Kiehn 5 min read

Do more luminous stars have shorter lives?

See Page 1. – The largest – have the largest radii – The hottest – have the largest surface temperatures. The least massive stars are in general – The least luminous – radiate less energy per second. – The smallest – have the smallest radii – The coolest – have the lowest surface temperatures. All this suggests that it is the mass of a star which determinesall the other …

Which stars on the H-R diagram are longer lived?

Which is one reason that massive stars are so rare; Most of the massive stars that have been born are ling since dead. The second reason is that higher-mass stars are born in smaller numbers to begin with.

What are the characteristics of the Stars in our galaxy?

In terms of how long a star will survive, this means that larger is not always better. Although a smaller star has less fuel, its fusion rate is slower. As a result, because their rate of fuel consumption is slower, smaller stars live longer than bigger ones. 3. 1. nebula. 2. protostar. 3. yellow main-sequence star. 4. red giant.

What is the difference between a giant star and a white dwarf?

Feb 12, 2021 · Stars like the sun are uncommon as most stars in the observable universe a re much smaller than the Earth leaving the even more massive stars being more rare. The bigger the star the short its lifespan, so the majority of the s tars that aren't as …

Why does a more massive star tend to have a shorter lifetime than a less massive star?

A star's life expectancy depends on its mass. Generally, the more massive the star, the faster it burns up its fuel supply, and the shorter its life. The most massive stars can burn out and explode in a supernova after only a few million years of fusion.Jul 15, 2014

Why do the most massive stars have the shortest lifetimes?

The most massive stars have the shortest lifetimes. Because they have most fuel, they burn it so prodigously that their lifetimes are very short. A stars time on the main sequence varies from a few million to 2x1011. As we will see later, the way in which a star evolves depends on its mass.

What happens if a star is more massive?

However, a more massive star uses its fuel faster, and may only be on the main sequence for millions of years. Eventually the core of the star runs out of hydrogen. When that happens, the star can no longer hold up against gravity.

Why are some stars more massive?

Now, stars are born out of dense cores in molecular clouds. In general, bigger the mass of the dense core, the more massive the star that is born from it. This is simply because the star has more material to accrete from.Jun 27, 2015

Which star has a longer life span a larger one or a smaller one explain why in details?

A star's life cycle is determined by its mass. The larger its mass, the shorter its life cycle.May 7, 2015

Which main sequence stars have the shortest lifetimes quizlet?

-Stars on the main sequence are happily converting hydrogen to helium in their cores - stable (for now). -O stars have the shortest lifetimes (less than 10 million years).

Why are less massive stars not able to produce elements heavier than carbon and oxygen?

The kinds of stars we have been discussing so far never get hot enough at their centers to make these elements. It turns out that such heavier elements can be formed only late in the lives of more massive stars.

What is a massive star?

Stars, Massive

The associations in which they form range in mass from several hundred to several thousand solar masses, often heavily weighted toward the upper mass end. In general, stars form in a variety of clusters and associations, with a mass function that is skewed toward the lower mass end.

How do we know how massive stars are quizlet?

Assuming that we can measure the apparent brightness of a star, what does the inverse square law for light allow us to do? How do we know how massive stars are? We measure the orbital periods and velocities of stars in binary systems.

What type of star tells us the age of a cluster?

It is the spectral type of the hottest main sequence star in a star cluster, and it tells us the cluster's age.

Which side of the H-R diagram is longer lived?

Stars on the upper left of the H-R diagram are longer lived than those on the lower right.

What type of radiation does a star emit?

stars emit thermal radiation. The following statements about spectral types of stars are true. The spectral type of a star can be used to determine its color, distance, and identifying lines in its spectrum. (NOT surface temp!!) Sirius is a star with spectral type A star and Rigel is a star with spectral type B star.

What are the characteristics of red giants?

Characteristics of red giants or supergiants. very cool but very luminous, found in the upper right of the H-R diagram. Characteristics of main-sequence stars. the sun, hottest and must luminous stars, the majority of stars in our galaxy.

How much heavier is hydrogen than helium?

3/4 hydrogen, 1/4 helium, no more than about 2% heavier elements

Can astronomers measure the mass of a star?

Astronomers can measure a star's mass in only certain cases. Which one of the following cases might allow astronomers to measure a star's mass?