canvas how to mave course content from one course to another

by Nathanael Wyman 8 min read

Import Process
  1. Select the course you would like to import the content into (i.e. a new course site)
  2. Click Settings on the Course Navigation menu.
  3. Click Import Course Content on the right side of the page.
  4. In the Content Type menu, select Copy a Canvas Course.

How do I copy content from one canvas course to another?

Nov 19, 2021 · Starting in Canvas course you wish to copy materials into, click " Settings " in your course navigation bar. Click on the " Course Details " tab across the top. Click " Import Course Content " on the right-hand side. From the " Content Type " drop down menu, select " Copy a Canvas Course ." Complete the "Import Content" form that appears.

How do I import a canvas course?

Copying Content From One Canvas Course Into Another … " Starting in Canvas course you wish to copy materials into, click " Settings " in your course navigation bar. Click on the "Course Details " tab across the top.Click " Import Course Content" on the right-hand side.From the "Content Type " drop down menu, select "Copy a Canvas Course."Complete the "Import Content" form that …

Can I give another instructor access to an entire canvas course?

How to Copy Content from one Canvas Course to Another 1) Open your destination course 2) Click Settings(bottom left) 3) Click Import Content into this Course(middle right) 4) Under Content Typechoose Copy a Canvas Course 5) Search for the course you are copying from 6) You have two main options when copying your course: a.

How do I copy materials from one course to another?

Instructions: Navigate to the original course site that you want to copy content from and locate the content page that you want to copy. On the Course Navigation Menu on the left hand side, select Pages. Click the View All Pages button at the top of the screen. Locate the Content Page that you want to copy and click on its title.

Can you copy a module from one course to another in canvas?

As an instructor, you can copy a module item in a course directly into another course in which you are enrolled. You can also send a module item to other instructors at your institution as well as copy an entire course module into another course.

How do I copy a course content from one course to another?

You can copy all the content or select individual items from the other courses you teach. On the Course Content page, select the plus sign to open the menu and select Copy Content. Or, open the menu on the right side above the content list. Select Copy Content.

How do I move a course in Canvas?

Click Dashboard in the Global Navigation Menu.Click the More Options icon on the course card of the course that you would like to move.Click the Move tab.To move the course card down one place in the order, click Move down. To move the course card to the bottom of the order, click Move to bottom.Jun 10, 2021

Can instructors move content from one class into another?

Import Content allows you to copy content over from another Canvas site. This feature is helpful for instructors re-using course materials in a different term or duplicating existing content. Teachers can import an all content or select specific content.

Select Content Type

In the Content Type drop-down menu, select the Copy a Canvas Course option.

Search for a Course

In the Search for a course drop-down menu [1], select the course you would like to access. Courses are ordered alphabetically by most recent term. You can also choose to include completed courses by selecting the completed courses checkbox [2]. The Include completed courses checkbox is selected by default.

Select Migration Content

To import all content from the course, select the All Content radio button [1].

Adjust Events and Due Dates

If you want to adjust the due dates associated with the course events and assignments, click the Adjust events and due dates checkbox.

View Current Jobs

The Current Jobs section displays the status of your import. Running reports display a progress bar indicating the time remaining to complete the import [1].

Create Course Details

Enter the Name [1] and Course Code [2] for the new course. The name will be displayed on the Course Home Page and in Conversations. The course code will be displayed at the top of the Course Navigation menu and in the course card in the dashboard. Course code is also referred to as the reference code or short name.

Select Migration Content

To import all content from the course, select the All Content radio button [1].

Adjust Events and Due Dates

If you want to adjust the due dates associated with the course events and assignments, click the Adjust events and due dates checkbox.

View Current Jobs

The Current Jobs section displays the status of your import. Running reports display a progress bar indicating the time remaining to complete the import [1].

Method 1: Share a Course Export Package

Canvas course content can be exported into a Common Cartridge (IMSCC ZIP) file which can be downloaded from Canvas and then shared with another instructor. The export file can be imported into a blank Canvas course to copy the content into that course. This method works well when wanting to share an entire course with another instructor.

Method 2: Use the Canvas "Send To..." Feature

Most Canvas course content items have a "Send To..." option for conveniently sharing the content with another instructor. The "Send To..." option is a great way to share an entire Module or an individual Announcement, Assignment, Discussion, Page, or Quiz with another instructor.

Method 3: Add a User to a Canvas Sandbox Course

You can give another instructor access to an entire Canvas course by adding them to that course; however, it is important to take care to avoid sharing student information or giving another user the ability to edit or delete your course content.