course hero, "domperidone and haloperidol, are antagonists for which receptors

by Virginie Torphy 9 min read

How long does acetaminophen last?

The patient has a headache diary, which reveals irritability and food cravings followed the next day by visual disturbances and unilateral right-sided headache, nausea, and photophobia lasting 2 to 3 days.

How often does sumatriptan help with migraines?

The patient tells the primary care nurse practitioner (NP) that the sumatriptan is effective for stopping symptoms but that the episodes are occurring three to four times per month. The NP should consider the addition of: topiramate.

What is the best treatment for migraine headaches?

For the best treatment of this patient, the primary care NP should prescribe: triptan nasal spray. A patient who has migraine headaches usually has two to three severe migraines each month.

What does a NP do?

A primary care nurse practitioner (NP) sees a patient who is concerned about constipation. The NP learns that the patient has three to four bowel movements per week with occasional hard stools but no straining with defecation. The NP should recommend: increased intake of fluids and fiber.

Does Ondansetron help with nausea?

taking ondansetron before chemotherapy decreases nausea and vomiting. A primary care NP sees a 3-year-old patient who has been vomiting for several days. The child has had fewer episodes of vomiting the past day and is now able to take sips of fluids without vomiting.