choosing a self publishing course which one

by Effie Lind V 9 min read

Consider these questions when deciding which self-publishing course to enroll in:
  1. Are you writing a book? ...
  2. Are you ready to launch and earn passive income from book sales?
  3. Do you have a plan for marketing and selling your book to international sites?
  4. Are you building an email list of raving fans through your book empire?
Apr 8, 2022

What are the best self publishing courses on the market?

 · Self Publishing 101 is the perfect course for beginner and intermediate and even advanced authors who are trying to build a continuous stream of money from your books. Mark and his team, along with a few key guest experts, cover everything you need to know in order to have a successful book.

Should I take a self-publishing course?

 · Depending on your budget and writing goals, you might choose one over the other. The best self-publishing course for you depends largely on your goals as an author. Now that we have taken an in-depth look at the best self publishing courses for you to write your bestseller, you have a solid idea of what to expect from each course.

What is the difference between traditional publishing and self publishing?

Home » Choosing The Best Self-Publishing Services: Self-Publishing Success Book 2. ... Courses & Workshops (1) Debate & Opinion (333) Inspirational Indie Authors (201) International Insights (11) Planning Workshops with Orna Ross (4) …

What does self publishing 101 teach you?

 · Your Best Self-Publishing Approach Choosing the right approach is a core decision and one that should be taken at the outset of writing. It will impact your ROI (return on investment), your enjoyment of writing, and it will determine your chance of success. So which approach is best for you?

What course should I take if I want to write a book?

You don't need a specific course or degree to become a writer. A degree, however, can be helpful. After all, Stephen King, Dean Koontz and many other mega successful authors earned an official degree in English, journalism or literary arts.

How do I decide what to self-publish?

Consider your primary goals:If you want to get your book to market as fast as possible, self-publish your book.If you desire to have the greatest possibility of reaching the most readers, seek traditional publishing.If you demand creative control over every aspect of your book, self-publish.More items...•

Which self-publishing genre is best?

Mystery, Thriller And Suspense Therefore, because self-published authors often “rapid release” their work, self-published authors can fulfil their readers' ferocious appetites faster than trade can (most traditional publishers only publish one book per year by each author).

Which platform is best for self-publishing?

To understand what's best for your self-publishing journey, these are 10 of the best self-publishing companies for 2021.Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP): Amazon is, without a doubt, the best retailer of books in the world. ... Kobo: ... Apple Books: ... Barnes and Noble Press: ... Lulu: ... PublishDrive: ... Draft2Digital: ... StreetLib:More items...•

Why you should never self-publish?

There is a chance your work will never be picked up by a publisher. Self-publishing doesn't have the best reputation in the world of books, and neither do the self-published authors. Some avid readers tend to not take self-published authors as seriously as they would a traditionally published author.

Did JK Rowling self-publish?

The biggest publishing phenomenon on the planet is now a self-publisher. After a week of heavy speculation, JK Rowling has revealed that she is to self-publish the e-books to her mind-bogglingly successful Harry Potter series through her newly-announced proprietary platform, Pottermore.

What types of self-published books sell the best?

According to many writers, self-publishing a book is a bit of an uphill struggle....As for the literature subgenres that sell the best, according to Amazon data, these are:Romance.Mystery & thriller.Fantasy & science fiction.Young adult.

What novel genre sells the best?

Romance: Romance novels are perhaps the most popular genre in terms of book sales. Romance novels are sold in grocery store checkout lines, in monthly shipments from publishers to readers, and online, as well as via self-publishing services. Readers tend to be loyal to their favorite authors within the romance genre.

How many book genres are there in the world?

How many book genres are there? Though we're only covering 35 of the most popular in this post, there are around 50 genres in total — the exact number depends on who you ask. If you take subgenres into account, over on Reedsy Discovery we have 107 different categories, while Amazon has over 16,000!

Is Amazon self-publishing worth it?

However, if you have some spare time and believe that being able to point to the fact that you're a published author on Amazon will help boost your credentials or career, then it's worth it. Self publishing on Amazon is also worth it if you can use the clicks and views that your eBook receives to boost another venture.

Who is the best publisher for first time authors?

15 (or so) Fabulous Publishers For Debut AuthorsAvon Impulse. Avon is looking for big, high concept historical and contemporary romances. ... Baen Books. ... Black & White Publishing. ... Coffee House Press. ... Chicago Review Press. ... Chronicle Books. ... DAW. ... Entangled Publishing.More items...•

Is self-publishing worth it?

Thankfully, self-published books have a much, much higher royalty rate than traditional publishers because you get to keep anywhere from 50-70% of your book's profits. With a traditional publisher, they take much more and you only end up with 10% maybe 12% after years of proving yourself as an author.

What is self publishing 101?

With Self Publishing 101, you’ll will write, launch and market a quality book that sells. Although Mark Dawson is mainly a fiction author, the course can be customized for nonfiction writer’s.

How long does it take to self publish a book?

Self-publishing a book, or series of books, creates an additional income stream that could lead to a full-time career as an author within 6-12 months. Publishing your book through one of the big 5 trade publishers could take years.

What happens after you write a book?

After writing the book (which is a process in itself), comes editing the book, getting your cover perfectly designed, and the rest of the book production and publishing process. And let’s be honest, once your book is actually published, the work definitely doesn’t start there.

Who is Steve Scott?

Steve Scott [also known as S.J. Scott] is one of the biggest names when it comes to self publishing. He has been marketing online for a long time and when the eBook craze started back in 2011, Steve was one of the first authors that as in there doing it.

Who is Jeff Goins?

Jeff Goins is the best-selling author of five books including The Art of Work and Real Artists Don’t Starve. He is the owner of where he shares his thoughts on writing, life and creativity.

Who is Scott Allan?

Scott Allan is a bestselling author who has a passion for teaching, building life skills, and inspiring others to take charge of their lives. Scott’s mission is to give people the strategies needed to design the life they want through choice.

When did Chandler Bolt quit college?

Self-published entrepreneur Chandler Bolt quit college back in 2014 and set out to write a book called The Productive Person. The book was hugely successful and Chandler soon set up an online course to help authors self publish their books…in just 90 days!

Who is Scott Allan?

Scott Allan is a student success coach and in-house content creator here at Self-Publishing School. He is a bestselling author of 12+ books that includes The Discipline of Masters, Drive Your Destiny and Relaunch Your Life. Scott has a passion for teaching strategic life skills and inspiring people to take charge of their lives. You can connect with Scott at: He believes that successful living is a series of small, consistent actions taken every day to build a thriving lifestyle with intentional purpose. By taking the necessary steps and eliminating unwanted distractions that keep you stuck, you are free to focus on the essentials. Scott currently lives In Japan where he resides full time, and is at work on several new writing projects. You can connect with Scott at

Who is Jeff Goins?

Jeff Goins is the best-selling author of five books including The Art of Work and Real Artists Don’t Starve. He is the owner of where he shares his thoughts on writing, life and creativity.

Who is Steve Scott?

Steve Scott [also known as S.J. Scott] is one of the biggest names when it comes to self-publishing. He has been marketing online for a long time and when the eBook craze started back in 2011, Steve was one of the first authors that as in there doing it.

When did Chandler Bolt quit college?

Self-published entrepreneur and bestselling author Chandler Bolt quit college back in 2014 and set out to write a book called The Productive Person. The book was hugely successful and Chandler soon set up an online course to help authors self publish their books…in just 90 days!

Is self publishing scary?

Of course, without the framework and support that traditional publishing provides, the world of self-publishing can be a big, scary place— and indeed, sometimes the process seems so complex, it can be difficult to even figure out where to begin.

Is Authority Pub Academy the same as Chandler Bolt?

On the surface, Authority Pub Academy might seem similar to Chandler Bolt’s Self-Publishing School: both brand themselves as schools rather than mere online courses, and both tout a focus on pushing their “students” to write and publish a book.

What is real fast vip?

Real Fast VIP isn’t just a program for writers. It’s a watering hole where authors, publishers, and content creators of all kinds can learn the secrets of financial success selling print books, ebooks, audiobooks, and other content. Membership in the program affords users access to a variety of services, including:

Who is Daniel Hall?

Daniel Hall is a bestselling author, speaker, consultant, and entrepreneur. Hall is the creator of the popular “Real Fast” training programs, and the CEO of the brands Playtime Gadgets and the Backseat Nanny. As the creator of Real Fast VIP, Hall is the instructor for the majority of its courses, but various other authors ...

Who is Tom Corson-Knowles?

Tom Corson-Knowles is an entrepreneur, blogger, and international bestselling author. His 20+ bestselling books include The Kindle Publishing Bible, Schedule Your Success, Rules of the Rick, and Email Marketing Mastery. Tom is also the founder of TCK Publishing, an independent publishing company that specializes in online marketing.

Who is Steve Scott?

Steve Scott and Barrie Davenport are two of the most well-known and successful people in the self-publishing business. Scott is a multiple-time bestselling author who used his success generating income from self-publishing to create and cofound Authority Pub Academy.

Who is Nick Stephenson?

Nick Stephenson is a bestselling fiction and nonfiction author. He created Your First 10K Readers as a way to teach other authors and online entrepreneurs to find just that—their first 10,000 readers—and, of course, to sell more of their books.

What is self publishing?

Self-publishing companies offer book publishing and production services to independent authors. These companies all work differently depending on the type of service provided, but ultimately each operates within the space of producing and publishing a book.

What is self published author services?

Self-Published Author Services – These are self-publishing companies that are mainly in the business to provide author services such as edit ing, formatting, ghostwriting, cover design, illustration, and more. There are some reputable companies to work with, but they are not necessarily considered publishing companies.

What is a traditional publishing company?

In a traditional publishing company, the author is given a book contract that basically sells their rights to the book to the publisher, who then oversees the production process. In publishing companies that cater primarily to self-published authors, the purposes can vary as well, according to the company type.

What is publishing education?

Publishing Education – These companies provide author education programs, such as through self-publishing courses and coaching. Their mission is to help authors navigate the self-publishing process and build an author career. Examples of publishing educators would be Self-Publishing School.

What is Kindle Direct Publishing?

Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing [KDP] is a self-publishing platform where authors can publish their print and eBooks. In the United States alone, Amazon makes up 40% in self-published digital books. So as an author, you can’t afford to ignore the power of Amazon in the book publishing space. Related: KDP Guide.

Is Barnes and Noble a self publishing company?

Barnes & Noble Press [Nook Press] is, according to their website, “a free, fast, and easy-to-use self-publishing service that enables you to publish and sell directly to our millions of readers.” Barnes and Noble has been a leader in the book industry for many years.

What is KDP program?

KDP has an exclusive program that sets it apart from the other retailers: the KDP Select and Kindle Unlimited programs for authors. There are perks to each one of these programs, such as special promotion programs, and Kindle Owners Lending Library enrollment.

What is BookBub for authors?

Perhaps the single biggest promotional platform in publishing, BookBub offers self-publishing authors a powerful way to publicize their discount deals. Through BookBub’s Featured Deals and self-serve ads, an author can tap into their subscriber-base and access devoted fans of almost any genre.

What is Kindle Direct Publishing?

Kindle Direct Publishing ( KDP) is Amazon’s self-publishing platform (not to be confused with " Amazon Publishing " — their division that operates like a traditional publisher). Any author can self-publish a book using KDP, though you’ll need to do it manually yourself.

What is a book retailer?

Book retailers are the stores through which you’ll actually sell your book to the public — which means that they’re pretty important as far as your self-publishing ambitions are concerned! Like we mentioned before, each retailer offers its own eBook publishing platform for authors to upload their books.

Is Kobo a Canadian company?

Rakuten Kobo is the last big retailer that you should know. It’s a Canadian company (that ’s a subsidiary of the Japanese e-commerce giant Rakuten) — as such, it’s got a strong reach in the international eBook market. Kobo is only the #5 store in terms of market share in the U.S., though it’s growing year by year.

Is Blurb a good print on demand service?

Blurb is one of the most well-known and trusted print-on-demand services out there. We particularly recommend it for visual works — such as magazines and photo books. For an in-depth evaluation of its user-friendliness and pictures of the quality of its printed books, go to this review.

What is Reedsy Discovery?

Reedsy Discovery helps thousands of self-publishing authors get the boost they need every month. When you submit your book, you get an editorial review in time for your launch date — as well as a chance to be featured in our weekly newsletter, sent out to over 200,000 eager readers.
