byu what do i do if i'm not enrolled in a religion course

by Prof. Vince Vandervort IV 9 min read

Should I take religion courses at BYU (Provo)?

Military Service Leave. BYU does not have a military service deferment. However, we are anxious to help you continue your studies after returning from military service. If you are required to leave BYU for military service, contact Enrollment Services at 801-422-4104 to discuss your options before you leave. Registrar.

How many hours does it take to get religion credit at BYU?

Withdrawing vs Discontinuing. Withdrawing is dropping some classes. Discontinuing is dropping all of your classes. What is it? Dropping some individual classes (not all). Dropping ALL classes. You will no longer be enrolled for current semester. (If you are only enrolled in one course and need to withdraw from that course, it is a discontinuance.)

How do I enroll at BYU after my mission?

For students enrolled in BYU-Pathway’s PathwayConnect: Students who withdraw by Day 23 of the semester will receive a full refund. Students who withdraw between Day 24 and Day 57 will receive a prorated refund. BYU-Pathway Worldwide calculates the percentage refunded based on when the student withdraws from PathwayConnect.

How do I register for classes at BYU Idaho?

You may enroll in a BYU Online course the same way as you would any other course offered on campus. Using MyMap, find the course you'd like to take, then click "Add" next to the BYU Online section. ... BYU Online enrollment is under the same schedule as regular campus courses. You can enroll in the online course beginning on your priority ...

Do you have to take religion classes at BYU?

Religion courses are an integral part of the university curriculum that conforms to university standards and expectations. While students are enrolled at BYU, they are required to take religion courses from BYU.

Can I get into BYU without seminary?

False. Seminary graduation could improve a student's chances of being accepted, but it is not necessary. In 2015, 96.2 percent of students who were accepted into BYU had graduated from the four-year seminary program according to the BYU Admissions website.Feb 9, 2016

How many religion credits do you need to graduate from BYU?

Fourteen hoursReligion Requirements. Fourteen hours of religion credit is the standard requirement for students to graduate with a bachelor's degree from BYU–Hawaii. Fewer than 14 hours may be required for transfer students depending on the amount of transfer credit accepted.

Can you go to BYU if you leave the church?

The adjustments to the school's honor code change the petition process for those students if they attempt to continue at the school, but the campus still has a disaffiliation rule that expels students who renounce their membership in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, which operates BYU.Aug 18, 2016

Do you have to be a member of the church to attend BYU?

The university prefers admitting members of the Church in good standing and does not unlawfully discriminate against applicants based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age, disability, genetic information, or veteran status, who (1) meet the admission requirements, (2) agree to abide by the Church ...

Is BYU hard to get in?

How hard is it to get into BYU and can I get accepted? The school has a 69% acceptance rate ranking it #2 in Utah for lowest rate of acceptance. Last year, 7,820 out of 11,292 applicants were admitted making BYU a moderately competitive school to get into with a strong chance of acceptance if you meet the requirements.

Can you take two religion classes at BYU?

Students are also expected to take one religion course each semester and complete their schedule by adding other general education and major-related courses.

Do you have to take a religion class every semester at BYU Idaho?

Transfer of Religion Credit Transfer students must take one religion class each semester of attendance at BYU-Idaho. 2. Exception: Students who have completed a baccalaureate degree at BYU or BYU-Hawaii have filled the religion requirement.

What grade is needed to pass a class at BYU?

Numerical Grade Values (Law School)1987-1994Fall 1994-PresentDescription80-903.7-4.0Superior75-793.3-3.6Excellent71-743.0-3.2High Pass66-702.7-2.9Pass2 more rows

Can I go to BYU if I'm not Mormon?

All students at BYU must take two hours of religion classes per semester to graduate. At the request of NLSA, administrators decided to allow a non-LDS section of a required Book of Mormon class. In addition, plans have been made to institute a "Non-LDS Awareness Week" on campus.Nov 20, 1999

Can you go to BYU if you're not Mormon?

Non-Mormon students make up 0.3 percent of the university's student population. Living in an area and attending school with so many members of another religion has allowed them an insider's view of the beliefs, culture and lives of Latter-day Saint students at BYU-Idaho.Jul 28, 2015

Can you get kicked out of BYU?

Generally, less than five students are expelled from the university each year from a population of 33,000 students. Decisions are carefully considered as the HCO strives to protect the rights, health and safety of all members of the BYU community.

How And When Can I Apply?

BYU-Pathway Worldwide offers two ways to start a degree. Visit our Admissions page for information, application instructions, and deadlines. For st...

What are the requirements to participate?

Visit our Admissions page to view the requirements to participate.For students who have completed BYU-Pathway’s PathwayConnect and are needing to a...

Can people who are not members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints participate?

Yes, individuals of all faiths are welcome to enroll. Applicants who are not members of the Church will pay 25% higher tuition and must also meet a...

I missed the application deadline. Can I still be admitted?

Applicants who miss the final application deadline will need to wait until the next available start date. To find out the next time courses begin,...

My PathwayConnect GPA isn't high enough to get into an online degree program. What are my options?

Students must achieve a minimum 3.0 GPA in PC101/101L, PC102/102L, and PC103/103L. Students whose PathwayConnect GPA isn’t high enough to get into...

Will my previously earned credits transfer and count toward a degree?

For information about transferring course credits to a degree offered through BYU-Pathway Worldwide, visit our Transfer Credits page.

When submitting transcripts, what should I put for the grade if it was a pass/fail course?

In the application, please put “0” for the number of credits on a pass/fail class. Contact Enrollment Services with questions.

Why do most of my former credits only apply to my bachelor’s degree?

BYU-Pathway and its partners have a generous transfer credit policy. Transfer credits most often fit the requirements of general education or elect...

In general, how are credits evaluated?

For more information about transfer credit evaluation, visit the BYU-Pathway Courses and Transfer Credits page.

Where should I send my transcripts?

Official transcripts should be sent from previously attended colleges and universities by the application deadline. Information on how to submit tr...

What is a W grade?

A “W” grade. (W’s are a neutral grade that does not calculate into the GPA.) You receive “W” grades and a discontinuance date after the add/drop deadline through the withdraw deadline. (W’s are a neutral grade that does not calculate into the GPA.)

Can I file a pro rated tuition exception?

Yes, if there are extenuating circumstances you can file a Pro-Rated Tuition Exception petition with Financial Services. Yes, if there are extenuating circumstances you can file a Pro-Rated Tuition Exception petition with Financial Services.

Is dropping classes a discontinuance?

Dropping ALL classes. You will no longer be enrolled for the current semester. (If you are only enrolled in one course and need to withdraw from that course, it is a discontinuance.) Discontinuing is considered a leave of absence for continuing students.

Does a semester count as attended?

Please check with your advisor or program coordinator. A semester will count as attended when a student has a grade (including a w) for a class in any semester or term. You may meet with an Enrollment Services Counselor (801-422-7075) to ask questions.

Can I withdraw from BYU?

No, unless you are required to be enrolled full-time and you withdraw below full-time (e.g. International students). It depends on your situation. All students admitted to BYU must attend (see definitions) in the semester or term for which they were admitted.

What is a rare exception to the application deadline?

Rare exceptions to the application deadline are made for full-time missionaries who return home after a deadline has passed and for other similar extenuating circumstances. Applicants who want to be considered for a special exception must submit a request.

When do you get a refund for PathwayConnect?

For students who have completed PathwayConnect — or for students who did not participate in PathwayConnect: Students who withdraw by Day 8 of the semester will receive a full refund. Students who withdraw between Day 9 and Day 55 will receive a prorated refund.

When do BYU online courses have to be completed?

BYU Online courses must be completed by the end of the semester. Each course includes assignment deadlines designed to help you complete the course on time. In some courses, you may be able to work ahead.

Is BYU online only?

BYU Online courses are only available to matriculated BYU students, while BYU Independent Study courses are available to anyone—including high school and middle school students. BYU Online courses are included in your BYU tuition, while BYU Independent Study courses come at an additional cost.

Religion Credit Policy for All Degree-Seeking Students

All degree-seeking students must complete the required cornerstone courses listed under the drop-down lists below. In addition, students must take additional religion course to complete requirements for graduation.

Bachelor's & Associates

The BYU-Idaho catalog states that students are responsible for completing their General Education (Foundations for catalog years befoore 2019) requirements according to their degree catalog. In most cases, the religion credit requirements for degree-seeking students who do not have any transfer credits are as follows:

Transfer Credits

In most cases, the number of religion credits required are adjusted for students who bring transfer credits to BYU-Idaho:

What are the requirements to transfer to Byu?

Transfer students must fulfill the BYU graduation requirements, including residency hours in religion. All students must fulfill the Cornerstone Courses or an approved substitute ( for example, one could take Rel A 121 - The Book of Mormon instead of Rel A 275 - Teachings and Doctrine of the Book of Mormon) to graduate from BYU, regardless of how many credits a student is transferring. If you are transferring less than 45 credits to BYU, you will be required to take additional courses beyond the Cornerstones. These requirements can be seen below.

How many credits do you need to graduate from Byu?

General Requirements. Graduation from BYU (and all CES institutions, such as BYU–Idaho, BYU–Hawaii, and institutes of religion) requires completion of 14 credit hours of approved religious education courses. All BYU students must complete eight credit hours of the Cornerstone Courses and six elective credit hours prior to graduation.

What is stake institute?

Stake Institute classes were created to provide religious instruction for those not directly affiliated with a college or university. CES (Church Education System) encourages college and university students to take religion courses from the program affiliated with their college/university.

Why is BYU important?

The Pursuit of All Truth. The BYU Mission states: "Because the gospel encourages the pursuit of all truth, students at BYU should receive a broad university education. The arts, letters, and sciences provide the core of such an education, which will help students think clearly, communicate effectively, understand important ideas in their own ...

What is quantitative reasoning?

Quantitative Reasoning requires all students to certify at a basic level of numeracy, either with an appropriately high score on the math section of the ACT or SAT exams or by completion of a BYU course.

What is the aim of Byu?

While the Aims of a BYU Education states that all disciplines should be a "bathed in the light and color of the restored gospel," religion courses engage the student mind and heart in an ever deeper understanding of the gospel of Jesus Christ through close ...

What is single course option?

Single-course options are most often designed for students whose major is not closely related to the requirement. On the other hand, combination-of-course options are often designed for majors related to the requirement and may include courses a student might take to satisfy a major or minor requirement.

What is a civilization requirement?

The Civilization requirement provides a historical framework and a consideration of important works and themes.

What is the Individual and Society requirement?

Students actively learn to participate in solving the family, professional, religious, and social problems they will encounter after graduation. The Individual and Society category houses the area of Citizenship, which includes American Heritage and Global and Cultural Awareness.

What is religious education?

Religious Education offers courses in ancient and modern scripture, Church history and doctrine, and related subjects. Together these help students toward a deeper understanding of "the doctrines, the covenants, the ordinances, the standard works, and the history of the restored gospel" ( Aims, "Intellectually Enlarging").

How much does PathwayConnect cost?

On average, students will pay about $1,200 for textbooks during their entire bachelor’s degree.

When do you have to pay tuition in college?

Students are encouraged to pay tuition on or before the first day of the semester. Students must pay their current balance by the end of the semester in order to be permitted to enroll in future semesters. Students may choose to pay in full or make payments throughout the semester.