best course for students who failed usmle

by Rickey Runolfsson 5 min read

Which is the best USMLE Step 1 prep course?

Jan 04, 2022 · A Full List of Every USMLE Prep Course Worth Considering; Full Reviews of the Best LSAT Prep Courses. 1. Kaplan USMLE Prep Course Review; 2. SMASH USMLE Prep Course Review; 3. Pass Program USMLE Prep Course Review; 4. Board Vitals USMLE Prep Course Review; 5. Lecturio USMLE Prep Course Review

What is the difference between passing and failing the USMLE Step 1?

Jul 11, 2019 · In all of these situations our tutors recommend either a USMLE Step 1 course or private USMLE tutoring or coaching. The bottom line is that there are many different reasons students don’t pass USMLE Step 1 on their first try. Be honest with yourself and know that pinpointing the honest and exact reasons you failed on your first try can be the difference …

How many questions are on the USMLE Step 2 CK?

Jan 04, 2022 · Course Details. If you plan on preparing for both USMLE Step 2 CK and Step 1, SMASH recently released a 4-week Live Hybrid USMLE Masterclass for $997. For the thoroughest of studiers, SMASH offers private tutoring as well for either $100 or $250 an hour depending on whether or not you want Dr. Adesina to be your tutor.

Should you take the USMLE pass program?

There is a frenzy among your classmates, and competition is at an all-time high. Everyone is using different resources. The older students are full of advice, often unsolicited. In an era when most of the basic science classes in medical school are pass/fail, studying for USMLE Step 1 plays a powerful role in your future residency application.

How DO I study after failing Step 1?

What to Do if You Need to Retake USMLE Step 1:Contact your school. ... Regain your composure. ... Ask for help. ... Try different study tactics. ... Avoid common mistakes while studying for Step 1. ... Be realistic when planning your next attempt at Step 1. ... Toughen up.Dec 6, 2021

What happens if you fail the USMLE?

After your first failed attempt, you may retake the exam twice within one year. If you don't pass on your third attempt, you will have to wait six months to retake the exam. That fourth attempt must also be more than a year after the date you first took the exam.

What percentage of people fail USMLE?

How Many People Fail Step 1 Every Year?Step 1 Passing Rates20172020DO Degree Passing %95%95%DO Fails*192264IMGs Examinations17,20313,117IMGs Passing %73%83%11 more rows

DO students fail USMLE?

Students can retake the exam a maximum of four times in a 12-month period. Last year, roughly 4% of DO student exam takers failed USMLE Step 1 on their first attempt.Jul 17, 2019

Which USMLE step is the hardest?

Unofficially, people have claimed USMLE Step 1 is the most difficult and important of the 3-part USMLE series.Feb 24, 2022

How many times can you fail USMLE?

What is the USMLE policy on attempt limits? The total number of attempts allowed per Step is four (4). Examinees who have attempted any USMLE Step (including Step 2 CS) four or more times and have not passed are ineligible to apply for USMLE Steps.

Can I retake USMLE Step 1 if I fail?

You can retake USMLE Step 1 up to six times if you've failed. You can take Step 1 a maximum of three times within a span of 12 months. Your fourth attempt and any beyond that must be at least 12 months after your first attempt. Also, they must be at least six months after your third attempt.

Is USMLE hard than NEET?

NEET PG is the exam that stays valid in India, and USMLE is for countries like US....USMLE Vs NEET PG EXAM PLANNING.USMLE Step 1$630USMLE Step 2 (Clinical Knowledge)$630USMLE Step 2 (Clinical Skills)$1290USMLE Step 3$875NEET PGINR 5,015 (including GST) for General CategoryMay 13, 2021

Is USMLE tough for Indian students?

This exam is highly competitive (Though much easier than Indian NEET PG!). The exam is online and can be given from India. However, the course contents are quite different than the 19 subjects taught to you while pursuing MBBS in India. There are 3 different ways to prepare for USMLE exams.

Is USMLE easy to pass?

The passing score is 194, a slight increase from 192 in 2017. Despite the reputation of the USMLE Step 1 as one of the world's most difficult exams, US and Canadian candidates secured a 94% pass rate in 2018.Jan 28, 2021

What percentage of medical students pass USMLE?

Step 2 CKExaminees from US/Canadian Schools2018 - 2019 Number Tested2018 - 2019 Percent PassingMD Degree21,72197%1st Takers21,09398%Repeaters**62872%DO Degree3,47697%3 more rows

Can you fail residency?

After failing to match with a residency, many graduates will complete a year of research or a fifth year of medical school before applying again, while others opt to join the “Dropout Club” and leave their intended profession entirely for another career path.Dec 23, 2016

Do I need a USMLE prep course?

Yes. Just like you needed a prep course to study for the MCAT, you will also need a prep course for each step of the USMLE. There are a number of e...

How much does a USMLE prep course cost?

USMLE review courses can cost anywhere from just over $100 all the way up to $6,000. These courses vary widely in features, scope of study material...

Will a USMLE prep course help me pass?

Yes. Every year, thousands of med school students make the mistake of relying solely on their class work or clinical experience to help prepare the...

What is the advantage of the USMLE?

The other major advantage of Achievable USMLE prep program is their utilization of short, bite-sized lessons. As most med school students take the USMLE Step 1 exam during their second or third year of medical school (MS2 or MS3), life can be pretty hectic while you’re studying.

How many hours of video lessons are there for the USMLE?

They offer over 450 hours of on demand video lessons, as well as 4,000+ practice questions and explanations. The video lessons are led their founder Dr. Adeleke Adesina, who has been teaching to the USMLE for about a decade and has a clear mastery of the material that is tested on all steps of the exam.

What is the USMLE 2021?

Verified by Peter Bailey, MD. The USMLE is a series of grueling, high-stakes exams, and your career as a doctor rides on nailing each step. In fact, your Step 1 score (soon to be pass/fail) often determines your residency match. As such, choosing the right prep course for your USMLE studies can often be ...

What is a pass program?

PASS Program was founded nearly 25 years ago as a live on-site, fully immersive prep course. The idea was to offer a bootcamp style prep option, allowing students to get in, cram hard for a few weeks, and nail the exam so they could move on with their medical schooling and career.

How long is the Pass program?

PASS Program offers the most immersive and hands-on experience in USMLE prep. For 5 to 12 weeks (depending on which course option you go with), you’re going to meet Monday through Friday for 8 hours per day of lectures, content review, practice problem sessions, and more.

How many volumes are in Step 1?

Step 1 students will receive a 7-volume set, Step 2 students a 5-volume set, and Step 3 students a thinner 2-volume set. In addition, Step 2 students get a handy review book, which boils all of the Step 2 content down to a manageable cram book. These books are absolutely fantastic.

How many hours does Step 1 class last?

In total, Step 1 students will enjoy over 270 hours of live class time, while Step 2 students get 210 hours, and Step 3 students will meet for around 100 hours. This is a massive resource for those students that need the accountability and commitment that comes with scheduled, live classes.

What is the USMLE exam?

The United States Medical Licensing Examination ( USMLE) is one of the major milestones for a career in healthcare. Passing the USMLE Step 1 is required to be a licensed physician in the U.S., and around 98% of residency programs require students to achieve a passing grade to be eligible to work for them. However, the test is also considered quite ...

Why is USMLE prep important?

But USMLE test prep is an important part of making sure that you can pass the test and take the next step in your career. Two of the most important things to look for when deciding which prep course is right for you are adaptable formats and schedules that fit your needs and the availability of personalized instruction.

What is a pass program?

PASS Program provides test prep for Step 1 and Step 2 of the USMLE. This company offers both live online classes, on-demand instruction, and in-person classes so you can choose a prep style that works the best for you. Questions are encouraged for more interactive classes and information is broken down to make the large volume of information more accessible for study. There are 5- and 12-week programs available, and these generally run five days a week from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., with a lunch break and another 20-minute break. On-site students also get unlimited access to the computer lab during regular hours and recorded lectures for at-home study.

How long is the Boardvitals free trial?

BoardVitals offers a 10-day free trial that gives you limited access (30 questions) so you can make sure the course will work for you. They have three plans designed around how much time you have to prep. The Master plan is for those who have at least six months to devote to prep and includes a 100% pass guarantee and the ability to ask medical experts content-specific questions. The Prepare plan can be completed in three months and the Cram plan in one month, and both offer access to more than 3,300 questions, detailed explanations, and an exam blueprint.

Will the USMLE pass the step 1 test in 2022?

As of January 2022, the USMLE will be transitioning to pass/fail grading for Step 1 tests, so you may not be able to look at gain in score points to tell if the prep was worth it. However, anytime you are more prepared for a test, in both subject matter and the practical skills needed, the better you will do.

Does USMLE have accommodations?

The USMLE does provide accommodations for those with disabilities in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). However, you must submit the request for accommodations with appropriate documentation and wait to be approved before scheduling your test date.

How long is the USMLE exam?

The United States Medical Licensing Examination, or USMLE Step 1, is a day-long examination that is divided into seven 60-minute blocks and administered in one eight-hour testing period. The exam consists of 280 multiple choice questions and is considered to be one of the hardest tests in med school. Additionally, many elite residency programs use ...

What is Kaplan test prep?

Kaplan test prep is one of the most trusted names in the test prep business. Founded in 1938, Kaplan makes no exception for its USMLE Step 1 prep course that has offerings for every type of budget. One thing Kaplan features that no other USMLE test prep does is their “Excellent” Trustpilot score of over 2,500 reviews.

Why are questions asked in live training?

To prevent passive learning, questions are often asked by instructors in the live training, and students are encouraged to ask questions of their own. To make the retention of large amounts of information more manageable, topics are designed to teach one major concept, as well as many smaller ones.

What is the USMLE step 1?

Simply, the USMLE is a standardized test and does what all other standardized tests are intended to do, create and hold students to a standard of knowledge. For medical students and the USMLE, said “standard of knowledge” tends to be quite high.

How many people take USMLE Step 1?

If you’re someone who falls within that 4% and didn’t pass on your first try, you should know that each year over 20,000 people take USMLE Step 1. That means even within that 4%, you are certainly not alone. In fact, there are at least 800 other students in your ...

Do medical students have to be in contact with administrators?

If you’re a current medical student, you’re likely already in contact with medical school administrators. They may lay out many of the parameters regarding time off and your retake timeline and can also be a good resource in terms of suggestions about preparing and what other students in similar situations have done.

1. Kaplan USMLE

Kaplan USMLE is the largest prep course provider in the world and has material for just about every different type of standardized test. For their USMLE Step 2 CK prep material, they have a variety of different options to fit just about any type of budget in the form of practice questions, on-demand videos, or instructor-led courses.


SMASH has been used by over 10,000 students and has a 4.5 out of five-star rating on Trustpilot. The founder, Dr. Adeleke Adesina has taught USMLE board prep for over 10 years and is the person who gives the instruction in the prep course videos.

3. Pass Program USMLE

Pass Program started in Champaign, IL in 1996. They have served over 10,000 students and a 4.5 out of 5-star rating on Trustpilot. For USMLE Step 2 CK PASS offers a variety of different options, ranging from in-person classes to on-demand video lectures.

4. BoardVitals USMLE

Having trained over 400k practitioners, BoardVitals is not only the most affordable USMLE Step 2 prep course we reviewed, but they also offer a 100 percent pass guarantee across all their material.

Frequently Asked Questions About The USMLE

It costs $940 for test registration and there is an $80 fee for extension of eligibility.

Bottom Line

As evidenced in the pricing, practitioners take the USMLE Step 2 very seriously as your path to becoming a physician depends on it. Every course we reviewed is a viable option to help you pass.

What happens if you fail Step 1?

If you have failed Step 1, realize that you are not alone! Some simple calculations reveal that in 2018 over 3,800 students who attempted Step 1 for the first time failed. Many students who have failed Step 1 on their first attempt will go on to repeat the exam after making some changes to their study strategy.

Do international medical students fail step 1?

While it is reassuring to see that students with DO degrees and international medical graduates are now more likely to pass Step 1 with their first attempt, many students, both US and international, continue to fail Step 1. If you have failed Step 1, realize that you are not alone! Some simple calculations reveal that in 2018 over 3,800 students ...

Is USMLE step 1 a race?

USMLE Step 1 is a marathon, not a race. Ideally, students should begin studying for the exam during their first day of class in their first year of medical school. Admittedly, this probably doesn’t happen with most students. However, by the time that students are halfway through their pre-clinical time ...
