One way to include your syllabus is through the Syllabus option that you find in the Course Menu. The syllabus tool, referred to simply as the "Syllabus" within Canvas, makes it easy to communicate to your students exactly what will be required of them throughout the course in chronological order.
Best for a Syllabus 1-2 pages long. An Excessively long Syllabus can be confusing to students on the homepage. To mitigate this, we recommend building your syllabus over multiple Canvas Content pages if it is over 3+ pages long.
The downside to including your syllabus as a file is that you can’t edit it in Canvas. You have to edit the original file (wherever you stored it), upload the revised version, and then link to this new file. This can cause problems if students have already downloaded the syllabus, thus creating conflicting versions of your syllabus.
Using a Canvas page to display your syllabus is a great option. It's similar to using the Syllabus tool, however, does not include the assignments below your content, which many prefer.
This uploads the syllabus file to the Syllabus folder in the Files tool.
This displays an "Add" panel on the right displaying all of the Files uploaded to the course site Files tool
This automatically creates a link in the Syllabus text box to the syllabus file in the Files tool
This will automatically display the syllabus document in the syllabus tool.
The Syllabus in Canvas makes it easy to communicate to your students exactly what will be required of them throughout the course in chronological order. You can also set the syllabus as your course home page. You can choose to make your syllabus public so that people who aren't enrolled in your course can view more information about the course.
The syllabus description is where you can post your course description , a brief introduction, class guidelines, weekly reminders, and other important information. You can copy content from Word documents directly into the Rich Content Editor or create original content inside of the Rich Content Editor.
The sidebar section displays information about course events and grading. The assignment group information can be edited in the Assignments feature while the Calendar information can be edited in both the Assignments and Calendar features. Any changes made will be reflected in the Course Summary section of the Syllabus.
To embed a document in your syllabus, highlight the text where you want to apply the file link [1] and click the Documents Options arrow to select the file document [2]. In the Rich Content Editor, the text will turn blue noting the link is downloadable.
The Course Summary is enabled by default. It is automatically generated based on assignments and events within a course. Items within the Course Summary can only be changed by editing or deleting the assignments or events. All assignments (unpublished and published) are listed in the syllabus for instructors.
You can copy content from Word documents directly into the Rich Content Editor or create original content inside of the Rich Content Editor. You can also use the Rich Content Editor ...