beware of horses, i mean a horse is a hose of course but who rides is important

by Mrs. Claudine Mertz Sr. 9 min read

What is a a horse?

A horse is a horse, of course, of course—except when it isn’t Analysis of ancient DNA reveals a previously unrecognized genus of extinct horses that once roamed North America November 28, 2017 By Tim Stephens

When is a horse not a horse?

A horse is a horse, of course, of course—except when it isn’t. Analysis of ancient DNA reveals a previously unrecognized genus of extinct horses that once roamed North America. November 28, 2017.

What happens when you hose off a horse?

As you hose off your horse, heat is lost due to evaporative cooling. Heat is also lost by conduction, as long as the water temperature is cooler than his body surface. Hosing down your horse is an effective cooling method because heat is transferred from the horse's muscles and skin to the water, which is then removed to cool the horse.

Is it safe to hose down a hot horse with cold water?

The facts: Research shows that hosing your hot horse down with cold water doesn't cause any ill effects. The colder the water, the more conduction heat loss occurs.

What does DNA from an ancient horse's foot suggest?

DNA from an ancient horse’s foot suggests horses have been horses for a long time.

Why is the Thistle Creek horse bone not carbon-14?

The Thistle Creek horse bone was not tested for the presence of carbon-14 because Willerslev thought the location of the bone in the permafrost showed it was of “infinite radiocarbon date” 7 and therefore too old to have any carbon-14 remaining in it. The foot bone was assigned an age based on radiometric dating of the host tephra, volcanic ash in which the horse was buried.

What is the oldest sample of horse foot DNA?

Before the Thistle Creek horse foot’s genome was sequenced, the oldest sample to have its DNA successfully sequenced was a polar bear jaw deemed to be 130,000 years old. The jaw’s age was “stratigraphically validated.” In other words, its age was based on the usual radiometric dating assumptions applied to geologic strata in the vicinity of the fossilized jaw as well as the unverifiable assumptions used to calibrate infrared stimulated luminescence dating of the sediment around the fossil. 4

How long ago did horses evolve?

Applying these assigned dates to what is believed about the age of the oldest horse in the fossil record (2.0 million years), 8 the investigators extrapolate backward through time to assert that a common ancestral horse evolved 4 million years ago . That they make this calculation by choosing assumptions that fit their presuppositions is illustrated by their statement that “Calibrations resulting in divergence times younger than the Thistle Creek bone age were rejected.” 9 And having selected the calibration that provides internally consistent results, they write, “Our result indicates that the evolutionary timescale for the origin of contemporary equid diversity is at least twice that commonly accepted.” 10 The circular reasoning underlying these dates is evident.

Where is the Przewalski horse from?

Named after Russian explorer Nikolai Przhevalsky, Equus ferus przewalskii is native to the Mongolian steppes. Becoming extinct in the wild in the 1960s, the horse has been reintroduced through successful breeding programs. Though it has one more pair of chromosomes than the modern domestic horse, their offspring are fertile. Experts debate whether the Przewalski’s horse diverged from a common ancestor with modern domestic horses or later from the line of domestic horses themselves. Comparison of the Thistle Creek horse DNA with that of modern domestic breeds and Przewalski’s horses suggests the Thistle Creek horse antedated their divergence from each other.

Is a horse with three toes the same as a donkey?

These findings confirm what was already clear on the basis of both the Bible and biology: Zebras, horses, ponies, and donkeys are of the same created kind. Though we don’t have any three-toed horses around today to cross-breed with the one-toed variety, creation scientists consider a horse with three toes to still be a horse, a variant of the original created kind. 2 In fact, the fossil record has revealed evidence of a single-toed and a three-toed horse found together.

Is Hyracotherium an ancestral horse?

The Hyracotherium, purported to be an ancestral horse by evolutionists, is neither a horse or ancestral to horses, however. See “ What’s Happened to the Horse? ”

Who is Vernhardur's horse?

Vernhardur is in love with vodka and the horse Jarpur loves Vernhardur, his master. Aboard a Russian trawler is a mate by the name of Gengis (who doesn't have vodka but loves horses like Jarpur). This is not going to end well.

Who made the movie "Of Horses and Men"?

Blessed with Bergsteinn Björgúlfsson's magnificent cinematography and David Thor Jonsson's lively musical score, Of Horses and Men is a compellingly peculiar movie which highlights the animal within all of us (and occasionally depicts men who, in their desperation to survive, must depend on their horses). The film was made with a large cast of horse lovers and horse owners who are completely unknown to movie buffs.

Who created the puppets for War Horse?

Using life-sized puppets created by Cape Town, South Africa's famed Handspring Puppet Company, the Royal National Theatre's 2007 world premiere production of War Horse thrilled audiences. The intense flexibility and appeal of the production's puppets created a magical experience which subsequently toured the world. In the following clip, a member of the Handspring Puppet Company explains how the puppet for Joey the Horse functions.

Who is the Icelandic actor who is a horse farmer?

An Icelandic actor and stage director turned film director, Erlingsson's directorial debut shows evidence of an extremely dark sense of humor combined with a lifelong love of horses (he got his first horse when he was 16 years old as part of his salary for working as a "harvest boy" on a horse farm in the highlands of northern Iceland). "To work with horses was amazingly easy," he confesses. "And, of course, they are not in any union, which made the producer very happy."

Who made the movie Little Block of Cement with Disheveled Hair Containing the Sea?

Written, produced, and directed by Jorge López Navarrete, Little Block of Cement With Disheveled Hair Containing The Sea offers a resounding yes to those questions. An essentially plotless film, Navarrete's short is all about coexisting in nature. His work should not be seen as a stereotypical film about animals bearing heavy anthropomorphic messages, but rather as a wilderness tone poem of exquisite simplicity. As the filmmaker explains:

Do animals have more expressive qualities than other animals?

Some animals seem more expressive than others. Some have physiques that inspire artists more than others. To me, one of the most impressive mammals can not only be seen throughout the animal kingdom, but throughout popular culture as well.

Who is the new horse named after?

The team named the new horse after Richard Harington, emeritus curator of Quaternary Paleontology at the Canadian Museum of Nature in Ottawa. Harington, who was not involved in the study, spent his career studying the ice age fossils of Canada’s North and first described the stilt-legged horses in the early 1970s.

Where are stilt-legged horses found?

The new findings, published November 28 in the journal eLife,are based on an analysis of ancient DNA from fossils of the enigmatic "New World stilt-legged horse" excavated from sites such as Natural Trap Cave in Wyoming, Gypsum Cave in Nevada, and the Klondike goldfields of Canada’s Yukon Territory.

Is a horse a horse?

A horse is a horse, of course, of course—except when it isn’t

Why do horses need to be hossed down?

Hosing down your horse is an effective cooling method because heat is transferred from the horse's muscles and skin to the water, which is then removed to cool the horse.

How does a horse stay cool?

Your horse has several ways to stay cool. Some of the heat is transferred to the air exiting his lungs. The remainder is carried to the skin surface by the bloodstream. Blood vessels very close to the surface of the skin dilate, and dissipate heat through conduction, convection, and evaporation.

How to beat heat on a horse?

Beating the heat involves water - both on the inside of your horse via drinking and on the outside of your horse via hosing down.

Why is it hard to work an overweight horse in heat?

Overweight horses will have a harder time dealing with the heat. The added body fat acts as insulation, trapping body heat and making it more difficult for the horse to cool off. Working an overweight horse in the heat is an excellent way to end up with a sick animal.

Why do horses get hot?

Horses suffering excessive heat stress may experience a drop in blood pressure leading to hypotension, plus colic and renal failure. First, horses are larger and have a higher percentage of active muscle than people do during exercise. When muscles are being used, they produce a lot of heat. Your horse has several ways to stay cool.

Why do horses go off feed?

Some horses will go off feed if they get too hot. This can be a problem if the horse is too thin or is losing weight due to the heat - they can't gain if they don't eat. In addition, the digestion of feed results in the generation of body heat, and some feeds generate more heat than others.

How long does it take for a horse to get hot?

Horses feel the heat much worse than we do.". It takes only 17 minutes of moderate intensity exercise in hot, humid weather to raise a horse's temperature to dangerous levels. That's three to 10 times faster than in humans. And the effects can be serious.

Why is the Trojan Horse the source of the warning?

Examples: Because it was through the belly of the Trojan Horse that Greeks were able to sneak into Troy, the Trojan Horse is the source of the warning: Beware of Greeks bearing gifts .

What is the Trojan Horse?

The Trojan Horse is a crafty contraption that allowed the Greeks to put an end to the 10-year-old Trojan War.

Why did the Trojans move the horse into the city?

When the Trojans saw the giant wooden horse and the departing Greek troops, they thought the wooden horse was a parting gift for the gods, so most of them wanted to wheel it into their city . The decision to move the Trojan Horse into the city was opposed by Cassandra, the prophetess whose fate was never to be believed, and Laocoon, ...

What happened to the Trojan horse?

When the Trojans passed out or fell asleep, the Greeks climbed down from the belly of the Trojan Horse, opened the city gates and ushered the rest of the troops into the city. The Greeks then sacked, destroyed, and burned Troy. Also Known As: The horse, the wooden horse.