can’t repeat the past?…why of course you can! page

by Maximo Johnston 4 min read

This quote belongs in Chapter 6 of Francis Scott Fitzgerald's famous novel, “The Great Gatsby.” To which Gatsby replies, “Can't repeat the past? Why, of course, you can!” This conversation gives a hint about Gatsby's intention to return Daisy Buchanan, his past love.Apr 20, 2022

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What does Gatsby mean when he says can't repeat the past Why of course you can?

“Can't repeat the past? Why, of course you can!” Jay Gatsby, the protagonist of F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby, said this to his friend Nick Carraway in order to convince both himself and Nick that he could recapture Daisy Buchanan, his former love.

When Nick told Gatsby you can't repeat the past?

In response to Nick Gatsby say's "can't repeat the past? Why of course you can!" This truly highlights his inability to accept the truth, being that Daisy has moved on and is married with a child. It is not only foolish, it is delusional to think that you can turn back time.

Who said can't repeat the past Why of course you can I'm going to fix everything just the way it was before she'll see?

Why of course you can... I'm going to fix everything just the way it was before. She'll see." (116-117) Gatsby's dreams drive him to do the impossible, change the past. Nick struggles to understand why a man would spend so much time and money for something that lasted so short and in no way in favor of Gatsby.

Who says the following Cannot repeat the past Why of course you can?

You cannot repeat the past. " Gatsby answers, "Cannot repeat the past. Why, of course you can!" VOICE ONE: For a brief time, Gatsby seems to succeed.

What is Nick's view of repeating the past?

Nick know that you can't and shouldn't repeat the past, but Gatsby thinks he can just erase the last five years and start over again. His opinion is unrealistic because it's been five years and both of them have changed.

When Nick told Gatsby that you can't repeat the past Gatsbyreplied Why of course you can do you agree with Nick or Gatsby?

When Nick told Gatsby that "you can't repeat the past", Gatsby replied, "Why of course you can!" Do you agree with Nick or Gatsby? I think that you cant really repeat the past exactly but somethings you might be able to.

When Nick told Gatsby that you can't repeat the past Gatsby replied Why of course you can quizlet?

When Nick told Gatsby, "You can't repeat the past," Gatsby replied, "Why of course you can!" Do you agree with Nick or Gatsby? I believe that you can do your best to duplicate something from the past, but it will not be exactly as it was before.

What message is Fitzgerald conveying about the class structure of the 1920s?

By creating distinct social classes — old money, new money, and no money — Fitzgerald sends strong messages about the elitism running throughout every strata of society. The first and most obvious group Fitzgerald attacks is, of course, the rich.

What does Nick tell Gatsby about the past?

What does Gatsby tell Nick about his past? Is it true? He tells about the relationship he and Daisy had, the actual time spent together and how he had to go off to war, and Daisy was supposed to wait for him to return.

Why is Gatsby compared to Belasco?

As it turns out, the books are real... BUT (big but, in fact) Gatsby has never read them. That's when the guy calls Gatsby a "regular Belasco," referring to David Belasco, a theater producer known for his super realistic sets. (Yeah, the owl-eyed man is calling Gatsby's house a set.)

What does felt married to her that was all mean?

He felt married to her, that was all. - Gatsby unexpectedly finds himself emotionally committed to Daisy, once he 'took Daisy one still October night' (meaning that they had had sex).

How extraordinary is a nice girl?

He knew that Daisy was extraordinary but he didn't realize just how extraordinary a "nice" girl could be. She vanished into her rich house, into her rich, full life, leaving Gatsby—nothing. He felt married to her, that was all.