course hero when planting a landscape tree or shrub

by Prof. Elton Davis II 10 min read

What is the right way to plant trees and shrubs?

Feb 22, 2019 · Answers: always place fertilizer pellets at the bottom of the planting hole. make sure it is during March and April for best results. always fill the planting hole half full with water to wet the soil. make sure to firmly tamp the backfill soil around the plant to remove air pockets.

Is it better to plant a tree or shrub above grade?

Apr 17, 2019 · Module 2 Topic 3 - Sustainable Landscape Installation Question 1 2 out of 2 points When planting a landscape tree or shrub into our desert soils.... Selected Answer: always fill the planting hole half full with water to wet the soil. Answers: always place fertilizer pellets at the bottom of the planting hole. make sure it is during March and April for best results. always fill …

How to choose and plant trees and shrubs?

Sep 27, 2016 · View Test Prep - Module 1 Quiz 1 Landscape Trees and Shrubs from ABS 360 at Arizona State University. Question 1 2 out of 2 points Mesquite tree fruit pods are edible and can be harvested when ripe

How to plant a new tree?

Feb 22, 2019 · Question 2 2 out of 2 points When buying a landscape tree or shrub from a nursery, one should never.... Selected Answer: impulsively purchase a plant. Answers: purchase a plant that is healthy. impulsively purchase a plant. purchase a plant in a small container size when the same plant is available to purchase in a larger-sized container. discriminate about where the …

Why do you prune a tree after transplanting?

It is important to leave as much foliage on the tree as possible because carbohydrates and other products produced by photosynthesis in the leaves are necessary for root system regeneration and development .

Why were landscape practices modified?

Carl Whitcomb, Dr. Richard Harris, and Dr. Ed Gilman, long-held landscape practices were modified or changed in order to improve overall plant health in the managed landscape setting. Improper planting techniques, particularly planting too deep, ...

How to keep roots from falling off of a plant?

In the event that some of the soil should fall away from the roots, simply proceed with the planting, taking care to ensure that the roots do not dry out from sun or wind.

How deep should mulch be placed over a plant?

Organic mulch should be placed over the planting area, no more than 2 - 3 inches deep, in a wide band approximately 3 times the diameter of the rootball, tapering to 1- 2 inches over the rootball, and not be touching or placed against the trunk.

What is mulching in landscape?

Mulching is a cultural practice that can be of benefit in the landscape when done correctly. Mulching helps reduce weeds, moderate soil temperatures, conserve soil moisture in the root zone and add an aesthetic quality to the landscape.

Why do you tamp soil?

While backfilling the hole, it has been customary to tamp the soil heavily to avoid leaving large air pockets. However, this practice often results in the soil being packed so firmly as to drive out all the fine air spaces needed for a well-aerated soil.

Why do trees have bark?

The bark on a tree or shrub is as important as skin to an animal. Bark acts as a barrier to exclude insects and disease organisms from the vascular system , which lies directly under the bark. Some bark injuries may occur because of damage from the sun (sunscald) or temperature extremes (frost cracks). For many years, it was a common practice to automatically use tree wrap on newly planted or thin-barked trees in an effort to reduce sun or temperature damage to the bark.

Why are shrubs considered the "bones" of the landscape?

Along with trees, shrubs are considered the "bones" of the landscape because they provide structure. But shrubs are more versatile than trees and can be planted in more areas. They are also not as difficult to transplant, should you change your mind at some point regarding just what the structure of your yard should be.

Why are shrubs in late summer?

In addition to winter, another challenging time of year in the landscape is late summer. Why? Because it is an in-between season. That is, most of the flowering shrubs are already finished blooming, yet it is too early for the autumn colors displayed by the top shrubs for fall foliage. You need something in late summer to bridge the gap. Two of your best choices actually belong to the same genus, despite being very different-looking plants:

What evergreens have golden leaves?

The needled evergreens. The broadleaf evergreens. An interesting fact about evergreens is that their leaves are not always green in color. Chances are that you have seen King's Gold, Cripps, Gold Mops, or similar shrubs with golden foliage on other people's properties.

What are the different types of shrubs?

There are all sorts of ways to categorize the different varieties of shrubs. The most basic groupings are: The deciduous shrubs , which are known for their flowers. The evergreen shrubs (note that some of these bear pretty flowers, too). Among the best deciduous shrubs are the various types of rose bushes.

What is the best shrub to grow in a shady area?

There are also shrubs meant to be grown in shady areas. One of the best is mountain laurel. Mountain laurel is another of the broadleaf evergreens, like rhododendrons and some kinds of azaleas. USDA Growing Zones: 4 to 9.

What is the best deciduous shrub?

Among the best deciduous shrubs are the various types of rose bushes . The rose has been a favorite for centuries. Like lilac shrubs, rose flowers often combine good looks with a great smell. The only thing that has kept even more gardeners from growing this popular shrub is the belief that roses are hard to grow.

When is the peak of Oakleaf Hydrangea?

Oakleaf hydrangea may be the ultimate four-season shrub. It is at its peak in fall, when it gives even the best of the fall-foliage trees a run for their money. It also bears large flower heads in summer. Even during the winter and spring, it is not without interest, due to its attractive peeling bark.

How to prepare a tree for planting?

When preparing any hole for planting, make it two to three times wider than the current root mass but never deeper than the plant was growing in its previous environment. With trees, an even better guide is to look for the flare of the trunknear the soil level.

How many steps are needed to plant a tree?

The Right Way to Plant Trees and Shrubs - Seven Steps to Ensure Success. In my experience, there are seven key steps to ensure full establishment of newly planted trees and shrubs. And fall is the absolute very best time to get them in the ground. Simply stated, if you want to give your plants the best chance of establishing in ...

How to get rid of air pockets in plants?

Eliminate air pockets. Be sure to lightly tamp or hand-pack the soil around the plant roots to ensure good soil to root contact. I add water to the hole after backfilling half way. Not only does it provide needed moisture but also the water helps eliminate air pockets that could otherwise result in dead roots.

How long does it take to water a tree after planting?

The most important job you will have after planting is to keep plants and trees well-watered until established. This can take weeks to months to even a year ! Since installing over 200 trees and shrubs in my landscape this fall, I’ve watered every plant every day (here in Atlanta) for about the first two weeks.

Do plants shift energy into root development?

Without the need to allocate resources into foliage, plants now shift their energy into root development and storing nutrients and resources for the cool months ahead. While conditions are most favorable now, that is not to say you just plant it and forget it.

Is it necessary to water plants in winter?

Finally, winter conditions can be very dry. Occasional watering throughout the season may be necessary to prevent plants from becoming too dry. Roots are still growing and soil moisture is essential for proper establishment. And don’t assume that once spring arrives, your supplemental irrigation duties are behind you.