consumers are undiscriminating in the information to which they pay attention. course hero

by Gage Quitzon 3 min read

Are consumers indiscriminating in the information they pay attention to?

TorF Consumers are indiscriminating in the information to which they pay attention. TorF Weber's Law states that as the intensity of an initial stimulus decreases, a consumer's ability to detect differences between two levels of the stimulus decreases.

Do consumers stay neutral to familiar and unfamiliar objects?

False A consumer stays neutral to both familiar and unfamiliar objects and is solely motivated by personal biases. False While watching a movie, Suzy noticed that the characters in the movie often mentioned McKee's Watering Hole, a restaurant, in their conversations.

Do consumers with strong beliefs about a brand comprehend messages?

Consumers with strong beliefs about a brand tend to comprehend messages about the brand either positively or negatively, depending on their preexisting attitudes. True To be effective, a conditioned stimuli should be presented after an unconditioned stimuli, and the pairing of the two should be done consistently and with repetition. True

Do subliminal persuasion effects influence consumer behavior?

Both intentional and unintentional learning allow consumers to acquire knowledge about marketing-related information. True Effects of subliminal persuasion are highly significant in bringing about behavioral changes in consumers.