course hero which of the following lumbar conditions are most likely to occur in adolescents?

by Miss Myrna Bernier 6 min read

What happens to a girl after puberty?

After puberty, she will be shorter and heavier than her late-maturing peers.

Can thinness delay puberty?

Excessive thinness can delay onset of puberty.

Do hormones play a greater role in depression than do stressful life events?

Hormones play a greater role in the development of depression than do stressful life events.

Which two disorders have similar origins and therefore respond to similar treatments?

c. substance use and major depression have similar origins and therefore respond to similar treatments.

When does the development of an understanding of the self occur?

The development of an understanding of the self occurs during childhood and adolescence.

What are the most common comorbid disorders diagnosed with mood disorders?

The most common comorbid disorders diagnosed with mood disorders include: anxiety disorders; ADHD; substance abuse disorders; eating disorders.

Which is more likely to have a stronger sense of self?

c. A child who has at least one arena of comfort is more likely to have a stronger sense of self and therefore be at decreased risk for developing a mood disorder.

What is the construct of the mood related continuum?

construct of the mood-related continuum. - range of distress and impairment in mood and behavior. - helps in understanding chronic or acute symptoms; short-term or more long-term; what is typical/atypical. key symptoms of disruptive mood dysregulation disorder.