Image transcription text. 1)Adolescents who have secure attachments with their parents have a healthy. self-esteem... Show more. Social Science Psychology. Share Question.
· Livy generally exhibits a positive attitude and is well liked by her peers. Adolescents like Livy tend to have: (p. 345) A. secure relationships with their parents. B. close relationships with the same-sex parent. C. poor relationships with their parents, because they focus too much on their friends. D. poor grades and a likelihood of low ...
75. Secure attachment to parents during adolescence is positively linked to which of the following?A. high academic achievementB. introverted behaviorsC. delaying romantic intimacy and marriage D. being in an exclusive relationship. D. being in an exclusive relationship. 76.
This preview shows page 35 - 38 out of 94 pages. Adolescents who have a positive relationship with their parents are more likely to seek a religion that is different from their parents' religion. Today's parent-adolescent relationships are viewed asA. one-way processes. B. collaborative.
Adolescence is characterized by significant neurological, cognitive and sociopsychological development. With the advance of adolescence, the amount of time spent with parents typically drops while time spent with peers increases considerably. Nonetheless, parents continue to play a key role in influencing their adolescent’s development.
The quintessential characteristic of adolescence is change. Although this has long been recognized by social scientists and mental health professionals (eg, psychiatrists, psychologists and other adolescent health specialists), the true depth of the changes that occur during this period have yet to be fully understood.
The concept of attachment was proposed by Bowlby ( 39 – 41) more than three decades ago to describe the fundamental bond between parent and infant that is essential to survival and development.
The rapid neurological, cognitive and social changes of adolescence create a social-cognitive dilemma for youth: the integration of new and diverse experiences in relation to the world and oneself.
It is critical that the myth of adolescent detachment be dispelled. Many parents feel they have little or no influence in their adolescent’s life and they bemoan the fact that their child’s fate rests outside their hands.
The authors acknowledge the support of the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, the Institute of Gender and Health, and the Institute of Human Development, Child and Youth Health through a New Emerging Team grant directed by Dr Marlene M Moretti (#31-711036 6319).
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