course hero which of the following is a type of in situ conservation?

by Ms. Britney Lynch 10 min read

Which of the following is an in situ conservation status?

In-situ conservation of Biodiversity includes biosphere reserves, national parks, wildlife sanctuaries, etc. Hence option A and B is correct.

What is in situ conservation with example?

In situ conservation is the conservation of living resources by maintaining them in their natural ecosystem in which they occur. Examples; national parks, sanctuaries, natural reserves, reserves of the biosphere, sacred grooves, etc.

Are in situ type of conservation?

In-situ conservation is the on-site conservation or the conservation of genetic resources in natural populations of plant or animal species, such as forest genetic resources in natural populations of Teagan species.

What is in situ conservation management?

Conservation in situ means maintaining species in their natural environment. In situ management approaches can either be targeted at populations of particular species (species-centred) or at whole ecosystems (ecosystem-based).

What is in-situ conservation class 12?

Hint:In-situ conservation means conserving all the living species, especially all the wild and endangered species, in their natural habitats and environment. Ex-situ conservation means conserving all the living species in the man-made / artful habitats that are similar to their natural living habitats.

Is Zoological Park in-situ conservation?

Conservation through Botanical gardens, Zoological Parks and Breeding Centre is Ex-Situ mode of conservation because in this mode endangered species are protected outside its natural habitat.

What is in-situ conservation class 8?

What is In-situ Conservation? It is the methods of conserving all the living species, especially the wild and endangered species in their natural habitats and environment. In-situ conservation of Biodiversity includes biosphere reserves, national parks, wildlife sanctuaries, etc.

What is in-situ conversion?

In-situ conservation is on site conservation or the conservation of genetic resources in natural populations of plant or animal species, such as forest genetic resources in natural populations of tree species.

Is biosphere reserve in-situ conservation?

Yes, biosphere reserves such as wildlife sanctuaries and national parks are in-situ conservation of biodiversity. Biodiversity-rich regions are protected by law to prevent exploitation. They have high species richness and many endemic species.

What is state in situ conservation?

In situ conservation is the preservation of species and populations of living organisms in a natural state in the habitat where they naturally occur.

Is botanical garden in situ conservation?

While botanic gardens are widely recognised as centres for the ex situ conservation of plants, in seed banks and living collections, their role in in situ conservation – conservation in natural and semi-natural environments – is frequently overlooked.

Which of the following is not coming under in situ conservation?

Complete answer: Zoological/botanical garden is not included under in situ conservation. In India, ecologically unique and biodiversity-rich regions are legally protected by the forest authorities as biosphere reserves, national parks, and sanctuaries.