course hero from the map, which 3 countries in south america have tin ore producing areas?

by Junior Strosin 10 min read

What makes South America stand out as a distinct region?

From a purely geographic viewpoint, what makes South America stand out as a distinct region is that the continent resembles a large island.

What is the unique feature of South America?

The second unique feature is South America’s location in both the Western and Southern hemispheres, which reduces its exposure to major global conflicts.

What buffered most of Brazil from the Spanish viceroys?

The Amazon and Pantanal buffered most of Brazil from the Spanish viceroys, allowing Brazil to build its statehood under different terms than the rest of the region. During the initial period of colonization, control of the borderlands between Brazil and Argentina changed hands multiple times.

What did the colonial powers want from South America?

Colonial powers wanted raw material exports promptly shipped to Europe. To this day, many countries in South America depend heavily on the export of raw materials via ports for revenue (see the map of South America below).

Why is South America so difficult to become a regional leader?

South America has struggled to produce a regional leader, in part because no single country has all the characteristics necessary to assume such a role, even though some countries have large populations, land, and natural resource deposits.

Why were ports important to South America?

Challenging terrain made maritime trade and the development of ports essential for South American nations. Also, due to European colonization, these ports played an important role in the region’s national economies. Colonial powers wanted raw material exports promptly shipped to Europe.

Which continent has no clear regional leader?

The combination of colonization and geography also explains why the continent has no clear regional leader. Brazil is often regarded as the emerging leader for South America. That’s mostly due to its massive size in terms of land, population, natural resources, and economy. Argentina, also rich in natural resources and land, ...

What percentage of the world's tin is produced in Latin America?

The country is a leading producer in Latin America and produced 15.5% of the world’s output of tin. The prices of the metal will increase in the near future due to high demand.

Where does the world's tin come from?

Indonesia. One-third of the world’s production comes from Indonesia and is mainly extracted from Belitung and the Bangka Islands. The country exports 100,000 metric tonnes of tin annually and 90% of it comes from these Islands.

Which country produces the most tin?

China. China is the leading producer of tin in the world and many of its large companies are related to the production of this metal. The tin producing important regions are Yunnan province and the Guangxi Zhuang region. The net exports of tin is recorded at 26,300 metric tonnes but recently the country decided to cut 40% ...

Is tin a metal?

It is a ductile, malleable and a silvery-white metal. It is also one of the first superconductors, and the features used in superconducting the tin crystals. It is used for polishing other metals but resists the corrosion from water. Tin is generated through long S-process that arises via beta decay of the isotopes of the indium.

What were the three largest civilizations in Latin America when the Spanish and later Portuguese arrived?

The three largest civilizations thriving in Latin America when the Spanish and later Portuguese arrived were the Aztecs, Mayas, and the:

What are the two land uses that cause the most deforestation in the Amazon River basin?

Currently, the two land uses that cause the most deforestation in the Amazon River basin are soybean cultivation and cattle ranching.

How many questions are there in Chapter 3 Geo?

Chapter 3 Geo study guide by brittanieanderson86 includes 38 questions covering vocabulary, terms and more. Quizlet flashcards, activities and games help you improve your grades.

Why are there no highways between Bolivia and Brazil?

Due to the dense rainforest vegetation, no highways link Bolivia and Brazil.

Which country is the only landlocked country in Latin America?

The only landlocked country in Latin America is Paraguay.

Where is European ancestry dominant in South America?

In South America, European ancestry is dominant in large areas of Argentina, Brazil, and:

Who paid for the right to build a canal to compete with the Panama Canal?

The Chinese have paid for the right to build a canal to compete with the Panama Canal through the country of: